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got jokes???


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A blonde goes over to the deodorant display and asks the clerk "I'm looking for deodorant for my husband". The clerk then asks "does he use the ball roll-on kind?". "No" replies the blonde "The kind you use under your arms".


Bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! :razz:





If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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Here is a clean one,


Gorge W. Bush ( the dumb one ), Bill, and Gore got arrested by the middle east.


The People with guns tied them up and they lined up with guns ready to shoot them.


They went for Bill frist. 1,,,2,,,,, and " Flood!" yelled Bill. Every body look for the Flood and Bill escaped.


Then to Gore. And Gore yelled, "typhoo!" so every body look the other way for the typhoo and Gore escaped.


Then to Groge W. Bush. 1.....2.... " Fire!!!!" yelled Bush.


Get it?


This Message was edited by: Patrick on Aug 17, 2001 7:23pm

"Don't think!! Feel..."

-Bruce Lee


This site is dumb but I made it so it is good.

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what does Manchester United and a 3-point plug have in common???


They're both usless in Europe :lol:



"In combat know the enemys rhythm, use a rhythm he cannot anticipate, upset his rhythm, and win." Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645)


Chris Pullan.

1st Dan Shotokan Karate. (KUGB)

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This is soooo funny..For the golfer!!!


Tiger Woods drives his Volvo into a Gas Station in Cork, on his tour of




The attendant at the pump; greets him in a typical Cork manner, unaware as


to who; the golf pro is. "Top of the marnin to ya."


Tiger Woods bends down to pick up the pump nozzle, but two tees fall out of


his top pocket onto the ground.


"What are dey Son?" says the attendant


"They're called tees replies Tiger Woods .


"And what would they be for then?" inquires the Cork man.


"They're for resting my balls on while I'm driving" says Tiger Woods.


"Jaysus", says the Cork man, "Dem boys at Volvo think of everyting"







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How about this?


Your Mamas so fat she got stuck falling down the grand canyon. :spitlaugh:






Don't Be Too Over Confident.


This Message was edited by: Warlock on Aug 20, 2001 4:35am


This Message was edited by: Warlock on Aug 20, 2001 4:35am

Michael Bullock

1st Dan

Karate International

Black Belt Schools (UK)

(Modorator of Fitness & Health)

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A man bald man with one leg wanted to go to a fancy dress party but he didn't know what to go as. He wrote to a fancy dress company and asked for a recommendation. The reply came back saying that he could go as a monk becasue of his bald head. He replied angrily saying that they were just being rude about his bald head.


The company apologized and wrote back saying that he could go as a pirate, his bald head could be covered by the hat and his wooden leg would complemnt the outfit. He replied angrily saying they were just being rude about his wooden leg.


A few days later he recieved a parcel with a note. In the parcel was a pot of sticky toffee and the note said smear the toffee over your head, stick your wooden leg up your arse and go as a toffee apple! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!


Lori :razz:

If you think something small cannot make a difference - try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.


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Here is a long one.( I am MuayTB1 just to let you know.


A guy went up to a bartender and said," If I can piss ,standing right here, into that cup, that is about 10 feet away, with out spilling a drop, you give me 500 dallors. If I spill a drop or can't do it, I give you 500 dallors. Ok?"


So the bartender says," you got your self a bet buddy"


So the guy took out you know what and start pissing all over the place. He pissed on the clock, the phone, and even on the bartender. Not a drop went in the cup.


So the bartender was very happy to know that he is getting 500 dallors so he laughed. The guy pulled out 500 bucks and gived it to him and he laughed to.


" What. are you crazy? Why you laughing, you lost 500 bucks?" Said the bartender.


" Ok, You see those two guys over there? I bet them 600 dallors a peice that I could piss on your clock, you phone, and ON YOU ,, and you still make you happy about it!"

"Who can kill me!?! Haha, Who can kill me!!!?"

- A line form history.

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