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One guy's karate journey


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Quick one tonight. I was quite happy with tonight's training. Relaxed body, relaxed mind. I think not thinking too much about it is good. :karate:


"Don't think, feel!! Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all that heavenly glory.” ~ Bruce Lee

In time, you'll not think about 'it', whatever 'it' is. Like you don't think about the many things that you do without thinking about it. Like tying your shoe laces or brushing your teeth, or eating or bathing...you just do it automatically.

But not until muscle memory kicked in!! Same thing in the MA!!

I love how you're logging your MA journey; things of great beneficial will increase your MA betterment in the long run!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I will pose this question to my karate friends:

When is it OK to miss class?

I'm not really sure if that's my question, to be honest, but I'm really having a hard time "stopping" in general. Not this Tuesday but the previous one, I came down with a semi-bad cold, but since I'm young and healthy I was able to power through all my obligations (work, exercise, healthy eating, etc.) I only missed 1 night of karate, because I have to go to class on my bike in the cold weather, and figured the better option was to stay home and stretch and do kata at my house.

We had a 4 day weekend, where I also didn't really take time to rest, and I thought I was better but come this Tuesday my throat starts killing me. Since then I've been getting progressively worse with minor fluctuations.

I texted my instructor this morning to let him know he shouldn't expect me in class today. Honestly, it was hard for me, because I hate missing class. One of the things I'm proudest of is my persistence - I have near perfect attendance and it's because I know the value of persistence. I don't stay home because "I don't feel like it today". But these last 2 months I've already missed 3 classes (one because I missed a flight, and 2 now because of being sick).

Let me be clear, I'm not puking up or anything. I could definitely make the effort and go. But I feel like, part of the reason I haven't cured completely is because I'm pushing myself too hard. In all areas, including my karate. It all goes back to respecting the process, I think.

What do you think folks? Should I feel guilty? My heart tells me that, of course not, but my mind seems to think that if I miss class it means I'm going to fall behind and my karate is going to fall apart! So please, give me your honest feedback and thoughts.

Thank you.

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I will pose this question to my karate friends:

When is it OK to miss class?

I'm not really sure if that's my question, to be honest, but I'm really having a hard time "stopping" in general. Not this Tuesday but the previous one, I came down with a semi-bad cold, but since I'm young and healthy I was able to power through all my obligations (work, exercise, healthy eating, etc.) I only missed 1 night of karate, because I have to go to class on my bike in the cold weather, and figured the better option was to stay home and stretch and do kata at my house.

We had a 4 day weekend, where I also didn't really take time to rest, and I thought I was better but come this Tuesday my throat starts killing me. Since then I've been getting progressively worse with minor fluctuations.

I texted my instructor this morning to let him know he shouldn't expect me in class today. Honestly, it was hard for me, because I hate missing class. One of the things I'm proudest of is my persistence - I have near perfect attendance and it's because I know the value of persistence. I don't stay home because "I don't feel like it today". But these last 2 months I've already missed 3 classes (one because I missed a flight, and 2 now because of being sick).

Let me be clear, I'm not puking up or anything. I could definitely make the effort and go. But I feel like, part of the reason I haven't cured completely is because I'm pushing myself too hard. In all areas, including my karate. It all goes back to respecting the process, I think.

What do you think folks? Should I feel guilty? My heart tells me that, of course not, but my mind seems to think that if I miss class it means I'm going to fall behind and my karate is going to fall apart! So please, give me your honest feedback and thoughts.

Thank you.

First and foremost, karate is a lifelong pursuit. Missing a few days isn’t going to change anything. Forget about falling behind; it’s not a race.

People have an odd understanding of what exercise does for the immune system. Yes, exercise is great for your immune system. The thing may people don’t know is that exercise is actually worse for you when you’re sick. So... it’ll help keep you from getting sick, but once you’re sick, it’ll make it worse. That being said, I think a light warmup and stretch helps, but that’s just me. And the warmup I’m thinking of barely breaks a sweat.

As far as training and improving goes, consistency is pretty much everything. But there’s got to be a balance. My family and job take precedence. I’ve been pretty erratic with attending class the last few months. My mother was very sick and I needed to help take care of her, and now I have some consistent obligations for my daughter that’s got my schedule thrown off. It really bothers me when I miss class, but I’ve got no regrets. Remember, it’s a lifelong pursuit.

