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Held my 5th testing tonight

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So tonight was my 5th testing. I was teaching for some time With a studio and was set to take over my location with them, i was to do all the teaching and then the students would test for them. I had no experience running testing a other then going through plenty myself as a student and assisting with board breaking and what not. We went separate ways and I opened on my own, big decision but here I am.

I have learned a great deal at every testing, things like, how low the energy is if I test all new students and why I like to have some seasoned students in there with them, and what pace keeps different age groups performing at their peek.

I am curious how many of you currently perform testings and how many you have done, also the general focus of them? For me my students do a real good workout, usually 15 min or so. Then, I have them do kicking drills fro. One end to the other, while moving forward. Then traditional techniques in horse stance and front stance followed by sparring style combinations. Lastly ages 8 and up perform their forms/hyung/poomse/kata! After all is done they hear me say a few things each student breaks a board with his/her chosen technique (must be different every time), and they receive their belts/certificates at the end.

Some here seem to be part of an association as I am not. I am free to do as I wish for the betterment of my program, I don't know if all are as well or bound by a structured rule of "how to"! I'd love to hear how you all operate and bounce ideas for general knowledge amongst us as teachers.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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I have only held 1 testing myself, but I've assisted in countless ones (and taken a bunch myself!) Ours usually consist of a warm up followed by basics (blocks, strikes, kicks). Then, we do one steps. Next is kata. Then Kumite. After all are completed, we present the trophies and belts.

We're not part of an association, and my CI's reasoning seems to be the same as yours! Our tests usually run like a big class, except we spar at the end. Our CI in reality is testing people during every class. I had this conversation with a parent yesterday (who happens to be my best friend for 36 years)- when we see that enough students have progressed enough to warrant a test, we'll set a date for the test. We have students that will test for the next RANK (white to yellow, yellow to orange, etc), and we have students that will be awarded "advanced" level of the same rank (advanced yellow, advanced orange, etc). This is done when someone has put in the time and effort, but may not necessarily be ready to jump a full level. They're given the option to skip the test and wait for the next one to try for full rank, or they can participate in the current testing cycle and work towards the "stripe" on their current rank. It's a way to be able to keep rewarding and motivating the students without compromising the "meaning" of the ranking system. We don't want to become a belt factory, but we do understand that to keep students, they have to be motivated. So during the classes, our CI will recognize those that are ready and give them the option to test. But he will dictate what they're testing for based on his opinion of how they've progressed. If he thinks a student knows enough to go from 4th kyu to 3rd, he'll give them the opportunity to test. If he sees that a student has not progressed enough to test, he won't invite that student. If he sees one that has put in the time and effort, but just hasn't progressed enough to jump a full rank, he'll offer them the choice to test for the stripe or skip the cycle and wait for the next to obtain full rank.

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That's interesting thanks for sharing! I follow a belt pattern similar to wtf taekwondo which has a "high belt) for every rank, which is a striped of the same color. So white then white with stripe, yellow then yellow stripe. The way you do it having a rank that isn't quite full next rank is interesting though.

Testing is similar to class for us as well. The thing I don't do is similar to the last place that taught there, is sparring. We soar in class but. It for testings. Only required for black belt in which the student has to spar 2 people Independently and then a double team. I'd imagine your testings would be drawn out with the sparring if a good deal test at the same time? How many test on average? Mine is usually about 15 or so at a time. A testing is also one hour usually.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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We usually average about 10-15 per test. We usually let the students spar against each other, and sometimes with a black belt. Just to see how well they incorporate their techniques into kumite.

I used to have reservations about the stripe belt system, but what I found was that so many kids (especially those coming from other schools) were used to testing and getting "new belts" every month. And I don't feel that anyone can learn everything they need to in 30 days to jump up a full kyu. And there were those that felt they should be testing, and we knew they weren't ready for a full rank advancement. So if they show progress, but just not enough to jump a full kyu, they're given the choice to get the striped belt or wait until they're ready for a full test. The other part to the equation is that over the last 2 years, we've literally quadrupled in size. We grew very quickly, and a lot of students were coming from other schools. It was difficult to schedule tests regularly due to the timing of the influx. So we just had to play everything by ear. Now, things have leveled out, so it's a little easier.

Seek Perfection of Character

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I've administered more testing cycles than I even care to remember. I've assisted my share, that's for sure. Albeit, I've administered thousands of testing cycles since 1977, both at my own dojo as well as at the Hombu.

The Hombu's annual testing cycle is held once per year during the last week of June AND the first week of July. Because the testing cycle is held at the Hombu, it draws a lot of attention away from the individual dojo's within the SKKA network because students want to test at the Hombu more so than they do at their own respective dojo.

Respective dojo's within the SKKA network conduct a testing cycle once every quarter, which is to say, once every 3 months. This way students will test at their respective dojo's up to 3 separate quarters, therefore, the dojo is the main testing cycle venue for Shindokan students.

The general focus is simple...to demonstrate a noted mark of improvement over time!! In short, quality over quantity, and this increases our fail ratio. I am part of an association, SKKA, but that's where it ends.

