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How many of you have actual combat experience?

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I am new here and all, but I just wanted to ask the question. I have read about the combinations and stuff that people prefer, and question the validity of their use. As you all know, real fighting is not like the dojo. I am not suggesting that you have to fight a lot in the streets to be a good fighter, but I wonder how many of you realize that difference between practice and theory. It is not a knock against you. Most of you guys seem to be pretty young, and may not have had to use your skills yet. That is good, avoid fights at all cost. But when I read some posts, I wonder if some of you harbor a false sene of security based on what someone else has told you will work. How about it guys?

If my survival means your total destruction, then so be it.

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When you say, "combat" ... do you mean "self-defense" or a "fighting" situation???


First of all, let me say that the majority of us here (correct me if I am wrong) are all martial artists .... (some more traditional than others). You ask a good question.


Many of the martial arts teach you to defend against the first strike but refrain from making the first strike.


If you talk with people who must use their martial arts skills regularly, such as bouncers, ,police officers, or just recreational streetfighters, they will tell you the person who hits first usually wins.


So we practice reaction, but experience says that action beats reaction. Therefore you could say that we are training to lose or at least give the advantage to our opponent.


No, I haven't had any "direct" combat experience.


Learning a martial art or self-defense is not just using defenses and counter attacks against attackers. It is the ability to prevent injury to oneself or others from attackers. This includes learning to fall safely, to communicate with aggressors, and to escape from violent situations. Self-defense is not just concerned with physically dealing with violence, it is mostly concerned with avoiding becoming a victim of violence.


But there is a difference between self defense and fighting...


That is because, while self-defense is legal, fighting is not.


Self defense is using whatever means necessary to quickly end a situation that offers you grievous bodily injury.


Talking your way out of danger is self-defense. Running like hell is self-defense. Breaking someone's jaw so you can run fiercely from the six guys who are attacking you is self-defence. Pulling out a gun and blowing the head off the guy attacking you with a knife is self-defense. Not putting yourself in the situation in the first place however, is the best form of self-defense there is.




..... so yeah I have then!

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I consider myself a good martial artist, not because I can fight well, break boards with my head or kick 10 feet into the air. Simply because I have not fought!


So I agree whole heartedly with KickChick.


Kenpo, I do seem to detected in the way you are writing, that there is some sort of underlying "knock" at those of us that have not be in a fight. My first course of action would be to ask you to read the Self Defence thread, where Thai_Kick argued I think the point you are trying to make between thoery and the real world. Personally if I was told right know that Aikido and my Sensei's teachings dont work at all in real life, I would still do it. I happen to know that it does work, although I have not used it. So whether it works FOR ME is still in question, but a question I would rather leave unanswered.


"The greatest victory is the battle not fought." Admiral Yamamoto.


Take Care.

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I have always told people, "you will fight the same way you train".


I have read many posts arguing whether martial arts could really be effective in the streets. My belief is, when being taught various techniques and all you do is go through the motions in the air. You will be able to use them against "air" very effectively. I feel unless the techniques are truly studied, practiced and polished against other people and scenarios, versus those that just practice them just enough to pass their next belt test and not truly study and master the techniques as designed, could walk away and say gee, I don't think this will work in the street. Again, I am a believer that " You will fight the same way you train". If you only give your training 50% effort why expect more than 50% effectivness in the street. You get out of martial arts what you put into it.

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

Kenpo - Brown

TKD - Advanced Green

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You get out of martial arts what you put into it.


This is so true. Now you also need to realize that there are many different reasons why people take martial arts.

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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Red J, you're right! My previous comment was very narrow in scope compared to how vast the subject of martial arts really is. I do recognize that martial arts is not just about learning how to fight and what people get out of taking martial arts is as varied and individual as the people themselves. I do take the fighting aspect of the martial arts very serious and train very hard as a result. But Martial Arts for me is not just about fighting either, I enjoy the many other rewards it offers and have made it a lifestyle commitment.

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

Kenpo - Brown

TKD - Advanced Green

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First of all, if you read carefully, I said that I am not mocking anyone. I merely asked a question. I was curious if people had actually used the skills that they have learned in a real fight. Now, I dont go around tooting my horn, but I believe myself to be an excellent combatant. As an adult however, I have not been in a fight for about 8 years. I spar 5 times a week though. I am lucky enough to be crosstrained in several martial arts as a result of who my family knew when I was a kid. I am not getting holier than thou. I am knew here, and I think that it is not cool that accuse me of mocking people, especially since I especially stated in my post that I wasnt.

If my survival means your total destruction, then so be it.

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Red J, you're right! My previous comment was very narrow in scope compared to how vast the subject of martial arts really is. I do recognize that martial arts is not just about learning how to fight and what people get out of taking martial arts is as varied and individual as the people themselves. I do take the fighting aspect of the martial arts very serious and train very hard as a result. But Martial Arts for me is not just about fighting either, I enjoy the many other rewards it offers and have made it a lifestyle commitment.


Kenpo123, we are on the same page! Thanks for the clarification.

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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