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tips on ippon kumite?


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Is there any good tips when learning ippon kumite as a white belt? When sparring I sometimes lean backwards alot waiting for the punch. I also move too slow when I have to step backwards when I have to dodge the punch. When I block, i guess I dont hit it hard enough maybe also so their punches still can go through.

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I hate to say it my friend but most of this will be remedied with time and practice.

Some food for thought though. I move faster when I'm not flat footed. Try staying on the balls of your feet some.

Blocks will get better with practice but remember you don't sometimes need to block hard. Parries can work too and they are softer techniques.

Overall stick with it and get comfortable with the basics and try to relax. Win or lose in the Dojo you will learn and get better.

And have a good time!!!

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Common mistake for a beginner is to concentrate on the blocking techinque... Focus on your movement instead. If it is ippon kumite then don't forget to shift off at an angle...

Ippon kumite is not realistic, it is a training method for learning good body mechanics, treat it as such. Use the practice to get it right, don't worry about your speed at this early stage.

Tom Runge

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I did years of Ippon Kumite in Shotokan, now I have moved to Kyokushin, the contact is totally different!

For Ippon kumite, definitely try to concentrate more on body movement and evasion of strikes (wish I had done that when I was in Shotokan, might not be getting hurt as much now!)

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I've always thought that 90% of "blocking" was the footwork/body movement. The "block" part of it is just pushing the opponent's hand/foot/whatever else a bit further away to make a bigger target for my counter.

So much easier said than done though! I made myself sound like an untouchable fighter, whereas truthfully speaking, I "block" too many kicks with my teeth lol. I blocked a hook kick with my jaw in class this morning. Good thing he didn't throw it without restraint, because his love tap definitely forced my jaw over to the opposite side a bit more than it likes to go.

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Is there any good tips when learning ippon kumite as a white belt? When sparring I sometimes lean backwards alot waiting for the punch. I also move too slow when I have to step backwards when I have to dodge the punch. When I block, i guess I dont hit it hard enough maybe also so their punches still can go through.

this is like asking why you can't play Dire straights Romeo Juliet 's guitar part by mark Knopfler as someone with 2 months of learning the guitar !

Don't worry about kumite ,first spend your time practice the basics of movement from one place to another in different stances and how to punch and block while going forward and backwards , this should take you good few months then start thinking about how to do it against someone else and that would take a life time !

never give up !

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Is there any good tips when learning ippon kumite as a white belt? When sparring I sometimes lean backwards alot waiting for the punch. I also move too slow when I have to step backwards when I have to dodge the punch. When I block, i guess I dont hit it hard enough maybe also so their punches still can go through.

this is like asking why you can't play Dire straights Romeo Juliet 's guitar part by mark Knopfler as someone with 2 months of learning the guitar !

Don't worry about kumite ,first spend your time practice the basics of movement from one place to another in different stances and how to punch and block while going forward and backwards , this should take you good few months then start thinking about how to do it against someone else and that would take a life time !

Solid post!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Is there any good tips when learning ippon kumite as a white belt? When sparring I sometimes lean backwards alot waiting for the punch. I also move too slow when I have to step backwards when I have to dodge the punch. When I block, i guess I dont hit it hard enough maybe also so their punches still can go through.

If you really need to know:

-Just clear your mind of "thinking"

-Forget identifying" any specific technique. (clear your mind)

-Forget blocking.(clear your mind , less things to think about)

-LOOK Straight into your opponents eyes.


-when ANYTHING( i mean ANYTHING MOVES) punch as fast and hard as you can(TO THE STOMACH as i think you do not have control and accurate as a white belt to punch to the head) going forward with your weight.



Trust your body. You will develop a "feeling/anticipation " overtime(decades).

interesting knowledge

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Is there any good tips when learning ippon kumite as a white belt? When sparring I sometimes lean backwards alot waiting for the punch. I also move too slow when I have to step backwards when I have to dodge the punch. When I block, i guess I dont hit it hard enough maybe also so their punches still can go through.

If you really need to know:

-Just clear your mind of "thinking"

-Forget identifying" any specific technique. (clear your mind)

-Forget blocking.(clear your mind , less things to think about)

-LOOK Straight into your opponents eyes.


-when ANYTHING( i mean ANYTHING MOVES) punch as fast and hard as you can(TO THE STOMACH as i think you do not have control and accurate as a white belt to punch to the head) going forward with your weight.



Trust your body. You will develop a "feeling/anticipation " overtime(decades).

Solid post!!

Study your opponent'

Study yourself

Make a plan

Carry out the plan

Don't second guess yourself, and as Maybetrue has said...TRUST YOUR BODY!!

Spar until the wheels fall off and then some. Try not to go backwards; but to angle to the side or forward, but that alone will take time to develop. Therefore, spar, spar, spar, spar, spar, spar, spar....timing is a developmental thing that's acquired while sparring until the wheels fall off.

Be proactive in your training, and not just with sparring! Basics have to be right on before they can be effective.

You're a white belt, so expect things to be difficult, but with training and the watchful eye of your instructor, things, IN TIME, will start to make sense and fall into place.

If you're not sparring a lot, you'll never do well in any competition, and worse of it all, you'll never be able to effectively defend yourself.

Confidence comes IN TIME; the more one does something, the easier it becomes, and the better the practitioner becomes.

You'll be fine!! Train hard, and train well!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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