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Things you won't accept

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One thing in my school is the Master is dating a student....not good in my opinion.


Respect has also dropped to an all time low with the parents being able to watch class. I don't know if the kids feel braver or what but it happens a lot more with parents there.


Mocking the martial arts is something that annoys me also. People do their little impressions without knowing what the martial arts really consist of. That is a pet peeve of mine.


I don't put up with anyone disrespecting me or my instructor. Even if I get punished for the way I punish them for disrespect I don't care. They need to learn it and most won't without discipline.

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I really hate people who pump themselves up, and think they are tough becuase they have a "Black Belt" :roll: . Many Black Belts come to the fighters club I train at, in an attempt to try it out. The problem is they only last for one class and we never see them again.

Limits Are Not Accepted. They Are Elbowed, Kicked And Punched.

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hobbitbob wrote:



I think it's because her mom makes her go. My instructor hates her, but I guess because her mom pays for the lessons, she thinks she should be there :kaioken: I just can't wait for her to get to the Master instructor's class ..... she'll never last :o :D He's very tough.


Then again, her brother also takes class with her, but he is a good kid. He is really into it.

Laurie F

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Well now that you've brought this into discussion ... those who diconsider us for doing MA. I really hate those guys ... "Ahh So you do Karate. Hmm Ehhh Simple ... You should so something more serious." Then I get them into a class, and let them die from exhaustion. They never come back :)


I had 2 coleagues from radio. They laughed at me for 3 months until I convinced them to come to our class They came and lasted for 3 classes. I've never convinced them to come anymore.


"Huhh. It's too hard. I can't do it." :D :D :D


Love to get them to their knees.

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hobbitbob wrote:



I think it's because her mom makes her go. My instructor hates her, but I guess because her mom pays for the lessons, she thinks she should be there .

Ahh, the hazards of the commercial school. The need to make a living. "I'm paying for this,so I should be able to do what I want to!."


The majority of schools I've trained at have been comercial dojo, and that behaviour was NEVER tolerated. Is it worth the paycheck to retain a student who doesn't wish to be there and is disrupting class? I would say no, but....I am a traditionalist. Karate isn't for everyone, and I have previously voiced my opinion on this subject elsewhere in the forum.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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  • 2 months later...
Things I wont accept, hmmmm, as far as sparring goes there are 2 things that will anger me. 1 a blind technique . If a student throws a strike at me they better be looking at the area they are trying to make contact with. 2. A wild swinging technique. This means that there is no control in what they are throwing at me. If a technique lands on target, and they are looking and they have control I will acknowlege that they got me. Otherwise I will give one warning and will tell them how much I dislike blind or wild technique. So far the warning has been enough.
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It bugs me when people don't follow the exercise and think they can speed up/add power/add a few more moves just because they have experience in another art. It makes it so much harder to work with a partner when you're worried about getting injured because the other person is dicking around.
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