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Pragmatic!? Problem?!

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When you don't have a strong central body, you get everyone and anyone teaching what they think the art is and what it should be. There can be a ton of inconsistency between dojos. Next thing you know, people have changed kata, kihon, and everything else they don't agree with. Pretty soon people start questioning why they're even associated with the rest of the dojos and start leaving.

This was kind of my thought. When you want to maintain integrity in a certain style, you need some way to define what is that style. Whether that's a governing body or a grandmaster or some type of authority that can say "This is how it's done in this particular style."

I agree with you!! We did it in the past when both Soke and Dai-Soke were alive, and we continue to do this today. Both Saitou Sensei and Takahashi Sensei were BIG about going to EACH dojo under the SKKA umbrella to make sure that Shindokan is being taught properly, and according to Soke's liking.

That's one of the many reasons why ALL dojo's under the SKKA umbrella are visited throughout the year, and will continue in the years to come! ACCOUNTIBILITY across the board; no stones and rocks are left unturned.


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I've our Legal Team conducting an investigation as to the reason such a high failure ratio; ALL score cards have been handed over to our Legal Team, and interviews will be conducted as necessary.

Update...NONE to report. However, my eyes are on my mailbox because I've directed the Legal Team to mail me their final report to my house, and not to my office at the Hombu.

Soon as I get the mail and ingest the info, I'll let you all know the findings, minus any findings that are proprietary protected.

The wait's killing me!! Sheech!!


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  • 4 weeks later...


Just received the final findings via FedEx!!

"There's no conclusive, or questionable evidence to further pursue."

I read this and slumped in my chair as my head dropped into my hands; I was dismayed. This is not what I had expected.

"Furthermore, I find no fault in the propensity of any of the grading instructors; their score cards were without any ambiguity. In interviews that my staff and I have conducted, we're of the same mind that the grading instructors had only increased the expectations of the students."

After reading that, my mouth went agape in disbelief. WHY?

ALL TESTING has always been conducted in the manner as set forth by SOKE!! We've the templates created by SOKE, and we're NOT to ever stray away from them, and to do so, only UNDERMINDS the integrity of ANY TESTING CYCLE!! Personal considerations are NEVER to interfere with the integrity of the EXACTNESS, as set forth by SOKE, of ANY TESTING CYCLE. Grade on the FACTS, and the FACTS alone!!

This failure ratio, in my mind, is UNACCEPTABLE!!

"I've no recommendations to offer, nor do I have any other conclusions to offer, short of this: As shocking as the ratios were, and are, I believe that future Annual Testing Cycles conducted at the Hombu will be meet with this same abnormal temperature of expectations from those appointed to grade any and all students of the SKKA."

Abnormal temperature of expectations??!!?? Strange way to say that something is wrong and will be wrong in future testing cycles, especially, or if only, at the Hombu.

As Kaicho, the buck stops with me. As Kaicho, I'm held responsible for everything. As Kaicho, all fingers point to me. As Kaicho, the unforeseen are my responsibility, and as Kaicho, the high failure ratio is my responsibility, and the burden rests upon my shoulders.

I've sent to the following to any and all concerned parties within the SKKA...

"It's quite disturbing that the Hombu's 2015 Annual Testing Cycle as been frothed with a disdained fever that has raped the integrity of its proceedings of late. Therefore, until further notice, ALL testing cycles at the Hombu are terminated, albeit, this is to include any, and all Shindokan dojo's!! No Testing Cycle Petition will be approved until further notice. In short, NO TESTING CYCLES are to be conducted whatsoever!! This is my decision, and this is without any contestation whatsoever.


ALL current instructors that have been selected, as of 2015, and charged with the duties and responsibilities of grading any and all of the SKKA student body, as set forth in the SKKA By-Laws, are hereby notified that their position as a Grading Officer have, as of this date, been immediately terminated indefinitely. In which, those Grading Officers do thereby retain the unchallenged right to appeal my decision directly to the SKKA/Hombu Hierarchy line, being that of the Executive, Administrative, and the Regents, yet, and only in that chain of command.


