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POLL: What do you think would be the best weapon to use in a


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To Goose,


My point is that a magazine rolled up can be used as effectively as a Kuboton, but does not have the stigma attached as an "offensive" weapon.


Just like a swiss army knife over a hunting knife...


Just because you don't carry a weapon doesn't mean you can't defend yourself. Personally I've been in situations without a weapon in my line of work, and because of other skills come out on top.


Something to ponder...any weapon you have can be used against you...a gun, knife anything...by carrying a weapon in many cases you increase the possibility of ending up in a box.

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On 2001-08-21 08:08, BlueDragon wrote:


This may not count as a weapon but my dog has proved to be a great way to avoid a fight. Ever since a skate park was put in near my house alot of f*cks (no offence to any skateborders out there) have been hanging around my neighborhood. It hasn't really been a problem for me(potheads can't fight) but my parents were concerned about my little sister. So from now on she walks around with our Husky Simon. He weighs 105 pounds and comes up past my hip. No one goes near my sister now. :grin:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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It is true if they have a chance to get it...in some cases you wont even get a chance to use it yourself unless it's in hand.


A good movie to watch for anyone is "Surviving Edged Weapons" by Calibre Press. I know there are copies out there, and it is not sold directly to civilians; however, if you can get it watch it.


You will be surprised...

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I'll be watching out for that sounds interesting :smile:


(Good point, by the way)




Best Wishes


Darryl Garrick


9th Kyu Shotokan Karate


Karate International Black Belt Schools (UK)


[ This Message was edited by: Goose on 2001-08-29 11:37 ]


6th Kyu Shotokan Karate

9th Kyu Okinawan Kobudo

Karate International Black Belt Schools (UK)

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i think a sword would be the most useful. but having it while walking around the street would be a problem. but imagine some guy tries to mug you, and you pull out a katana! as far as usefullness id say the bo or knife. but if i could choose anything it would be a whip chain! with a steel ball on the end. it can be used to trip someone 7 feet away, dissarm them, scare them, beat the crap out of them, and if necessary kill them. it is also so concealable! it fits in you palm.





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I would say Nunchaku because you can hide the down you trousers and whip them out so you could hit there jaw or the tip of there nose. :nod:



Michael Bullock

1st Dan

Karate International

Black Belt Schools (UK)

(Modorator of Fitness & Health)

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