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What unMA-like thing do you do?


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There's a stereotype that all MAists do only intensely physical things and are "hard" people. What do you do that is counter to that stereotype? Paint? Write poetry? etc.

As for me. I've been in Christian ministry of some sort for most of my adult life, despite training MA for even longer than that. I have fairly pacifist tendencies.

Edited by IcemanSK

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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Being hard on everything all the time eventually takes its toll on a person's life and health. Having a placid, calm nature and pacifist personal philosophy in no way contradicts being involved in martial arts. Neither does the practise of a specific spiritual or religious conviction.

What matters and is of vital importance is to maintain balance. Personally, it involves cultivating the mind by reading and studying different subjects of interest. Usually university textbooks borrowed from the library. Mental exercise is the point.

Anything that works the mind as hard as training karate does for the physical part. Drawing and watercolours are great and so is memorizing passages from English classics such as Shakespeare, Latin and other Foreign Classic works. Also music from classical composers.

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cultivating the mind by reading and studying different subjects of interest

thats what i love to do. sometimes including work on wikipedia articles.

also i used to draw, especially fantasy-creatures, like a wimp. totally contrary to martial arts. :D

an other thing would be my big love to animals.

stereotypes like maists or combat sportsman/woman are dumb or rude are just stupid.

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With an almost 3 year old and a 5 year old, my personal time is extremely limited. They (and my wife) are my favorite people in the world, so it's all about doing stuff with them.

I've gotten into photography since the arrival of my first daughter. My father (who's into photography) gave me a good camera when he came to the hospital when she was born. Taking pictures of her the first few months, I wanted to take better pictures. I started reading up on the subject and slowly invested more in equipment. Like karate, I probably took it a lot further than most people think is sane. I just want to capture the moments the best way I can.

Before the kids, I was into music and stereos. I still have my Bryston B60, Rega DAC, Audio Physic speakers and Pro-Ject turntable. I haven't sat down and listened to my music through the stereo in quite some time, but I fire it up every now and then with their Kidz Bops Kids music and dance around with them.

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I'm a librarian. I'm usually quiet, soft-spoken, and to some people I come off as "proper" (though not people who actually know me).

People are always surprised when I say I do martial arts.

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Great topic, IcemanSK; thanks for starting it.

If I understand what you're asking...

I love Chess!! That's how I unwind from a long day of training and/or teaching and/or administrative duties!! I've never been rated in Chess, but I've got one mean game, at all phases. Chess relaxes me.

For 25 years, I've found solace in spending every free moment with my wife, Linda!! This is, of course, above and over anything else on this planet!! Over Chess...and yes...over the MA!! My wife is my everything, and the MA, while I love it, is just a thing!!

Whenever our schedules can work, I love to spend time with my Son, Nathan and my daughter, Krystal as much as possible. They too, are preferred over Chess...or watching a good football/baseball/basketball game...or bowling...or cooking...or reading...or anything else that might float my downtime boat.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I am a poet and have won one national award and several local ones. I also study when I can afford to, recently getting a BA in Classics but most of the time I can be found pursuing what I like to call Proper Hobbies. Proper Hobbies involve skill, craftsmanship and a minimum of modern technology, they ideally take place in a shed or outdoors. My Proper Hobbies du jour are making fishing tackle to early C20th patterns, railway modelling and playing wargames using my own sculpted miniatures cast in good old toxic lead.

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I play Magic the Gathering and read an inordinate amount of comic books. I also really like to cook. In fact, one of my resolutions was to cook every part of a cow throughout the year.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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