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If I had the time or $$ I'd do X, Y, & Z.

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Pretend that you had the time & money to do unique things in your MA career that out of the ordinary for you. So, apart from training under the people that you do at the training hall when you currently train. What would you do? Who would you train under? Would you start a new Art? Tell us what you'd love to do if you had the opportunity.

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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Regularly cross-train at "Judo" Gene LaBell/Gokor Chivichyan's dojo.

Train at Hajime Kazumi's dojo

Train on Okinawa; not sure with who though

Train boxing with Kevin Rooney and/or Teddy Atlas

This is of course assuming that my image of them and what they do is actually correct.

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Great post! I love thought experiments like this!

I would buy an island. On that island, I would build a college of sorts where students could enroll and stay upon the island taking various courses in martial arts. Apart from the physical side, I would have classrooms dedicated to various theory and philosophical classes. I would make sure to leave as much of the island untouched as possible, to allow for "expeditions" where students and teachers could go out into nature and train, or camp, or just go for a relaxing hike in their off time. If there is a training tool, it will be at the school. Various arts would mingle their and create new techniques and maybe even martial arts. Shorin Ryu would practice next to Hun Gar. TKD next to Krav Maga. Judo next to Boxing. It would be a martial arts paradise. Dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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I'd study full time on Zaine's island for a few years (Okinawan karate, BJJ, something with stand up sparring and something weapons) then I'd come back and open a low cost program at a local community center where kids and adults can get quality training that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. Fees would be on a sliding scale, but everyone would be required to contribute something-- more so that they have a sense of ownership and some stakes in their training than out of actual need (I do have unlimited funds, after all).

I'd probably make it a school year only program so I could go back to the island every summer to refresh and bolster my own skills.

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I'd study full time on Zaine's island for a few years (Okinawan karate, BJJ, something with stand up sparring and something weapons) then I'd come back and open a low cost program at a local community center where kids and adults can get quality training that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. Fees would be on a sliding scale, but everyone would be required to contribute something-- more so that they have a sense of ownership and some stakes in their training than out of actual need (I do have unlimited funds, after all).

I'd probably make it a school year only program so I could go back to the island every summer to refresh and bolster my own skills.

You could have someone run it for you while you're away. Just saying.

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You could have someone run it for you while you're away. Just saying.

True. That's probably what I'd do after a few years, once I got students advanced enough to be able to do that.

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Pretend that you had the time & money to do unique things in your MA career that out of the ordinary for you. So, apart from training under the people that you do at the training hall when you currently train. What would you do? Who would you train under? Would you start a new Art? Tell us what you'd love to do if you had the opportunity.

Another Million dollar question!

What would I do?

Who would I train under?

What would I love to do if I had the opportunity?

Whatever/whoever would increase my MA betterment, from time to time! I don't outwardly seek out these things; when I feel that that is right for me, then I earnestly seek it out because I believe that "it" will increase my MA betterment.

Would I start a new Art?

No!! That's not within me to do!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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For me, I would go to Korea & train under GM Hae Man PARK, VP of Chung Do Kwan & co-designer of Tae Geuk & Yudanja poomsae, & GM Kyu Hyung LEE,former head of Kukkiwon. I would als love to train once again under GM Yun Kil Kim, my first master, who now lives in Hawaii.

I want to also learn serious cane SD for folks w/ limited mobility. Everything I've seen is done by people with normal to athletic ability &, it drives me crazy. But that is a other Oprah. :D

I also would love to learn BJJ from Jean Jacque Machado. This is more possible, as I'm not terribly far from him: I just lack money & the hours in the day. :karate:

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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I would use the funds to travel around and train at different seminars and such. I would just go to everything I possibly could, and try to get a sampling of everything that is out there.

Included in the travelling, I'd stop off at various of posters here at KF, and try to visit their schools and do some training, if possible.

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Experience zero gravity in space, not the parabola flight, but legit like a spaceman :D Skydiving is great, but I think zero-G would be something else! I could be the first person to pull off a 70000 degree spin kick :D :D :D

Im with Zaine on the island, build a sanctuary and training centre where all were welcome - An island actually went up for sale around here recently - 300 acres and a personal airstrip for 1.6million.....

Do nothing but train, teach karate, and tinker mad-scientist style in my workshop (which I would also need to build).

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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