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Martial arts mentality to fight cancer!

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So about 2 months ago my daughter (13 almost 14) was diagnosed with leukemia, which for those who don't know is a cancer of the blood. It was very hard to hear, the upside is she's responding to treatments very well and the cancer is already appearing to go into remission.

Not only have I felt the effects of my discipline in this situation because it's a 2 year treatment plan that requires going to the hospital multiple times a week, and I must rely on my discipline to help me become at ease with a crazy schedule while handling this AND tuning a business. My daughter though, is tough. She is a black belt, she is my biggest helper in class, or was until this. It is my hopes that her training will help her to face this with a "going to kick your butt" attitude. She's too sick to help in class or train right now as the chemo is hard on her, but I plan on having her sit at the table with me for our next testing which is this month. It's my hope that she will see the honor of being up their, but also I feel she is so tough and given me so much help and so much of herself, she really has earned a spot up there and I want others to see what a fierce attitude and dedication can get you, RESPECT for one, but also reward. Here I share this with the KF folks, putting a personal situation out there. Not for attention but because I always feel the need to find good and inspirational things in situations. My goal is to always inspire. In this case, it is my daughter Angela who is doing the inspiring. Also, a student of mine (6 yrs old) wears a "karate kid" bandana and has worn it for a year. He gave it to my daughter so she will be strong to fight cancer haha, inspiring in itself.

She's wearing it here.


I think it would be cool if others could post how martial arts may have helped them through similar situations in their life, that were outside of the dojo/dojang!

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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Life deals us some pretty crazy cards. All we can do is play the cards we've been dealt. We can get perseverate on the negatives, or we can persevere and keep positive.

I read a story about an MAist quite a while back who was battling cancer. What helped him get through it was what he learned during breaking: punch through. Hesitating will get you hurt; sitting there staring at it won't get you anywhere. Not fully following through won't get the job done. Just punch through.

I haven't faced anything of the magnitude your family is facing. You're all facing it; in different ways, but you're all facing it together. You've got to stick together. I've seen it in close friends, and it's not going to be easy. Everything I know about you and your family tells me you're all fighters. You all have to just punch through.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

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Thank you for sharing this with us, Luther. I'm glad to hear that your daughter is responding well to the treatments and has such a positive outlook.


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Thanks to both of you! We are fighters jr137. We are also a very close family. It is a hard situation but I believe in being positive because as you stated, you just have to play the hand dealt. Thanks for the positive words guys.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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Such devastating news for your family. From first hand I ca say your daughters karate will help her be strong and battle through it. As it will help you be strong for your family.

My daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumour when she was 8. By 10 she had 4 major brain surgeries. By 12 she had returned to training to get her black belt win a National kumite title and represent Australia. Her tumour has returned a number of times. She has been through 2 rounds of chemo at 15 and 18 and missed three quarters of her schooling. But she is strong. Now 19 again in remission she has enrolled in a diploma course and gets on the train a couple of times a week to meet me for lunch. I bring my focus pads, we head to a nearby park and she trains. And I cherish every hit on those pads.

I hope all goes well with your daughter. There are constant breakthroughs and new treatments with cancer.

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First, if I may, convey my sincerest thoughts and prayers for Angela, you and your family during this fight!

As hard as this fight will be, the goal of remission is a fight that can be won, and I believe her fight will be short, but the remission will be long!!

Angela, imho, deserves to be at the testing table; she's earned it, and it's your right as the CI to put whomever on the testing table you decide. What's Angela doing in that picture link? She's smiling!! She's beautiful!! Thanks, Luther, for sharing the picture link. All that she's enduring, she's still smiling. That, speaks in volume to me. Her courage is going to fight the good fight.

When the times are right, she'll be back on the floor doing whatever needs to be done to assist you, and to continue in her training. During her fight, imho, I believe that this is the time when things need to be hassle free across the board. Being at the testing board, right beside you, is being hassle free to the Nth degree.

Angela, you're a fellow MAist! Side by side, bow by bow, technique by technique...together...near or far...the fire still burns within you, and no one can extinguish it! Angela, I respect you...I honor you...I bow to you; now and forever!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Wayneshin, thanks for your kind words. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter although happy to hear she's doing better. Hits home for me so I got a little teary eyed reading it, then I read sensei8's comment and read these both to Angela and my wife. I was overcome with emotion and couldn't help but cry, thanks guys lol!

Sensei8 that was really touching the way you wrote that, with such respect for her. She was moved. Angela in the picture was on her 14th day of being in the hospital and yeah her smile and positive attitude is fricken inspiring to me. To be honest she's 13 and I was starting to see some teenager attitude, as in ATTITUDE lol. Since the diagnosis and all she has had to endure she has really been centered and it's a real humbling lesson for all of us. Her attitude is fantastic. There are ways to find good in really bad things huh?

Anyways, thanks guys. I am thankful for her training because the instructor she earned her black belt under was extremely hard on her, as he is all people. He makes you work extremely hard physically and push to a level mentaly that teaches you how tough you are, really. I'm glad because I believe it's shown her how tough she is, and helped her in this fight. I wish I could tell him, but he has turned his back on me based on personal reasons that had to do with bad blood in my leaving. It's a shame. I'd like him to know how positive his being tough on my kid has been. Also, I'd like you all to know and remember even though this is the Internet, we have great ability to touch each other on small, and gigantic levels. Means a lot to see what's written here!

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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I don't know what transpired with the former instructor, and maybe I'm out of line saying this...

Perhaps letting him know how you feel about the current situation will change things. Even the most irrational people can put things aside for a thank you for something as big as this. If my worst enemy (I don't have one) reached out and thanked me under circumstances like this, I'd be cordial.

Again, perhaps I'm out of line, or perhaps it'll make things worse. Just speaking my mind. I think you know me well enough to know my intent here.

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Such devastating news for your family. From first hand I ca say your daughters karate will help her be strong and battle through it. As it will help you be strong for your family.

My daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumour when she was 8. By 10 she had 4 major brain surgeries. By 12 she had returned to training to get her black belt win a National kumite title and represent Australia. Her tumour has returned a number of times. She has been through 2 rounds of chemo at 15 and 18 and missed three quarters of her schooling. But she is strong. Now 19 again in remission she has enrolled in a diploma course and gets on the train a couple of times a week to meet me for lunch. I bring my focus pads, we head to a nearby park and she trains. And I cherish every hit on those pads.

I hope all goes well with your daughter. There are constant breakthroughs and new treatments with cancer.

Your daughter fought that good fight, and she's in remission, once again; victories are won...one victory at a time! Shugyo is a term that speaks about "sucking it up"...toughing it out, with not ever giving up by walking through that fire...one step at a time. What your daughter, Angela, and the countless cancer patients have gone through, or are going through, is that Shugyo...that giving up is not in their vocabulary, not even close.

You and your daughter still train, this is what MAists do, no matter the trials as well as the tribulations; they strive forward, in spite of what the world throws at them...one day...one hour...one second...day after day...month after month...year after year...they fight with one goal...defeat cancer!!

I bow to your daughter with defined purpose, for she's travelled a road that few can understand and/or appreciate, yet they travel that road with an unyielding determination..."I will not give up...now or forever...I will fight with a determination that can't be denied!!"


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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To Angela...to wayneshin's daughter...and to those that suffer, or have suffered from cancer, and to their families...I want to submit these...

:bowofrespect: :bowofrespect: :bowofrespect: :bowofrespect: ...

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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