Commencing immediately, the aforementioned Hierarchy line will be conducting an extensive, and what I suppose, an exhausting search for new Grading Officers, and of, and in those now vacated posts.


Once, and only then, and not until then, newly appointed Grading Officers have been sworn in, will the Hombu reassume any and all Testing Cycles forthwith.


I greatly apologize to any proposed inconvenience that this might cause to the SKKA's entire student body, as well as those innocent in this tragic event. Testing Cycle integrity MUST be obtained, and held without cause. Let it be known that the overall Testing Cycles will reassume in a timely manner.


Meanwhile, continue to train hard and continue to train well.


Thank you for everyone's time and consideration as well as everyone's understanding to my decision. Hopefully, you'll each understand as to why this had to occur, and how it had to occur in the manner of which it has been.




Robert Mitcham; Kaicho of the SKKA.



Phone calls have been made to all Shindokan dojo's, as well as the Hombu, about my decision, and they've all been appraised of my letter, and to be expecting it via FedEx immediately, and as soon as possible.

Unfavorable decision had to be made, therefore, I've made it, as painstaking as it is, to all, including myself.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Between a rock and a hard place, huh?

You've got to protect the integrity of your mentor(s). Without that, what do you have? Hopefully there's not too much fallout over it. Gotta weather the storm.

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Between a rock and a hard place, huh?

You've got to protect the integrity of your mentor(s). Without that, what do you have? Hopefully there's not too much fallout over it. Gotta weather the storm.

Yeah, I find myself between them more than I prefer, it's to be expected in my position.

The integrity is everything, and I believe it's being threatened, and I must protect it, as to the best of my abilities. And you're absolutely correct, without integrity, what do we have...NOTHING!!

I'm not expecting any fallout, and neither are the three administrative branches, however, it's a viable possibility to keep taking the pulse from time to time.

Yes, I will weather the storm, no matter how overwhelming it might be!!

Seems all I received from every phone call I made was, "WOW...OK...I understand!" Hopefully, I can read into that that, while they're shocked, they supportive of my decision.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Just received the final findings via FedEx!!

"There's no conclusive, or questionable evidence to further pursue."

I read this and slumped in my chair as my head dropped into my hands; I was dismayed. This is not what I had expected.

"Furthermore, I find no fault in the propensity of any of the grading instructors; their score cards were without any ambiguity. In interviews that my staff and I have conducted, we're of the same mind that the grading instructors had only increased the expectations of the students."

After reading that, my mouth went agape in disbelief. WHY?

ALL TESTING has always been conducted in the manner as set forth by SOKE!! We've the templates created by SOKE, and we're NOT to ever stray away from them, and to do so, only UNDERMINDS the integrity of ANY TESTING CYCLE!! Personal considerations are NEVER to interfere with the integrity of the EXACTNESS, as set forth by SOKE, of ANY TESTING CYCLE. Grade on the FACTS, and the FACTS alone!!

This failure ratio, in my mind, is UNACCEPTABLE!!

"I've no recommendations to offer, nor do I have any other conclusions to offer, short of this: As shocking as the ratios were, and are, I believe that future Annual Testing Cycles conducted at the Hombu will be meet with this same abnormal temperature of expectations from those appointed to grade any and all students of the SKKA."

Abnormal temperature of expectations??!!?? Strange way to say that something is wrong and will be wrong in future testing cycles, especially, or if only, at the Hombu.

As Kaicho, the buck stops with me. As Kaicho, I'm held responsible for everything. As Kaicho, all fingers point to me. As Kaicho, the unforeseen are my responsibility, and as Kaicho, the high failure ratio is my responsibility, and the burden rests upon my shoulders.

I've sent to the following to any and all concerned parties within the SKKA...

"It's quite disturbing that the Hombu's 2015 Annual Testing Cycle as been frothed with a disdained fever that has raped the integrity of its proceedings of late. Therefore, until further notice, ALL testing cycles at the Hombu are terminated, albeit, this is to include any, and all Shindokan dojo's!! No Testing Cycle Petition will be approved until further notice. In short, NO TESTING CYCLES are to be conducted whatsoever!! This is my decision, and this is without any contestation whatsoever.


