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The Spirit Of Fighting Is Fire

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Fire strategy:

In movies and the odd man out martial artist, the fire strategy has often been placed in the kitchen with the cook.

With the cook saying "I'm just the cook" yet is actually a martial art expert.

As the kitchen is a great place to understand the nature of fire and practice fire strategy knowingly or not.

There is alot of strategy when cooking as with the incorrect timing, everything can go disastrously wrong with novices, with overcooking some ingredients and under cooking others; in some circumstances catching the place on fire.

As many chiefs seem to prefer gas over electric due to better control over the stove temperature.

Could be easily related to sparring when turning up the heat on the opponent or de-escalating a possible volatile situation.

Also controlling speed, as to fast can be the same as to slow, using the correct time for cooking and sparring, they both need the same consideration.

The nature of fire is to change whatever it touches, be it for good or for bad.

As when two UFC fighters, full of fire meet, they end up rearranging each others facial features, with broken noses, black eyes and cauliflower ears, just for starters.

Fire is known to be the spirit of fighting, perhaps due to the pain that can be inflicted by the use of touching and the dangers associated with it.

"When playing with fire one is bound to get burned" Holding fireworks when they go off is one way.

Fire is also associated with surprise, as when touching fire it usually sparks a surprise.

Therefore the element of surprise is better suited to an array of surprise tactics.

Fire is also associated with opportunity and disaster, better to be on the opportunity side than not.

When sparring, make the most of your fire opportunities, if none create them; be a master of disaster, be creative, cook up a killer recipe for your opponent; of course not literally; please!

Are you all fired up to add some fuel to this top?

Is the element of fire associated to your martial arts, or perhaps you just never thought about it that way?

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Fire is life!! If one doesn't have that fire, then that individual isn't alive at all. Fire is an element that IS alive...it talks...it reasons...it attacks...it destroys...not in our language, but language enough that can't be ignored.

My MA betterment is on fire; it's alive, and it's like that unquenchable fire that spreads and consumes that which keeps it alive and increases the betterment of my MA betterment.

The fire within me will follow no set course, but it will make its own course, for its betterment. That fire within me will leap...dart...whatever it feels are necessary, for its own betterment.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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