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Wing Chun and JKD Cross Training

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Might sound a little ironic or funny how to cross train Wing Chun and JKD.

As Wing Chun is known as the Parent style of Wing Chun, how is it possible to cross train in them?

Perhaps to know the difference first would be a clue how to cross train them.

The major difference between the two styles is that there is no fake set ups in Wing Chun and JKD techniques are based on them.

If you would like to add to the similarities and differences, please be my guest.

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I think that JKD has developed so much on its own now that cross-training the two would probably be fairly productive.

In WC, you'll get the good foundation of what the focus on (if you wonder what that is, check out some of stonecrusher69's videos in the Chinese Martial Arts forum).

When you get into JKD, there are some different branches out there, and their focus might be a little different. Whatever you get there, I'm sure can benefit from some WC training.

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I'm wondering, since the passing of Bruce, just how watered down is JKD nowadays?? I ask because, and while Bruce encouraged his student to take what is useful, and discard the rest, how EASY it is for JKD to be watered down over time??!!??!!

JKD, to me, at times, doesn't look anything like what Bruce founded, and I know, that might be a great thing as well as it being along the lines of "expressing oneself honestly", so as that practitioner can create to just create nothingness from something that was something/effective.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Wing Chun and JKD are very different.

Anyone is able to practice Wing Chun as it is a martial art style for the young and old, male or female, athletic and the none athletic body types.

JKD takes a huge amount of conditioning time. This alone would be a deterrent for many would be martial artists. Secondly the teacher's interpretations of what JKD would be, will always be inconsistent with the next JKD instructor.

Let me try to explain, there was only one Elvis, when he died there were many Elvis impersonators. Same as with Bruce Lee, to do JKD makes a person a type of impersonator. We can all pretend to sound like Elvis but can impersonators teach us to be as good as Elvis?

JKD is really a way to become an MMA style fighter, if it works for you, then do it.

Problem is for learning JKD, a person is going to need alot of experience in many martial art styles, or the person teaching it will need many disciplines under his/her belt.

JKD is not a complete physical martial art style, more a way to express oneself and adapt to the moment, using the right tool for any given situation.

Wing Chun forms are unlike all others because they are not choreographed movements.

JKD takes it one step further again by dispensing with forms.

The problem I see, is that those that teach JKD need to be proficiente at Wing Chun and how many can say or consider that they are?

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  • 9 months later...
Wing Chun vs JKD, which is better?

Let's here what the experts say:

"Better" is an illusion, at best; an opinion. For something to be "better", it can not have an equal.

Bruce, himself, puts it better than me. with this...

"I personally do not believe in the word style. Why? Because, unless there are human beings with three arms and four legs, unless we have another group of human beings that are structurally different from us, there can be no different style of fighting.”



**Proof is on the floor!!!

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