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What's in your Dojo?


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Our dojo is bare bones. 1 heavy bag, a few large rectangular striking pads (don't know what they're called), some food away mats, and a bunch of weapons.

To quote my CI, "we're a small club."

I haven't seen anyone hit the heavy bag, other than my CI when I'm the first one in before the first class. Not sure if the advanced classes use it or not.

But I've always wondered when I see pics of dojos with heavy bags - do you hit them during normal class times, are there specific scheduled classes that focus on them, such as a conditioning class, or are they only used during open floor times?

My old dojo had a heavy bag that we could hit during open floor times. Never used it during formal classes during the six years I was there. Same for the freestanding bags, but we'd use them in a specific conditioning class where there wasn't much instruction; it was kind of like (I hate to say it!) cardio karate class, only we'd strike much harder, not at such a fast pace, and do specific kumite stuff.

Gotta get my own heavy bag.

We use it mostly before class. There is a class of using proper technique to the bags as an actual dummy of sorts. Other times when we had a few kids we used freestanding as kind of a "fun time" for the kid to keep interest type things. I wish we had more time and could put a regular time for using the bags. I personally like using them to work on proper technique and actually hitting something. Yet I am weird. For now they are every so often class time (after kihon, kata, and kumite or in place of kumite).

I'm kind of mixed on whether I want to hit a heavy bag or not during class (not counting a formal/scheduled conditioning class). I don't go to the dojo to "workout." Yes, I get a good workout through kumite, kihon, etc., but I go to learn. I wouldn't join a dojo that did a lot of cardio or even strengthening stuff. I want to learn. I'd join a group exercise class like Crossfit if I wanted the group workout.

I look at it as class time is learning time, and open floor time can be hitting a bag time.

Maybe I'm just weird. I have no problem with anyone thinking differently than I do.

I'm with you JR, our dojo is a high school gym, we (our karate club) have a heavy bag there, but it doesn't get used during class, maybe a play around beforehand while waiting for everyone to finish their stretching. I have my own at home for those sorts of sessions.

I feel like I explained that wrong. We only do this once in a blue moon. I was just trying to explain what we do when we use it. My sense is like you guys that believes mostly in the 3 k's of martial arts. We honestly do the basics streches, some basic pe level pushups/situps/etc for warmup and kihon and kata and kumite make up most the class time at this time.

As for the use in class I personally think it should be done a little more than my dojo does. I personally have found that working out is part of what I consider my way of karate. To improve ones mind (kata, kihon, sparing) and body(working out, kata, Kihon, Sparing). Sorry for any misspellings its been a long night. I do love seeing everyone reasons for why so I can completely understand Jr.

Also I personally don't believe anyone is truely normal. That would make the world a boring place :)

I feel like I said personally to much sorry. Just trying to say that its in my opinion and I am tired.

I knew what you meant, liger. Didn't explain it wrong at all. I was just making a general statement/question, not directed at anyone specifically.

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We had quite a bit of equipment in the Baltimore school - in the main room we had an old wrestling mat on the floor, weapons racks, punch/kick shields, and various things on the walls (flags, the instructor's teaching license, lineage chart, and a few photos from various events). We had a secondary room with makiwara board, weight lifting equipment, heavy bags, etc. The secondary room was not normally utilized as a part of class - students could make use of the equipment before class if they wished.

You can see some pictures of the school:


Rack 1

Rack 3



Old tournament flyers

The other location I attend (Columbia School) is a bit more Spartan - we practice on a tile floor that is in a church basement as well, but is utilized by other programs so we are unable to leave anything there.

"Karate is NOT about the colour of belt you wear it is about the person you become;...to be a good blackbelt is to be humble and respectful amongst other things." -Dobbersky

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First off great looking places guys. I have a desire for more equipment but overall been at it 9 months now and just havnt gotten everything is like yet. I teach at two locations as of yesterday, first day at second location, they each have their goods. The second location is a dojo space rented to me fully loaded with equipment, matts, and kicking pads (mostly muay thai stuff) but much smaller then location 1 which has been mine for the 9 months and has very little equipment. I don't have any photos of an empty place, but you get the picture.

Location one is at a recreation center... http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-EELmtcwiy_c/VOTeMtNDA1I/AAAAAAABAP4/zysnOcAteag/s1024-no/IMG_0324.JPG

Location two is in a stand alone/suite... Don't mind me doing a form, my wife took the pic lol


This is my first experience in an actual dojo as an instructor myself, but I have to say the mats are great, the equipment is great, but I'll take the recreation center space any day. I trained in some small places and I hated having to do things like switch my feet in a form because there wasn't room. You do what you have to but I like the space.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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Congrats on the starting second dojo!