You see, our Hombu is there to administer Testing Cycles...that's IT! Our Hombu doesn't interfere in how a dojo is operated and managed; that's their business. Our Hombu oversees each and every aspect of a Testing Cycle from A to Z and back to A...up one side and down the other side, and I say what I'm about to say with respect to my Hombu, our Hombu can be quite anal, but, if at all possible, I mean this in a good way.

Testing Cycle Integrity must be intact, and remain intact, and that means that the Hombu must be so strict, without ambiguity and/or reservation. That's why no Shindokan dojo within the SKKA network can conduct a testing cycle without the explicit expression of approval from the Hombu...NOT ONE DOJO CAN on their own conduct a testing cycle without Hombu approval, no matter the rank and no matter if it's Karate-do and/or Kobudo.

Each dojo must submit a Petition to Test for said student(s) with the CI's signature affixed to the Hombu one month before any planned Testing Cycle...three months in advance of wanting to test at the Hombu. Once approved, the Testing Cycle can be held. Prior to a dojo submitting any Petitions to Test, the dojo's CI must submit to the Hombu a Quarterly Testing Cycle Approval form one month in advanced of submitting any Petition to Test!!

I'll stop here for now, but I believe that's I've given you and others, our general SOP. Any more questions, just ask me and I'll answer them for you.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I've administered more testing cycles than I even care to remember. I've assisted my share, that's for sure. Albeit, I've administered thousands of testing cycles since 1977, both at my own dojo as well as at the Hombu.

The Hombu's annual testing cycle is held once per year during the last week of June AND the first week of July. Because the testing cycle is held at the Hombu, it draws a lot of attention away from the individual dojo's within the SKKA network because students want to test at the Hombu more so than they do at their own respective dojo.

Respective dojo's within the SKKA network conduct a testing cycle once every quarter, which is to say, once every 3 months. This way students will test at their respective dojo's up to 3 separate quarters, therefore, the dojo is the main testing cycle venue for Shindokan students.

The general focus is simple...to demonstrate a noted mark of improvement over time!! In short, quality over quantity, and this increases our fail ratio. I am part of an association, SKKA, but that's where it ends.

You see, our Hombu is there to administer Testing Cycles...that's IT! Our Hombu doesn't interfere in how a dojo is operated and managed; that's their business. Our Hombu oversees each and every aspect of a Testing Cycle from A to Z and back to A...up one side and down the other side, and I say what I'm about to say with respect to my Hombu, our Hombu can be quite anal, but, if at all possible, I mean this in a good way.

Testing Cycle Integrity must be intact, and remain intact, and that means that the Hombu must be so strict, without ambiguity and/or reservation. That's why no Shindokan dojo within the SKKA network can conduct a testing cycle without the explicit expression of approval from the Hombu...NOT ONE DOJO CAN on their own conduct a testing cycle without Hombu approval, no matter the rank and no matter if it's Karate-do and/or Kobudo.

Each dojo must submit a Petition to Test for said student(s) with the CI's signature affixed to the Hombu one month before any planned Testing Cycle...three months in advance of wanting to test at the Hombu. Once approved, the Testing Cycle can be held. Prior to a dojo submitting any Petitions to Test, the dojo's CI must submit to the Hombu a Quarterly Testing Cycle Approval form one month in advanced of submitting any Petition to Test!!

I'll stop here for now, but I believe that's I've given you and others, our general SOP. Any more questions, just ask me and I'll answer them for you.


Is there a particular reason why its the last week of June/ first week of July? Seems like most people would be on vacations during that time frame.

Btw has anything come about in regards to the number of failures of the last testing cycle that you talked about before.

Teachers are always learning

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Jaypo that's really interesting. I'm not knocking the in between rank, if you will, I think it really is an interesting angle. I have thought about doing something similar myself, as some martial arts like to get to do it this way. I guess the main reason I go with the new belt at every testing is it seems like a bigger deal to the students, this is just how it's always been done at places I train. I've never been in a place that does not give you a belt.

The main purpose as I see it anyways, of testing for me is to test the students progress, as everybody seems to be mentioning. But, also it is to reward them at the end of that testing for the hard work and keep them motivated to keep going, getting the belt and the round of applause at the end of the day is simply Encouragement and a marker on their path.

I'd love to do sparring as you describe it during testing I just don't really know how to pull that off myself, when we do it for black belt testing it tends to run quite a bit longer than a regular testing.

Sensei8 that's pretty crazy how many test things you have done, I was born in 1977 LOL. You see, I have been part of organization before and tested for them, I have never been the instructor holding the test for an organization however. It is obviously a completely different angle and point of view on the side of the fence. When I was going to teach for the last studio I was with, it was going to operate in a similar fashion to what you described, as that studio ultimately being like the association I belong too.

