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Become Unstoppable

Alan Armstrong

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It's nothing more than an illusion made to set us up for failure. No one is unstoppable because man is fallible, and in that fallibility, death is waiting patiently for that very day.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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It's nothing more than an illusion made to set us up for failure. No one is unstoppable because man is fallible, and in that fallibility, death is waiting patiently for that very day.


Becoming unstoppable is similar to become invisible as in Ninjitsu not to be taken literally.

As Ninjas can disguise themselves to go about unnoticed, very far from looking all dressed up and obvious as an assassin.

Becoming unstoppable means, not letting others stop or discourage you from what you want to do or accomplish.

Becoming unstoppable means, letting go of one's own baggage or inhibitions.

Becoming unstoppable means, not being addicted or a slave to making others rich, for example, smoking, overeating and gambling.

Becoming unstoppable means, clearing a clean path through all the rubbish put in front of you, to be where you wnt to be.

Becoming unstoppable means, having the determination and fortitude to start and finish a project that you set out for yourself and not to be swayed or discouraged to stop by any one or thing.

Becoming unstoppable, could be like Bruce Lee, even after his death, he is still going strong and more popular than ever.

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I’m with Sensei8 on this.

Nice thought but not possible.

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails-but the one who moves on in spite of failure.

Charles R. Swindoll

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I’m with Sensei8 on this.

Nice thought but not possible.

Death is waiting for us all, I for one am not waiting for it, as it will need to catch me first; preferably when sleeping.

Being unstoppable needs some reflective thinking about it first, just to say no, is the easiest way to avoid any further questions about the difference that can occur.

Great thinkers were unstoppable, as they can see many pros and cons to analyze, not being totally against or for anything %100

Being narrow minded, stubborn or bias is a way many choices are rationalized for each individual.

Recently watched a play "The Wizard of Oz" with all the main characters, missing something and when finding it, became complete.

What Oz did for each of them, was to unlock their potential, with the power of self belief.

A story for young children to gain the power of self belief is important for becoming successful, no matter if it is just an illusion.

This is why this story will go on forever, seemingly unstoppable.

Of course to be unstoppable is an illusion, just be aware to not be delusional about it.

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I think some stretch the definition of the word out of proportion and use it to suit their own needs.

Unstoppable means that you can not be stopped. Great thinkers get stumped and also come up with wrong conclusions until they figure out their premise is wrong. Thus they are stopped and have to re-group and start over. Not unstoppable.

Unstoppable defines someone that can not be stopped. This also has the connotations of being invincible. I have know great men in my life time and none were unstoppable, invincible or perfect.

As you said death comes for us all. This is definitely a stoppable moment in a persons life.

Don't get me wrong, I know what your trying to say and in that I do agree. But the whole concept and premise of these words, like you can achieve this state, is what I find wrong.

As humans it is impossible to be perfect. As humans it is also impossible to be "unstoppable" because if your the baddest guy around, someone shoots you and, yep, they stop you. As humans we are not invincible. The best that any of us can do is to train our bodies and minds to become the best we can be. Too many believe this makes us almost God like and that we can not be beaten. That no one else is at our level. This is a faulty premise and is forged by ego and not by good common sense. To say that one is good at something or even excellent at something is a far cry from saying one is unstoppable.

Throughout history those that thought that they or someone else was unstoppable, was stopped. Think of any dictator, leader, fighter, or any other profession in life. No one is perfect and because of that no one is by definition unstoppable. At the time people thought Hitler was unstoppable. Well we all know how that turned out.

The goal of every martial artist is to get as close to perfect as possible in the context of what this means to them. However no one can achieve the goal of actual perfection. This is why the phase "life long journey" was coined.

Unlocking potential in students is every instructors goal and it is a worthy goal. However be careful not to hint at the fact that if you do this and that you will become unstoppable or invincible. This is setting them up for failure as it can not be achieved.

I believe in setting lofty goals just not unrealistic goals.

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails-but the one who moves on in spite of failure.

Charles R. Swindoll

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For me to be unstoppable, I first need to be Superman. However, the crinkle in him being unstoppable is Kryptonite. Maybe I would need to be like Thor, a God, who has no crinkle in his armor, to my knowledge.

Oh well, seeing that I'm not either of them, I'll remain stoppable by being that limited human being. ::sigh::


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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