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Very New and Wondering if MA is the way to go for Me

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Pyros- thank you for your reply, I appreciate it......yes, I know that Karate is not the be all and end all, in the end it is ultimately up to Me to help Myself.....I was merely wondering if taking it would give Me the self discipline and motivation I am in dire need of.....


karatekid-thank you for your reply...smiles......My self-esteem is pretty good, believe it or not....of course, I can't stand the site of Myself in front of a mirror, but ultimately, I know that I'm a smart person and a good person......I'm just honest....I'm cute, but I'm also much to fat for My 5'2 frame....that needs to change....I was never a trouble maker......just a pot head...*soft chuckles*.....Depression......Yes.....I've heard severeal on these forums going on about how they didnt' lose weight, just fat.....now, this concerns Me, somewhat......I am big enough, I don't want to get bigger with muscle mass.....I don't know if I mentioned this, but I'm female.....I want to look lean and trim....


Pacific-.....yes, I am on a journey to rediscover My life...I am in major need of a change....I'm not happy, I know I'm not happy, and My laziness and lack of motivation is really beginning to grate on My nerves...I find Myself annoyed with Myself....I start a diet and don't stick to it....I start walking and don't stick to it......course, I'm in Jersey and I'm not too fond of walking in weather that's freezing....but, could that just be yet another excuse?....I, too, was concerned that there might be some "catch" to the three month free deal.......My brother assures Me that the guy is very nice, he seems him all the time.....but, well, when I hear three months free, I get to thinking, is this dojo going out of business?.....nothing in life is free.....so, I'm just gonna stop by and talk to the guy....perhaps I'll do it today on the way to the post office to send out some grad school applications....oh, and thank you for your reply....smiles


rabid- thank you for your reply...and yes, that is what I was thinking....what do I have to lose?......providing there are no "catches" to the three month deal


freestyler-thank you for your reply.....hmm.....very good questions.....I want to learn both self defense and fitness....I want to kick and punch.....nods....grapple?.....I am going to assume that means rolling around on the floor, almost like wrestling style as opposed to the hook thing the ninja ppl do.....I'm not into that.....what is the difference between internal and external style?.....thank you for the link, I will be checking it out....basically, I want to learn the kicking and punching...the blocking.....I'd love to learn how to use weapons....such as nunchuka, sai, bo....I'd also like to learn the throwing weapons...when I was younger, I used to play with nunchuka....nearly knocked Myself out.....course, I was young and stupid and didnt' realize they made foam ones to practice with....I also had throwing knives and stars...but, wasn't terribly good with them....had no proper technique.....I was happy if I could get it to stick in the piece of wood I was throwing it at....grins....


Doug-thank you for your reply....yes, I know that it won't make Me quit My vices.....hell, if I'm honest, which I usually am, I don't particularly want to give up the pot.....not that I'm advocating it for all you younger ppl......*eyes ya all*....drugs are bad....*nods*......but, I would like to quit smoking cigarettes....I've smoked half My life and I can't even run half a mile....I'm hoping that when I get into MA, it will help force Me to force Myself to quit....due to the frustrations of not being able to keep up and advance....My brother is a smoker and this guy has assured him that with three months wtih him, he'll no longer smoke......I'm glad to hear I'm not too old, not to out of shape and not too inflexible....though, I can't even touch My toes....


Kickchick-thank you for the reply and thank you for the welcome......pleasure to meet you.....*soft smiles*......I've been reading the forums and you seem to be the one to come to whenever there is a question in need of answering....so, I appreciate yer reply to Me.....yes, I want to change My life and I'm glad you agree that MA could be just the thing I need to help Me do it....I realize that change doesn't happen overnight.....but, I also know Myself....I do quite a bit of self analyzing...must be that psychology background...*smiles*....I need something outside of Myself to motivate, b/c I have no motivation anymore....and no, you don't come across as lecturing....not at all.....I realize that I need to train outside of the lessons.....what I hope is that the lessons give Me the motivation to train MORE at home....like, ok, I'm not going to stay in bed today, I'm going to get up and work out b/c if I work out and I stretch, I will be more limber and will get in better shape so that when I go back for another lesson, I can do better.....I've been dieting on and off for years....teh only one that really works for Me....providing I stick to it and keep My motivation and disciple up, is the atkins diet.....no carbs.....slims Me down nicely.....when I stick to it.....which, admittedly, hasn't happened in quite some time....I need a lifestyle change.....I've been through the health and fitness forum......found it beneficial.....*nods*....but, I do want to lose the fat.....I don't mean to be crude, but I'd like to be able to look down My stomach and see My crotch w/out sucking My stomach in......I think I could achieve that with the proper training routine and nutrition...you really nailed it...I know I shouldn't be eating past 6 at night...and what do I do?...eat past 6...*nods*....not good.....just need something more then My own unhappiness to motivate Me out of this rut....as you've said, I've nothing to lose, so I will indeed give this an honest try