The dojo I train at is very small. Depending on the kata and where you start, we have to switch feet too due to space. I look at it as in a real situation, I'm going to have to alter steps and stances to adapt to the circumstances, so the dojo isn't any different. Glass half full thinking.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it's a springboard to getting a huge dojo with tons of students!

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Congrats on the starting second dojo!

The dojo I train at is very small. Depending on the kata and where you start, we have to switch feet too due to space. I look at it as in a real situation, I'm going to have to alter steps and stances to adapt to the circumstances, so the dojo isn't any different. Glass half full thinking.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it's a springboard to getting a huge dojo with tons of students!

Thanks man. I'm not in a huge hurry and I did not get a second place because I'm rushing things, I just have been very successful at my first location and that is only two days a week. This is my only job so I obviously need a little more than two days a week so this is why picked up a second place for another two days a week . I'm sure eventually I will get a bigger place if things continue on this path so I appreciate The supportive words. I hear what you're saying about the smaller places, I personally trained for the last year and a very small place, I'm just over it is all and I'm happy to be in a bigger place now LOL. It was tough on training, but it was even worse when I was instructing for them, if we had a really big class going it was difficult to break up into groups because I always had to rearrange my students to not cut into the next group. As an instructor I think I appreciate the space more.

Thanks again for the good luck. Same to you of course in your endeavors.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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Congrats on the starting second dojo!

The dojo I train at is very small. Depending on the kata and where you start, we have to switch feet too due to space. I look at it as in a real situation, I'm going to have to alter steps and stances to adapt to the circumstances, so the dojo isn't any different. Glass half full thinking.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it's a springboard to getting a huge dojo with tons of students!

Thanks man. I'm not in a huge hurry and I did not get a second place because I'm rushing things, I just have been very successful at my first location and that is only two days a week. This is my only job so I obviously need a little more than two days a week so this is why picked up a second place for another two days a week . I'm sure eventually I will get a bigger place if things continue on this path so I appreciate The supportive words. I hear what you're saying about the smaller places, I personally trained for the last year and a very small place, I'm just over it is all and I'm happy to be in a bigger place now LOL. It was tough on training, but it was even worse when I was instructing for them, if we had a really big class going it was difficult to break up into groups because I always had to rearrange my students to not cut into the next group. As an instructor I think I appreciate the space more.

Thanks again for the good luck. Same to you of course in your endeavors.

How far away is the 2nd location from the 1st location??


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Congrats on the starting second dojo!

The dojo I train at is very small. Depending on the kata and where you start, we have to switch feet too due to space. I look at it as in a real situation, I'm going to have to alter steps and stances to adapt to the circumstances, so the dojo isn't any different. Glass half full thinking.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it's a springboard to getting a huge dojo with tons of students!

Thanks man. I'm not in a huge hurry and I did not get a second place because I'm rushing things, I just have been very successful at my first location and that is only two days a week. This is my only job so I obviously need a little more than two days a week so this is why picked up a second place for another two days a week . I'm sure eventually I will get a bigger place if things continue on this path so I appreciate The supportive words. I hear what you're saying about the smaller places, I personally trained for the last year and a very small place, I'm just over it is all and I'm happy to be in a bigger place now LOL. It was tough on training, but it was even worse when I was instructing for them, if we had a really big class going it was difficult to break up into groups because I always had to rearrange my students to not cut into the next group. As an instructor I think I appreciate the space more.

Thanks again for the good luck. Same to you of course in your endeavors.

How far away is the 2nd location from the 1st location??


About 30 miles. It's a real slow start. 2 days open no students. We'll see how it goes. It's a no commitment deal so worst case I'm out nothing but time.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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Congrats on the starting second dojo!

The dojo I train at is very small. Depending on the kata and where you start, we have to switch feet too due to space. I look at it as in a real situation, I'm going to have to alter steps and stances to adapt to the circumstances, so the dojo isn't any different. Glass half full thinking.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it's a springboard to getting a huge dojo with tons of students!

Thanks man. I'm not in a huge hurry and I did not get a second place because I'm rushing things, I just have been very successful at my first location and that is only two days a week. This is my only job so I obviously need a little more than two days a week so this is why picked up a second place for another two days a week . I'm sure eventually I will get a bigger place if things continue on this path so I appreciate The supportive words. I hear what you're saying about the smaller places, I personally trained for the last year and a very small place, I'm just over it is all and I'm happy to be in a bigger place now LOL. It was tough on training, but it was even worse when I was instructing for them, if we had a really big class going it was difficult to break up into groups because I always had to rearrange my students to not cut into the next group. As an instructor I think I appreciate the space more.

