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More opinions on technique here ;) When you throw a lead leg sidekick, do you bend your upper body backward, or keep it erect? Just curious how you guys do it, ive seen it done many different ways ;) If you do bend back, about how far lol? thanks :)


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it depends. I fight with my feet and hands. In order to follow up with my hands, I have my body erect when doing a side-kick. Having your body erect allows for your momentum to transfer efficiently when following up with a punch.


On some occasions, I lean back when doing a side-kick. When leaning back, your body is further away from your opponent. Thus, I lean back when I want to be defensive..I lean back just enough so that my body is in a safe range away from my opponent. Of course you don't want to lean back so that your head is 3 inches from the floor. LoL.... Hope that helps



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It depends on the situation for me. I am flexible enough to kick to the head with a front or roundhouse kick, but the side kick I lean back a little. But if I just want to "stun" someone with a mid-level side kick, I will keep erect. If I want power, I make use of the "thrust" side kick or skip side kick (which I am leaning a little). I throw my hip into the "power" side kicks, the ones I learned in TSD ... you lean in and tork your shoulders as well as the hips, making your body like a "T". Very effective kick. I wish I could show you. I'm not very good at explaining, but if you saw it, you would know what I mean LOL.

Laurie F

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I think I understand heh ;) thanks for the replies. I as well throw them both ways depending on the circumstances, but I wasnt sure if leaning back really gave you any more power. Even when i stand erect i still torque my hips ;) Anyhow, thanks alot guys


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  • 1 month later...

i'd say lean back, u can create more power on kicks above the waist causing an action reaction, and it makes the opponent have to reach in to hit you.


u can also kick higher easier if u want toi'd say lean back, u can create more power on kicks above the waist causing an action reaction, and it makes the opponent have to reach in to hit you.


u can also kick higher easier if u want to

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  • 3 weeks later...

you genrall want to stay upright, because you can be pushed over if you lean back to much.


Also it is actually as powerful/ more powerful if you stay upright.


Not too good to use too often though - easy tostop and in genral doesn't hurt to much - very diffcult to hit with. Such a small surface area to hit and to hit with.

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