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Chi is what keeps us all alive, it is our life force energy. Many deplete this energy and die young. Bruce Lee is considered to be guilty of this, by burning his candle at both ends, so to speak! Chi is energy and how we use that energy is called Jing. Pung is Bounce. Ge is press. Lu is Pull. Ann is Push. These are the most common Jings in the internal martial arts. Pung jing the bouncing type energy is what martial art masters use in demonstrations to bounce opponent away. Chi energy can be transmitted from one person to another. There is good chi and bad chi 'good vibes' and 'bad vibes' we have all felt them! Chi energy it is also associated with feelings. Chi is also connected with steam and vapour. We freely use the expression when someone is exhausted "Have you run out of steam"

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Once there was twin brothers. Both twenty years old. They both have the same weight and intelligence. They had a problem of sibling rivelry. The first born developed his muscles to be bigger and stronger than his brother. The second born just grew up naturally. The first born knew that he could defeat his brother easily because he is stronger. The second brother not strong enough using muscle power to protect himself, asks for advice from a chi kung master. The master told him about the three vitues of the world. The way of balance that everthing is connected to the force of gravity. Everything has structure or it will fall down. With the proper leverage anything can be moved. This is the way of nature. The chi master told the second born to study nature and it's virtues and to return when these three laws of nature were understood. The first born heard of what his brother was doing and laughed out loud. Time passed and the weaker brother met a Daoist monk. He explained to the monk what the chi master requested and asked for his help. The monk lightly touched him on the shoulder and instantly he fell to the ground. The daoist monk smiled and walked away. After much contemplated meditation the three virtues became a little clearer to the weaker brother. He returned to the chi master and told of his experience with the daoist monk. The chi master explained that when trying to swim against the current you will be exhausted quickly. Know which way the energy flows or leans towards and use gravity and gently sway in that direction. Strength without structure will fall without much effort, gently lean on a tree that has little structure and little roots and it will almost fall down on it's own. Leverage is how small things in nature can effect big things. Have you ever tried to sleep in a room when you know there is a mosquito in there with you? More people have died from mosquitos than elephants. Combining the knowledge of gravity and structure makes a little leverage in the right place move mountains. The chi master told the weaker brother to be gentle with his stronger brother, because softness can overcome hardness, this is the way of nature. The chi master told him to give his brother a big hug and not to be hard on him. Then come back tomorrow and start your chi kung training!

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Gravity is a force, a type of energy. Then gravity is also chi. If I harness the force of gravity in a fight and my opponent doesn't chances are he will lose against me. Gravity is free energy! If I can move in a relaxed way and simultaneously be aware of using my body weight in martial art structural ways, I will be move efficient and effective in every moment. Gravity used with balance and structure has increased my chances of winning a fight also. Gravity/Balance/Structure all free for martial artists to use for efficiency and stability; it is free chi power. In a clinch boxers use chi power by using their body weight, the opponent is literally holding up the other boxer and wearing him out. By using structure with balance and bodyweight gravity tactics, it will use up the opponent precious energy, with little energy expense to himself. Now try to imagine a martial artist using this and the multitude of other gravity tactics in all of his moves. Small investment with huge gains in return. This is chi power! If you haven't grasped this concept yet, I suggest for you to practice falling down and getting back up again at least 100 times a day, until you grip this idea 100%

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A chi kung master met a Samurai warrior. They started debating on what was the most efficient hand held killing weapon. The Samurai chose the sword the chi kung master chose the fly swatter. The Samurai feeling insulted went to draw his sword to behead the chi kung master in an instant, but the chi kung master sensing the urgency swatted the Samurai's face before the Samurai had a chance to blink. The chi kung master was very apologetic to the Samurai for the swatt and explained that this particular fly ( now dead at the feet of the Samurai ) had been tormenting him all morning, calling him stupid names and making rude remarks about Samurai swordsman. The Samurai walked away shaking his head in disbelief. The chi kung master gently picked up the fly and holding it between his hands, quickly resuscitate the fly with his chi power and the fly was as good as new again. The fly said to the chi master "Same time tomorrow then?" The chi kung master replied "OK"

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That's an interesting story, there. Humorous, for sure. I'm not sure if its told to make a higher claim, like a parable, but if it is, I don't really think it proves anything, though.

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It is just a story that I made up for fun. Chi masters are known to be a bit crazy. The fly swatter is an efficient hand held weapon designed for killing; just playing on words. Having a little wit could save you from a very dangerous situation; it has saved me plenty of times.

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Chi is also stored in body fat. If you were lost in the wilderness that body fat could improve your chances for survival as opposed to the lean built person. Chi cannot be separated from blood, so even if you don't believe in chi circulation, we all know how important circulation is to our health. If you put your finger over the nozel of a garden hose the water will squirt out further. This same principle applies to chi also; to focus our chi. We accept the radiation of heat to heal or comfort with a warm welcoming handshake or a hot drink on a cold day. Could also be an ice-cream on a hot day. An ice pack on a swollen twisted ankle. Remember chi is also connected with feelings.

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Chi is stored in body fat, but it can't be separated from blood? That sounds like it could be a little contradictory. Where in the body fat it stored?

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Fat is stored energy and energy is chi. Blood is food for every cell of the body and exhalation expels used blood cells as carbon dioxide. Chi is also food and fat is stored food. Fat also stores vitamins and vitimins are crystals. The dantien stores energy and when the long practicing chi master dies, it is said that there can be found a crystal in the dantien.

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