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An epiphany

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I've been working out hard using a heavy bag this month, as part of my 2016 MA goals. I've hit heavy bags before, but not consistently; it was more of here and there with no real order to things. I've been hitting the bag for 45 minutes to 1 hour 3-4 days a week. On my 3rd day, I had a real epiphany, or aha moment...

I've been fighting right hand forward for all these years, when I should have been left hand forward. Right hand forward always seemed more fluid, natural and stronger. Hitting the heavy bag full force and at a fast pace (while still maintaining proper mechanics) right hand forward, I'm so much weaker.

I've sparred everywhere from bare-knuckle and knockdown to tapping point fighting. The overwhelming majority of my sparring has been medium to heavy contact, and I have no idea why I never saw this. I guess I didn't hit anything full force often enough in a single session to really see it.

I've been forcing myself to spar left hand forward every time now. It's like I'm starting over again. My timing is off, but the hardest thing is I have to consciously think of my combinations before I throw them. At the rate it's going, it's going to take a few months before I'm really comfortable. Talk about frustrating.

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As a left hand forward fighter, welcome! I am right-handed, so I've always fought with my left hand forward. I would advise that you continue to practice with your right-hand forward as well. You never know when you might need to switch it up on the fly.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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I'm right handed as well. I still hit the bag right hand forward to work on bringing up my strength on that side. And I'm fully comfortable fighting that way, as that's the way I've done it since day one. If I needed to defend myself right now, I'd be right hand forward without thinking about it.

During sparring, I catch myself trying to go right hand forward out of frustration. I immediately switch sides and force myself to stay left forward. That's the only way I'm going to get fully comfortable and confident with it. I've been taking a beating lately because of it, but it'll end. Hopefully sooner than later. I've noticed a few people switching up their stance in an attempt to throw me off. That's actually been easier to deal with for me. They quickly switch back.

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Switching stance takes some time to get used to. Years ago, I made the switch to spar southpaw most of the time, and recently, I started using more orthodox stance. So, I guess I'm re-getting used to stepping back with my strong side. Its a good way to keep you thinking in your training.

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Nice pick up!

Its difficult to critique yourself without someone there to oversee form.

I generally start in a standard stance and posture, with left hand slightly forward, and tend to reset to that position, but once i going (heavy bag or sparring) its really just going with the flow, constantly moving, switch kicks and sabaki.

funny thing is, I am right handed, but my left is quicker in a jab and stop hit, and more powerful in a lunge.

I've just learnt to live with it and develop my style around my strong points :D

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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