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Normal vs Outstanding

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I am normal, but I attempt outstanding. Usually I fall when I do though.

"Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know." ~ Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

"Walk a single path, becoming neither cocky with victory nor broken with defeat, without forgetting caution when all is quiet or becoming frightened when danger threatens." ~ Jigaro Kano

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What does normal even mean? If it's just someone who shows up to class does their training and go home again, I don't think any of us are normal. We're all on an internet forum talking about this stuff after all.
Outstanding point of view DWx.

I knew a man, we nicknamed Godo; due to his motivational talks and points of view.

One of his talks was on how we are all winners one time or another in our lives.

For me he was right on.

My personal experiences, on winning wasn't that I was something outstanding, it looked like to me that people gave up too easy.

As the sayings goes

"Success is just around the corner"

"Be a winner not a quitter"

"The best never rest"

"When the going gets tough, the tough get rough"

Seen many talented people give up far too easy, natural athletes also.

It seems perseverance is the key to success.

Asking for directions in New York City "Do you know the way to Carnage Hall?" The man answers "Yes; practice, practice, practice"

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Can you define normal?

I myself am in to raw foods/vegetarianism as well as sprinting, swimming and meditation in order to take my physical attributes to the next level.

Then again I knew a guy who never did any type of dieting but would throw 5 thousand jabs per day at the bag. I did not.

So it is important to define normal.

It begins with the knowledge that the severity of a strikes impact is amplified by a smaller surface area.

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Can you define normal?

I myself am in to raw foods/vegetarianism as well as sprinting, swimming and meditation in order to take my physical attributes to the next level.

Then again I knew a guy who never did any type of dieting but would throw 5 thousand jabs per day at the bag. I did not.

So it is important to define normal.

Normal is when someone takes the easy path, to be outstanding, easy is not an option.
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Let's defines Normal:

1. conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

Being normal shouldn't be a bad thing. There are a plethora of times when normal is a great thing. For example:

Being free from any mental disorder; sane.


free from any infection or other form of disease or malformation, or from experimental therapy or manipulation.

of natural occurrence.


usual; regular; common; typical: the normal way of doing it, the normal level

In the arena of the MA, normal shouldn't be a bad thing across the board, considering the alternatives that do, and can exist.

The normal activities of the school where 'you', whomever 'you' are, train at currently; are those a bad thing?!?!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Something considered normal in one culture can be considered not normal in another; cultural differences for example.

Child prodigies are outstanding due to their abilities for their age.

Mediocre talent is normal when age matches ability.

Normal and outstanding can be a means to measure with in generalizations.

We all have normal and outstanding within us.

All martial artists are outstanding in comparison to the rest of the World population; from a combative aspect.

In the marital art world, further divisions can be made to what is normal or outstanding, depending how a person wants to compare one aspect to another.

Outstanding should be reserved for things or people that stand out in a positive way.

There are those that strive or hope for normality due to abnormal circumstances, their battles can also be considered outstanding, due to the fight for normal is greater than most of us can imagine.

My personal "Internal Outstanding" is due to overcoming serious health issues; therefore any exercise workout, is a personal achievement, no matter how small it is or seems to anyone else, that might view it a something "Very Normal"

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