Thanks again for the good luck. Same to you of course in your endeavors.

How far away is the 2nd location from the 1st location??


About 30 miles. It's a real slow start. 2 days open no students. We'll see how it goes. It's a no commitment deal so worst case I'm out nothing but time.

Ok. 30 miles makes it difficult for students to pick and choose for the convenient sake, which might've been an option had they been closer. I'm still amazed that your stand alone came fully equipped, which I entertained to do here in Houston, TX.

2 days...no students...still new!! What's the population for where the stand alone is, and how many MA schools are in that town, as well as how far are they from you?? What type of advertising have you done?? Is your cost lower or same or higher than other schools of MA in that town, if there are any??

Thanks for sharing the pics!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Congrats on the starting second dojo!

The dojo I train at is very small. Depending on the kata and where you start, we have to switch feet too due to space. I look at it as in a real situation, I'm going to have to alter steps and stances to adapt to the circumstances, so the dojo isn't any different. Glass half full thinking.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully it's a springboard to getting a huge dojo with tons of students!

Thanks man. I'm not in a huge hurry and I did not get a second place because I'm rushing things, I just have been very successful at my first location and that is only two days a week. This is my only job so I obviously need a little more than two days a week so this is why picked up a second place for another two days a week . I'm sure eventually I will get a bigger place if things continue on this path so I appreciate The supportive words. I hear what you're saying about the smaller places, I personally trained for the last year and a very small place, I'm just over it is all and I'm happy to be in a bigger place now LOL. It was tough on training, but it was even worse when I was instructing for them, if we had a really big class going it was difficult to break up into groups because I always had to rearrange my students to not cut into the next group. As an instructor I think I appreciate the space more.

Thanks again for the good luck. Same to you of course in your endeavors.

How far away is the 2nd location from the 1st location??


About 30 miles. It's a real slow start. 2 days open no students. We'll see how it goes. It's a no commitment deal so worst case I'm out nothing but time.

Ok. 30 miles makes it difficult for students to pick and choose for the convenient sake, which might've been an option had they been closer. I'm still amazed that your stand alone came fully equipped, which I entertained to do here in Houston, TX.

2 days...no students...still new!! What's the population for where the stand alone is, and how many MA schools are in that town, as well as how far are they from you?? What type of advertising have you done?? Is your cost lower or same or higher than other schools of MA in that town, if there are any??

Thanks for sharing the pics!!


Well the reason for it coming fully equipped is that it is owned by a martial art supply store right next-door in the suite next to it. I have been getting some of my supplies there for the last nine months or so, and he asked if I wanted to teach some classes there as he thought my personality would go well here. There are two other martial arts instructors that teach there at different times than me, the first place has been there a few months and teaches muay Thai, The other place is a Filipino martial arts and primarily seems to teach Eskrema ( I am not sure if I'm spelling that right so please forgive me).

As far as competitors in the area there really are not many, there was a karate place that seems to be close now, and the nearest place is probably 6 to 8 miles, but that is city miles as this is located right north of downtown Phoenix. There are a few actually but they seem to be taekwondo. They are standalone facilities and their prices are $120 up on average, I'm only $50 a month because that price range works well for me at my other location. It is cheap and Innoway some may think I'm selling myself short, my goal however is to offer the people that want to train the ability to train even if they don't have $130 a month. My outlook is more students will potentially come to me and I'll make more the end anyway, if I'm successful in bringing them in of course.

So in the grand scheme of things there is some competition but not extremely close city Wise, and I would say that being near downtown Phoenix that not only am I much cheaper than the competition, I also seem to be the only karate place around within 20 miles that I can find on the Internet anyways. I would say there is roughly 20 cars passing by in any 32nd span, so tons of traffic. And FYI I got my first potential student, 21-year-old young man looking to start class next Monday, we'll see howitzer goes.

Oh, and last thing. As far as advertising I do everything I know how to do, I have passed out flyers to people and talked with them at the local stores, also flyer peoples cars in neighborhoods. I have relied on some word-of-mouth with people I know to pass along also opening and on Facebook as well. I frequently take videos and try to show a fun side of class so that people can see with the program looks like, last thing is I stood out in front of the dojo last class with my kids in their uniforms and we had some fun, breaking boards and things like this on this very highly populated street to try to draw attention. That's about it. I have about two months with zero cost to stay there or back out, after two months if I decide to stay I rent the space, as I said it's a no money down situation for me to see how I d I have about two months with zero cost to stay there or back out, after two months if I decide to stay I rent the space, as I said it's a no money down situation for me to see how I do I. We will just see how it goes I guess.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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