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Joint-breaking/Chokes in a Street Fight

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Would any of you guys ever do a joint-breaking move(a submisison where u dun let them go if they tap :lol: ) or chokes. It seems alot of you guys dun like grappling much and i fully understand that. I was once a pure striker myself and though my training was good enough, in fact i though grappling was stupid...now i'm a grappller, i still strike and have done so longer than grappling but i have found out that i'm a natural grappler and like it now quite a bit. Street fights are very dangerous and when ur adreneline goes up, so may freeze somewhat and lose some of the precise striking u've learned. Maybe i'm juss a sissy striker :lol: but i find it way better for ME to get in close so as to not get KTFO...plus keep in mind, most streetfighters can at least punch but they can very rarely grapple, maybe wrestle but they'd likely be pretty open to submissions and striking from mount. So what would YOU do? and what subs would you conceivably use? I'd maybe strike against someone my size, but a bigger guy creates to much threat and i'd wanna take 'em down.

"razor elbows, killer knees, iron fists and monster kicks"

"Nice punch!!!, now let's see how well you punch with a broken arm"

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  • 3 weeks later...
i agreee with you completely matburn and in fact i would strike and grapple with a guy my size to show him not to f*ck around and if his friends are there punch him or strike him in the face and throw him, his friends won't wanna mess, i would rather be an only grappler than only striker but the best combination is both, thats why i study bjj and boxing

"When we go to the ground,you are in my world, the ground is the ocean, I am the shark,

and most people don't even know how to swim"

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I love chokes. If at any time in a real fight if I saw a chance to land one you bet I would. As far as joing breaking it just depends on when and where and who. Is it a fight with someone you know or an mugger trying to really hurt you. With that said although I am a Shotokan person I spend a lot of time working on wrist and arm locks in our SD part of class.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Yes, I would do both, joint breaking moves & chokes. I don't train them for nothing! :)


My first preferance is to catch someone on the jaw before they can throw a strike and put them out cold quickly. After the pre-fight stage, I wanna clinch, throw a knee or two in before I get their back and go for a choke. After that, I'm probably going to try and ground and pound them - possibly an americana/armbar/choke.


I also did striking first and have striked longer that I've grappled, but I feel much more comfortable grappling, probably because of the amount of time spent sparring. I finally feel secure on the streets, since I can fight at more than one range and I'm becoming well-rounded. I'm also much more confident knowing most of the people I will come across on the streets in my area can't grapple at all - I've been to 2 out of the 3 dojos in my area which teach you how to grapple & the chances of having a fight with someone on the street who goes to the third dojo is very slim.

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