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MA periodicals

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Monkey girl brought up teh subject of CFW's latest incarnation of its non-kungfu publication in another thread, and I am prompted to wonder...what publications do form members read, and what do they think of them?


I used to read Black Belt, but it has gone downhill over the years, ever since the Ninja '80's. Now there is precious little martial art, and much "reality steroid enhanced you can be a cop-wanna-be antiterror-military woof-hoorah" technique.


Inside Karate (now "Martial Art) was allright, but suffers from CFW's rotten editing, and often seems to be a shill for the company's books and videos.


Taekwondo times is coming along nicely,and seems to be moving away from its beginnings as a "my grandmaster is soooo cool, adn can beat your master up" sort of writing that characterized the publication for its first couple of decades.


Journal of Asian Martial Arts is splendid, adn a truly academic journal, although I fear it may be somewhat daunting to teh average reader.


I love Dragon Times, which is close to the caliber of JAMA, but their shoestring budget leads to shortfalls on subscription services, adn it seems to be opearting one minor catastrophe away from collapse all of teh time.

There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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TKD Times sometimes, and used to read BB Mag until they started getting as you describe. Although they still have the occational good article.


I'll have to check out a couple you mentioned that I've haven't tried yet.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Blackbelt is all I ever read but I have not gotten it in over a year.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I'll pick up either Blackbelt or Martial Art if it looks like there's an interesting article for the month. Otherwise I can do without the "My new combat system will destroy yours" kind of mentality that seems to pop up so very often.
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It's been TKD times lately (Korean Arts stuff). But I do read Black Belt and Martial Arts mags. Depends on what mag has the best articles on a given month. They all have way too many ads, and politics, but hey. A good article is a good article :)

Laurie F

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