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Defending Yourself vs Fighting

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If you don't want to fight and somebody insist, then you are defending yourself.


The alternative is consensual fighting where an agreement has been made to fight.


It is only when two fighters are equally willing and both being experienced and trained for a fight, then it probably is a fight..


Being trained in self defence is not the same as being trained to fight.


This is where training sessions are important factors in knowing which way of being trained is important to know as this aspect can easily be overlooked.


Those that practice self defence are not likely to condition themselves for likely events, whereas a fighter is constantly becoming more conditioned and effective in this respect.


As the problem arises when a person trained in self defence, is required, for some reason or another, find them selves in a position to go head to head with a fighter.


Consentualy fighting, where one is a fighter and one is not is another case of self defence.


There is plenty of evidence, on video, that this is happening very frequently in bouts, where it is apparent that one is a fighter and the other thinks that they are.



This for me is disturbing, because watching people becoming beaten due to being taught martial arts out of context.


Martial arts and combat sports are two very different things, as self defence (virtual) scenario practice is another.


Being very clear about what is being practiced, shouldn't be an issue but it is.


As there is no strict requirements or regulations on calling combat sports a martial art, that includes self defence, therfore it is very vague on whatever is being taught, is being labelled correctly.


My advice is this:


knowing your craft


Understand your training and what it is for


Recognising is your training for fitness purposes or conditioning for fighting


Yes you can be both, in it for the fitness and conditioning aspects but are you willing and confident to fight efficiently while being struck by another person?


It is absolutely fine to practice martial arts, the question is whether you have given plenty of thought towards understanding the realty and virtual combat purposes in your training methods.


Defending one's self contains a different set of strategies than it is for combat purposes.


The idea hear is, to see the difference between knowing if what your training is reality based or virtual reality; as many people cannot understand the difference between the two.


As feeling like a fighter is not the same as being one.


Ask yourself honestly, am I a fighter?


If you are a fighter, then fight but if you're told to fight and have been learning something else, then watch out, as you will be probably be trying to defend yourself...inappropriately.


As self defence is a minefield of opinions, that differ tremendously, depending on who you are asking.


Self defence is a highly controversial subject.


However and please correct me if I am wrong, that self defence is a highly specialised specific type of martial art combat skill, that is especially designed and required for military field operations and security task force agencies.


Where these individuals not only know how to fight but are also capable of defending themselves without doubts or hesitations.


What is your profession?



Be very clear on this aspect of what you are training for, you need to know and the only way is to evaluate what you see, is without clouded judgements of any kind.


A helpful saying;


"Train the way you fight and fight the way train"




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To me, self defense is what you use and learn to prepare yourself against an unplanned criminal assault. I agree with your assessment that most fighting is consensual.

If my survival means your total destruction, then so be it.

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  • 7 months later...

Being trained to fight incurs self defense.

What is important in law enforcement is that we remain ready.

Ready for action.

Ready for whatever it takes.

I prefer self defense, but for whatever reason it does not appeal to us.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Fighting is going into some form of altercation, be it prearranged with rules or not, with the intent of dominating someone; beating them; either until they are unconscious or unable to continue, or ruled otherwise if an official is present.

Self-defense is about de-escalating a situation to the point to avoid confrontation, or execute your techniques and tactics to the point that you can safely get away from your attacker. The point is to survive with minimal injury (or unscathed) and get to safety, not necessarily render the attacker unconscious (although this would be acceptable).

Law Enforcement, on the other hand, is required to apprehend and take into custody. We don't always have the option to retreat.

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