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Leading leg round house kick

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The subject kind of speaks for itself, can anyone offer me some guidance on the proper way to do a roundhouse kick using your leading leg i.e. left leg in left stance. I seem to be unable to stike a pad properly without bringing my leg slightly back for momentum.


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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so your problem is moving your leg back to get more force? maybe i can help.


instead, lift your leg with your knee bent then strike. im kinda tired at the moment so if i didn't give you a good enough answer just tell me and i'll try to do better.

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There are 2 types of roundhouse kicks(whether it be lead or back leg) in TKD.The first is the speed kick which is most effectively used in tournament sparring. This kick usually comes off the ground at only a slight angle (making it look more like a modified front kick). Contact is made by slapping with the top of the foot(instep). The second type is the power kick. This kick is loaded from the side and brought around to strike to opponent with greater force. This type utilizes the snapping of the hips to create that added power, and contact is usually made with the ball of the foot or the instep.


However, there are numerous ways to execute the roundhouse kick.


Each style of martial arts has its own way of executing these kicks. Each has its own merit, as its purpose and the tournament style differ, and learning to kick in different ways is a great advantage, allowing us to pick ideas as needed from different styles.

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Well you basically do the same thing you would do with your back leg when doing a roundhouse kick. Except when you kick with your lead leg you stand on your toes a bit. Then switch your stance without moving your shoulder and head only lower body and then go and do your roundhouse kick.


That is the way I have been taught in Muay Thai and it also gives you more power. If once you switch stance then kick right after.

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I agree with kicker!

Except when you kick with your lead leg you stand on your toes a bit. Then switch your stance without moving your shoulder and head only lower body and then go and do your roundhouse kick.

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just like kicker said but make sure you dont just switch gaurd its just your feet you want to switch and keep your hips facing forward to generate the power, when you get it right you'll see what i mean about your hips ,they will naturally want to twist you back round, this is where the power comes from.When you switch feet, slightly turn your right foot out this helps with balance.


Hope this helps!


p.s thats with Muay Thai but it depends on what you do.

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Saying "swith stance" sometimes confuses beginners. I alsways try to explain it as "step right kick left" this technique also keeps you moving forward instead of being stationary and switching stances.


You start by steping forward and off to the right with your back leg in this case your right leg. This winds up your hips and creates the best angle. then roll your hips over and deliver the roundhouse. Remember to stay on your toes and pivot that right heel forward.

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Thanks for the help but unfortunately switching isn't an option. You see when we train a round house using your leading leg is supposed to like a jab, fast with out a wind up. One of the combinations I have difficulty mastering is when you do a front kick to the stomach, then as soon as your foot hits the floor you spring it right back at head height. I can never seem to get enough rotation and instead of the front of my shin connecting, its the side.
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Well that's to bad that you can't do it that way. But you can take a very small step back with your right leg (behind leg) and shift your body weight back a bit and then try to do a roundhouse kick. It isn't that great of a kick or powerful as the other kick I said.


You could practice a bit and maybe then things well becoming less difficult for you :)

when you do your best it`s going to show.

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Will 56,


If you're kicking with your left leg as your lead, pivot your right foot as you're kicking to where your heel is facing your target along with this get good hip rotation and your left shoulder will be turning into the kick a bit.


Good way to practice this is to do it slowly with a chair or something to steady your balance if you don't already have good balance. I do these kicks all the time, get pretty good power and speed, I like them.


The faster you can pivot your foot into the kick the quicker your kick will be.

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