monkeygirl-...thank you for your reply......you sure yer only 15 years old?...*grins*.....you've recommended some very good strategies for maintaining and excelling at goals set...thank you.....you seem to be the only one that picked up on the social circle bit too.....I'm tired of sitting in front of this computer...and My other friends only ever want to go out to the bars....not My thing......so, yes, hopefully, I can make some new friends through this and find someone I can hang out and train with....


I'd like to thank you all for your input....it is so nice to see ppl ready and willing to help encourage another....I will keep you all updated and will be perusing the forums regularly.....once again, thanks.....

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shotochem.........missed ya when I was writing out that lenghty reply......thank you very much for your input....and yes, I agree....I just need to say enough is enough........which I am saying....*nods*.....now, I just need to stick to it....I'm just hoping that having something else to do a few nights a week....something healthy, as opposed to hanging around bars....will aid Me in the self discipline and motivation I seek......smiles
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You won't build bodybuilder muscles with martial arts classes. You get trim and toned, like you took a good power aerobics class. You will only look better, don't worry.


External arts tend to be more physical. They are easier at first to learn and apply but they need more speed and strength that will diminish when you get old. An extreme example is Thai Boxing.


Internal arts tend to be more subtle and technical. They take more time to learn so it'll work in real life (say five years of internal arts, say one year for external arts, for you to get basic self defence skills that may come from the blue when you get jumped). As they rely less on physical attributes, you tend to keep the skills when you're nearing a hundred years old. An extreme example is Tai Chi (not just the morning exercise but trained with the traditional combat side included).

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i started off to a similar situation to you. 18 months ago i decided to lose weight - i'm now 25 yo and at 5'2", 30kg's lighter (currently 69kg). i started muay thai training 2 months ago and have had no prior martial arts experience (or understanding)...


i used to smoke cigarettes too but now only smoke pot and have been a daily user for the past 3 years...i still drink now and then (a couple of beers a week) but try to make it on an off day when i'm not eating too much junk food. i also drink 2-3L of water a day (used to hate water when i was bigger) and now do some form of training 5-6 days a week.


during the 18 months, i concentrated on fat loss and muscle tone. only way to do it is eat well, input should be less than output and regular weight-training. the other important thing that allowed me to reach the turning point (where i realised that my diet/exercise program is actually going to work) was through a long process of self-acceptance and learning to love myself no matter what size i am. also, I was always uncoordinated, not flexible and always terribly favoured my right side over my left. through a combination of the weight-training and yoga, i'm now working through this and my coordination and LR balance is now very much improved.


good luck with your efforts Inquisitive!




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In many ways martial arts training is a journey. It is a different and unique experience for everyone. There are some common experiences many have. For me the biggest thing was the way my training helped me pull myself out of one of the darkest periods of my life.
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Inquisitive wrote:



I'm female also. What I ment about gaining muscle wasn't in the way of "body building." I was a weakling, no strength at all. But MA changed that. Yes, I have more muscle and strength, but it's not in the way of "bulky muscle." I'm more "lean." Well, except for my "beer gut" LOL. If you want to lost fat, try cardio training as well as MA. They go great together. Kickchick will tell you that I'm sure :) I hope this helps.

Laurie F

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Welcom aboard. I have a lot of suggestions that I could make, but I am a little pressed for time. IF you want, go ahead and email me at chuanfa_sifu@yahoo.com. I would be more than happy to answer any question Ican. This is not some cheap pick up attempt. I am just serious about helping anyone who is looking to get into martial arts. Thanks

If my survival means your total destruction, then so be it.

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