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JR, thanks much for your thoughtful post. That's a good point about exercise... I felt like I could just power through but because my health only seems to be getting worse I think I may have been mistaken. I just went for a very relaxed walk just to get out of the house a bit, and now I'm going to do some very relaxed stretching just to keep the flexibility going.

As for life obligations... that is so true also. For me karate is about living a healthier and happier life... so as soon as karate starts getting in the way of that, I should know that I'm doing it wrong. Whether that be because of family obligations, health obligations, or just taking time to go do something fun every once in a blue moon.

Finally - "it's not a race". I needed to hear that. Thanks, mate.

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You also need to take into consideration whether or not you'll run the risk of getting your classmates sick. Persistence is a good thing, but if some of your classmates get sick, they won't appreciate your dedication as much as you do. Taking a few days to heal up and get better will be much more beneficial to your training in the long run.

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When is it OK to miss class?

Whenever you want to; after all, it's YOUR journey!!

And if you do, no matter how often you do, don't vex over it because it's just a thing, and life gets in the way!!

Go...don't go...it's your decision, and I've never counseled a student on missing class...ever!! Why?? I'm not a students dad!! I mean, if a student wants to give me free money?? Who am I to argue with a student when it comes to money?? Their dad!? :P


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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bushido_man96 - That's a good point. Thanks.

Sensei8 - Also a good point. You're right, this is my journey. And I have to do what's best for me. My instructor offers me the tools, but only I truly know what I want and need at any given moment. Thanks. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a little bit since my last update. I came down with a sorta bad cold, and then another even worse one or just a rebound of the first. Not sure. I've been keeping up with stretching and as much karate as I could, but I have had to miss 2 classes already. Add that to one I missed in January for a flight delay and I'm missing a lot more class than I like to.

I don't have a car and my karate class is about 10 minutes by bike. Tonight was raining pretty decently. I thought about making an effort to go, but then I thought, no. On Mondays I have to show up late anyway so basically it would be 30~ minutes of class for 20 minutes of getting drenched both ways. I bagged it. Instead I came straight home from work and did my karate at home. Some good stretching, some kihon and even followed along on a JKA video just to keep up with some pointers.

They're calling for rain all week which sucks, and I already hate missing so much class. But I'm learning a new way, I think. I believe my persistence is admirable, very much so, but I'm learning that perhaps it was a bit misguided. More and more effort is not necessarily the solution. Torturing myself is not necessarily the solution. You all here have done a great job of pointing this out to me - it's not a race. I am starting to take that to heart.

Funnily enough, I was happy with my kihon tonight and it was nice to get a solid review of the basics in. Maybe I'm on to something here.

Thanks folks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was raining tonight so I stayed home and trained here. Tonight was kata night so that's what I did here. My focus? Taikyoku Shodan, and time allowing, Heian Shodan. Why? The other day one of the teens asked my instructor which kata was the most advanced. He responded Kanku Dai or something like that, I don't totally remember which. But in my head I was thinking - "Taikyoku Shodan!" I didn't say anything because I didn't want to look cheeky or sarcastic. But I don't think any of these kids are anywhere near the point of thinking about Kanku Dai. At least in my case I know I really need to focus on the basics.

So that's what I did. I watched some videos online and got some clarification about the footwork on the turns. In Kyokushin it was explained pretty clearly to me but Shotokan not quite. I also got good advice here on these forums - don't nitpick too much about exact foot placement, everyone is different. And that's also what I saw in the various videos. But I did sort of figure it out and now my turns are much snappier and cleaner. Nice. Punches also are snappier - waiting til the point of impact to fully rotate the fist makes a big difference.

Next was Heian Shodan which looked pretty good, except for that last bit with back stance. I will need to work on that. Which is why I suppose we start with Taikyoku 1 then move up from there!

My instructor told me the other day something cool - he said, a lot of these students just don't put their heart in it! And, it's very rare that he says anything along those lines, about the "metaphysical" aspect of karate. His technique is really good, and he is the 4th dan, not me. But I'm the type of person who could talk for days about the metaphysical stuff. Maybe it's a good pairing, then. But I mean - it was a simple line - "put your heart in it" - but coming from an instructor who doesn't tend to use that type of language, it actually meant a lot.

And that's what I feel like I did tonight. I was less focused on doing everything perfect. Instead I focused on, doing everything with grace. It's not really something I can put into words but I think grace is a good word for it. The "art" side of "martial arts", if you will. And my kata looked and felt really, really good.

I'm on to something here. I am happy with my karate and doing my best to enjoy it.

Thanks folks.

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