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Hey guys, when u throw a thai roundhouse, do you throw one arm back for extra hip torque or do you just keep your arms where they are? i find that throwing your arm back helps with power but dun look as pretty...

"razor elbows, killer knees, iron fists and monster kicks"

"Nice punch!!!, now let's see how well you punch with a broken arm"

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I don't know much about Thai but if your facing a good striker you better keep it up.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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yes u swing the opposite arm back and swing the other one fowards, it helps give a little bit more power and rotation. it's really more about shoulder rotation than actual arm movement though


u still have 1 arm infront of ur face in a way so theres still a guard for u, and u lean back at about 45 degrees to make it harder for u to get hit

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  • 1 month later...
Hey guys, when u throw a thai roundhouse, do you throw one arm back for extra hip torque or do you just keep your arms where they are? i find that throwing your arm back helps with power but dun look as pretty...


No when we throw Thai round house kicks hands are always up near our face,always like that whether sparring or not.We still use our still hips though,like any other martial arts.


Think about it,if you drop your hands or throw one hand back while you do a kick or any technique, do you not think you'll get hammered in the face?I know if my opponent drops his hands I'm going to hit him in face.


I know in traditional martial arts like karate when punching they bring one hand back,which to be honest is stupid,good way of getting smoked in the head.Besides when a hand is coming from far back it can be obvious what he or she plans on doing.


I took karate for 12yrs.and have noticed huge difference with that and muay thai.


In muay thai you better keep your hands up,especially in countries that allow muay thai fighters to use their elbow strikes.

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I know in traditional martial arts like karate when punching they bring one hand back,which to be honest is stupid,good way of getting smoked in the head.Besides when a hand is coming from far back it can be obvious what he or she plans on doing.


I took karate for 12yrs.and have noticed huge difference with that and muay thai.

When I was originally taught Karate, they distinguished between the "training method" of throwing techniques, and the "fighting method". The first where you pull one hand back helps you appreciate how to build power through moving the whole body. The second, we were recommended to keep a guard arm near our head at all times.

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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I know in traditional martial arts like karate when punching they bring one hand back,which to be honest is stupid,good way of getting smoked in the head.Besides when a hand is coming from far back it can be obvious what he or she plans on doing.


I took karate for 12yrs.and have noticed huge difference with that and muay thai.

When I was originally taught Karate, they distinguished between the "training method" of throwing techniques, and the "fighting method". The first where you pull one hand back helps you appreciate how to build power through moving the whole body. The second, we were recommended to keep a guard arm near our head at all times.


I know I was taught both too,exactly why if you read my response correctly,I said what's the use of pulling your hands back in katas if you're never going to spar that way,so I do realize in karate they don't spar same way they do katas,that's my whole point.


I also realize you learn that pulling your hand back helps build power while moving the whole body,remember I did karate too,so I realize that.


But regardless of what you're taught about pulling hand back giving more power,it actually doesn't.It might feel as if it does but in reality it doesn't.


Speed breeds power right? So don't you think hands up in front of you would be more powerful,since it's easier and quicker to punch like that.


It's better to keep practicing sparring since you're not going to go into kata or karate stance anyway while sparring or defending yourself on street,unless you're crazy and don't mind losing in a real fight.


To waste time doing katas for a bit, and told to keep your hands near your waist and then all of a sudden told something else for actual sparring makes no sense.


Doing katas for self-defense is like taking computers to be a construction worker.


You don't need computers to be a construction worker just like you don't need katas to become a better fighter.

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I'm not really interested in how pretty my techniques look, I'm all for effectivess and power.


I nearly always drop my hand to an extent


That's good because techniques of martial arts shouldn't be made to look pretty, should be effective and powerful,unfortunately most arts have techniques that are just show and not effective at all.That's why I am so much against katas.Katas are just fancy looking moves,and most of the hidden techiques are useless,they're not effective,look cool though.


Want techniques that look pretty but uneffective go do gynastics or ballet then,they're good for those kinds of sport but have nothing to do with self-defense.

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I know in traditional martial arts like karate when punching they bring one hand back,which to be honest is stupid,good way of getting smoked in the head.Besides when a hand is coming from far back it can be obvious what he or she plans on doing.


I took karate for 12yrs.and have noticed huge difference with that and muay thai.


Thanks for reminding us in every post you did karate for 12 years :) A real nidan should have noticed in 12 years of experience that in karate sparring one never pulls the hand in hikite before punchiing. Even yellow belts are taught to make the distinction. In kihon and kata you retreat the hand in hikite, in sparring we are taught to punch without previously pulling the hand back. We are not that stupid :D

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