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Learning" that for instance "Bong Sao" AKA the Chicken "Wing" "deflecting" Arm manouevre, is only one (of many) as an introduction to the concept of 'flanking', in the first form of "Sil lim Tao" The Way of the little idea; all and each other terms need to be explored independently and indeed individually, towards "becoming" fully aware of their deepest "meanings"


"Emphasizing" on one for example (of many) "exploring" and "investigating": Bong sau and "Flanking" Concepts:


"Flanking" must be one of the most important concepts in strategic "thinking" in small battles or all out war.


"Going" head to head is a good enough strategy when much stronger than the opponent, whereas "flanking" is a good choice to make when less likely to win head on.


"Wing" Chun's M.O. is a head on forward "facing" system also "including" (Yin/Yang) and on the flipside is "flanking" which doesn't mean opposites but similar to the changes or gradations of light to dark and back to light again, whereas "utilising" all sides when needed.


"Being" more than one way to prepare chicken "wings", as there are also many types of "wings" which indicates that there are many ways to flank the opponent as with the arm, knee, leg or body and from many different angles; "flanking" on each or on one side.


"Maximizing" by "using" Synonyms: Side / Edge / Rim / Bound / Line / Border / Fringe / Skirt / Situated along / Surround / Circle / Ring / Circumscribe / Verge / Margins / Brim / Brink / Bank / Boundary / Perimeter / Periphery / Limits / Flank


1) Side stepping: Avoiding / Dodging / Circumventing / Skirting / Evading / Shunning / Steering clear


2) Side tracking: Distracting / Diverting / Deflecting / Drawing away


3) Taking sides: Supporting / Favouring / Preferring / Allying


4) Side ways: Crabwise / Sidelong / Obliquely / Laterally / Indirectly / Edgeways


"Wing" for a person it is the shoulder or sides of the ribs.


"Flanking" definition; to be on the side of someone or something.


"Flanking" = C'ey'i


"Meanings" Bong:


(numbers in list are "representing" tones in Cantonese)




"to help"




Group, Gang












Shoulder/Upper arm


Valuable, Strong, Excellent, Good




"to be close to"


To depend on/To draw near


Evening/Rely on


"Depending" on the tones used, the sound will have a different "meaning", Cantonese "having" six tones as (1) being the highest and (6) being the lowest) in actuality there are more than 9 tones in Cantonese but many dictionaries only use 6.


"Defining" a few of these Cantonese definitions, should help the person using a Bong, to gain a deeper "understanding" of why it is named as it is, as they all relate to being helpful.


"Assiting" assistant = Bong(1) Hand, Arm = sau(2)


As a Bong is very useful as an assistant, that can be relied upon for both "attacking" and "defending" strategies.


Bong sau oftentimes referred to as the "Emergency Bong Sau"


Paau Bong, is a "Casting" / "Throwing" out bong, with a little luck it could land as an elbow strike!


-While on the contrary "having" your "wings" clipped-


"Using" a Wrong bong (Bong Chor Sau) is when it is used incorrectly, (used in a fixed position or "crossing" the centre line, where the opponent can easily flank the bong) with the opponent oftentimes using it as a bridge or handle, "Capitalizing" on the mistake, therefore it is better not to gamble as "un-controlling" "fluttering" wings equates to "crashing" and "losing" miserably.


The Bong sau is (second) one of the three pillars or families of Wing Chun (contacting with the little finger side of the wrist or arm) Tan and Fook being the other two, where all other hand movements or shapes belong to one of the three.


Bong sau is the open elbow out movement with the Tan sau being the opposite closed in elbow; both often used in chi sau/sticky hands practice.


Bong sau, with the elbow out, is the "contradicting" movement against the Wing Chun M.O. of elbows in.


-Wings perform most effectively when they are in pairs-


"Pairing" Bong:


1) High Bong, should be used in conjunction with a Wu/rear guarding hand.


2) Low Bongs can be used together but usually high ones.


3) Bong sau/Wing arm also Bong gerk/Wing leg.


4) Boon Tan Bong; half "dispersing" half "flanking. AKA Kwan Sau.


"Utilising" "W-ings" to be useful, they need to open, extend, stretch and unfold, beating as fast as required; this includes opponent's: Bong2 = upper arm and shoulder / wing of a bird.


This is part of a larger topic: The "ing" in Wing Chun Kung Fu



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