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What animal are you?

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I think some people here have been playing the Bloody Roar series a little much - LOL.[\quote]


A bit after my time - I was into Mortal Kombat. I remember it well......."SUB ZERO WINS......ANIMALITY"


Hee hee.........turning into a polar bear..........hee hee........Hold Block F F D I think

"You Are Never Given A Dream Without Also Being Given The Power To Make It True. You May Have To Work For It, However"

Principal Kobudo Instructor & Owner

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Porcupine, mole and bat...*shrugs* I didn't read the desc...it's too late and im tired lol Ill do it tomorrow, but thanks for the site.

"Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make" -Bruce Leehttp://www.myvidtodvd.com/mysmilies/otn/other/leseratte.gif

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This is funny I am an elephant.




Genera and species: Loxodonta Africana


Collective Term: A herd of elephants




An elephant personality is a person whose deliberate movements exude confidence and calm in all aspects of his or her life. While maybe not the king of the animal word, it is surely a member of the royal family. With an imposing physical presence and kind, spiritual demeanor, it moves easily through life where few barriers can hold it back.


There's a touch of cool in the stoic elephant that's appealing and reassuring. In all probability this composure stems from the knowledge that they have no natural enemies; for even the lion and crocodile personalities pay homage by giving them a respectful berth. Only the unpredictable tiger has been known to trigger any semblance of anxiety in this otherwise fearless animal.


But even the sober elephant is prone to tantrums, proving to be enormously disagreeable if it believes it has been wronged. And for the record: elephants don't forget. Fortunately these moods are rare and confined mainly to the male of the species, but when an outburst does occur, all should evacuate the area until the drama has played itself out.


When elephants set their minds to something, they don't waver in their commitment until the task is complete. Their intelligence, combined with a formidable personality, gives them a terrific advantage in business and social affairs while their communication skills make them first-rate leaders. Trustworthy and honest, they always let others know where they stand with regard to their feelings.


Their vocal skills make them excellent singers and musicians, and their sober natures align them with the classical arts rather than contemporary music. In business, they are usually found in leadership roles as CEOs or company presidents. And although they're highly paid, they are never ostentatious with their wealth.


If you think that it's just the elephants' size that impresses its lovers, you'd be mistaken. Sure size matters, but it's more than just physical prowess that has given rise to the legend of the elephant lover. Certainly it isn't for their looks; elephants are somewhat underwhelming with their plain gray appearances -- it's because elephants are able to inject so much emotional and physic energy into a relationship that lovers find them so compelling.

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Genera and species: Panthera Leo


Collective Term: A pride of lions




The lion personality has the unmistakable presence of nobility. Moving with the unruffled calm of a cat and the dignified gait of someone in command, lions have no need to walk or talk quickly since they're never in danger of being ignored or marginalized. Every now and then, the lion will play to its gruff reputation by dramatically reprimanding a subordinate or impulsively making love to its partner with unsheathed claws. But underneath all its hissing and scratching it's still a pussycat at heart.


When a lion is hired into a new job, things immediately begin to change. Alliances are forged and old rules are thrown out without regard for the feelings of others. In short order, there is a new sense of direction and a tangible sense of confidence that percolates throughout the organization. Perhaps because of their powerful personalities, lions are not detail oriented, for the minutia of the mundane irritates the lion, who prefers to concentrates on the bigger picture, expecting its mate to do the 'trivial' tasks of shopping, housekeeping, and childrearing.


In business, the lion prefers to surround itself with animals beneath it in the food chain; offering leadership, strength and protection in exchange for loyalty and hard work. Realizing that its survival depends on these animals, it is protective and possessive with its employees, but at the end of the day, insists on taking the lion's share of the profits.


In bed, lions are ardent and spontaneous, and the lion's lover can look forward to being the object of a wonderfully intense desire. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm only lasts for a few minutes before a mighty roar signals the end of the performance. On the positive side of the ledger, lions display their admirable stamina by quickly regaining their animal passions.


There are only a few personality types that are able to withstand the pressures of marriage to a lion, and herbivores such as sheep, deer, sable, and bison are especially at risk of being mauled by its sharp wit and tongue. The lion is better served in sticking to relationships with larger carnivores like bears and tigers who can match the lion pound for pound.


Was there ever any doubt that I would be this great creature.......... :lol:


Yours in Aiki.

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Not convinced by the validity of this but it does say that I'm an owl.


How cool is that??


Genera and species: Tyto Alba


Collective Term: A parliament of owls


Careers: Head of state (!)


Aw, crap! We know I'm not allowed to be the Queen... :lol:


How about me replacing Tony Blair instead?

The best thing about being an adult is that you can run with scissors(!)

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I'm a warthog or possibly a rooster. I think more of a warthog because my hobbies/careers can include being a mercenary that likes hockey and occasionally tinkering around in the garden.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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