I was all for it but as I've said before things just didn't pan out between me and my instructor. There was also a great deal of jealousy from other adult students towards my family, who dedicated hours a day to training, and they did not care for how we progressed. In this sense I do not regret leaving, the one thing I can say I was happy about when I started on my own was I was starting to get bored teaching some of the classes under that studio, it became very redundant and repetitive and I felt like I was handcuffed and could not teach to my full potential and spice up the program when I saw it needed to be spiced up. I saw a lot of board students, I guess my biggest thing for people who belong to an association is just that, how, if at all, does this affect you? You say you are free to teach as you want but when it comes time for testing, if the student was not taught what they are expecting there would be a problem no? It's interesting, as for myself I really enjoyed being a freestanding entity in the martial arts world, I can appreciate both sides but I just enjoy doing as I please, it makes me feel more like my program is a work of art and I am the artist. I don't think I would be good for that situation As you describe though, who know, only one way to find out... Are they hiring ??? Hah!

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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I've administered more testing cycles than I even care to remember. I've assisted my share, that's for sure. Albeit, I've administered thousands of testing cycles since 1977, both at my own dojo as well as at the Hombu.

The Hombu's annual testing cycle is held once per year during the last week of June AND the first week of July. Because the testing cycle is held at the Hombu, it draws a lot of attention away from the individual dojo's within the SKKA network because students want to test at the Hombu more so than they do at their own respective dojo.

Respective dojo's within the SKKA network conduct a testing cycle once every quarter, which is to say, once every 3 months. This way students will test at their respective dojo's up to 3 separate quarters, therefore, the dojo is the main testing cycle venue for Shindokan students.

The general focus is simple...to demonstrate a noted mark of improvement over time!! In short, quality over quantity, and this increases our fail ratio. I am part of an association, SKKA, but that's where it ends.

You see, our Hombu is there to administer Testing Cycles...that's IT! Our Hombu doesn't interfere in how a dojo is operated and managed; that's their business. Our Hombu oversees each and every aspect of a Testing Cycle from A to Z and back to A...up one side and down the other side, and I say what I'm about to say with respect to my Hombu, our Hombu can be quite anal, but, if at all possible, I mean this in a good way.

Testing Cycle Integrity must be intact, and remain intact, and that means that the Hombu must be so strict, without ambiguity and/or reservation. That's why no Shindokan dojo within the SKKA network can conduct a testing cycle without the explicit expression of approval from the Hombu...NOT ONE DOJO CAN on their own conduct a testing cycle without Hombu approval, no matter the rank and no matter if it's Karate-do and/or Kobudo.

Each dojo must submit a Petition to Test for said student(s) with the CI's signature affixed to the Hombu one month before any planned Testing Cycle...three months in advance of wanting to test at the Hombu. Once approved, the Testing Cycle can be held. Prior to a dojo submitting any Petitions to Test, the dojo's CI must submit to the Hombu a Quarterly Testing Cycle Approval form one month in advanced of submitting any Petition to Test!!

I'll stop here for now, but I believe that's I've given you and others, our general SOP. Any more questions, just ask me and I'll answer them for you.


Is there a particular reason why its the last week of June/ first week of July? Seems like most people would be on vacations during that time frame.

Btw has anything come about in regards to the number of failures of the last testing cycle that you talked about before.

All testing cycles are quarter based. So, the last week of June/first week of July usher in the 3rd quarter. Therefore, 2 quarters worth of testing cycles have been conducted at the respective dojo's by the time the Annual Testing Cycle begins.

The only drawback is that students within the Kyu ranks CAN'T test at the Hombu if they've completed a testing cycle at their respective dojo during the 2nd quarter.

Yes, in regards to your second question, I'll refer you back to this KF link...


This might refresh your memory.

Beyond that, we've authorized Testing Cycles to resume at all dojos within the SKKA network, and this is to include the Hombu. The Hombu is still trying to certify new Testing Officers, and that's a process that might take some time, however, the Hombu has about 7-8 months to complete this task, and if the task is not completed by April 2016, there will be NO ANNUAL TESTING CYCLE permitted!!

Also, the Legal Team, as of a week and a half ago, has submitted an update of their investigation as to the party/parties that might've been directly involved in this matter, and they will be dealt with severely, and abruptly!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I am curious how many of you currently perform testings and how many you have done, also the general focus of them?

Oh Lord..how many tests have I done?

Many hundreds at least.

I've said this before...I test my students each and every class, and they know it. I watch them every class..guage who is practicing, and who is not. Who is making the corrections I make, and who is not. Who is putting forth appropriate effort for their belt level, age and experience, and who isn't...etc.

The test itself is really a formality. If the student has progressed to where I want them to be for that next belt and has really worked for it..they will be tested..sometimes without them knowing it. If they pass, GREAT! If they don't, they will know what exactly it is that they need to work on.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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I am curious how many of you currently perform testings and how many you have done, also the general focus of them?

Oh Lord..how many tests have I done?

Many hundreds at least.

I've said this before...I test my students each and every class, and they know it. I watch them every class..guage who is practicing, and who is not. Who is making the corrections I make, and who is not. Who is putting forth appropriate effort for their belt level, age and experience, and who isn't...etc.

The test itself is really a formality. If the student has progressed to where I want them to be for that next belt and has really worked for it..they will be tested..sometimes without them knowing it. If they pass, GREAT! If they don't, they will know what exactly it is that they need to work on.

Solid post!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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