ALL current instructors that have been selected, as of 2015, and charged with the duties and responsibilities of grading any and all of the SKKA student body, as set forth in the SKKA By-Laws, are hereby notified that their position as a Grading Officer have, as of this date, been immediately terminated indefinitely. In which, those Grading Officers do thereby retain the unchallenged right to appeal my decision directly to the SKKA/Hombu Hierarchy line, being that of the Executive, Administrative, and the Regents, yet, and only in that chain of command.


Commencing immediately, the aforementioned Hierarchy line will be conducting an extensive, and what I suppose, an exhausting search for new Grading Officers, and of, and in those now vacated posts.


Once, and only then, and not until then, newly appointed Grading Officers have been sworn in, will the Hombu reassume any and all Testing Cycles forthwith.


I greatly apologize to any proposed inconvenience that this might cause to the SKKA's entire student body, as well as those innocent in this tragic event. Testing Cycle integrity MUST be obtained, and held without cause. Let it be known that the overall Testing Cycles will reassume in a timely manner.


Meanwhile, continue to train hard and continue to train well.


Thank you for everyone's time and consideration as well as everyone's understanding to my decision. Hopefully, you'll each understand as to why this had to occur, and how it had to occur in the manner of which it has been.




Robert Mitcham; Kaicho of the SKKA.



Phone calls have been made to all Shindokan dojo's, as well as the Hombu, about my decision, and they've all been appraised of my letter, and to be expecting it via FedEx immediately, and as soon as possible.

Unfavorable decision had to be made, therefore, I've made it, as painstaking as it is, to all, including myself.


Hopes everything works out, how any grading officers at the Hombu did you guys have?

Teachers are always learning

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Just received the final findings via FedEx!!

"There's no conclusive, or questionable evidence to further pursue."

I read this and slumped in my chair as my head dropped into my hands; I was dismayed. This is not what I had expected.

"Furthermore, I find no fault in the propensity of any of the grading instructors; their score cards were without any ambiguity. In interviews that my staff and I have conducted, we're of the same mind that the grading instructors had only increased the expectations of the students."

After reading that, my mouth went agape in disbelief. WHY?

ALL TESTING has always been conducted in the manner as set forth by SOKE!! We've the templates created by SOKE, and we're NOT to ever stray away from them, and to do so, only UNDERMINDS the integrity of ANY TESTING CYCLE!! Personal considerations are NEVER to interfere with the integrity of the EXACTNESS, as set forth by SOKE, of ANY TESTING CYCLE. Grade on the FACTS, and the FACTS alone!!

This failure ratio, in my mind, is UNACCEPTABLE!!

"I've no recommendations to offer, nor do I have any other conclusions to offer, short of this: As shocking as the ratios were, and are, I believe that future Annual Testing Cycles conducted at the Hombu will be meet with this same abnormal temperature of expectations from those appointed to grade any and all students of the SKKA."

Abnormal temperature of expectations??!!?? Strange way to say that something is wrong and will be wrong in future testing cycles, especially, or if only, at the Hombu.

As Kaicho, the buck stops with me. As Kaicho, I'm held responsible for everything. As Kaicho, all fingers point to me. As Kaicho, the unforeseen are my responsibility, and as Kaicho, the high failure ratio is my responsibility, and the burden rests upon my shoulders.

I've sent to the following to any and all concerned parties within the SKKA...

"It's quite disturbing that the Hombu's 2015 Annual Testing Cycle as been frothed with a disdained fever that has raped the integrity of its proceedings of late. Therefore, until further notice, ALL testing cycles at the Hombu are terminated, albeit, this is to include any, and all Shindokan dojo's!! No Testing Cycle Petition will be approved until further notice. In short, NO TESTING CYCLES are to be conducted whatsoever!! This is my decision, and this is without any contestation whatsoever.


ALL current instructors that have been selected, as of 2015, and charged with the duties and responsibilities of grading any and all of the SKKA student body, as set forth in the SKKA By-Laws, are hereby notified that their position as a Grading Officer have, as of this date, been immediately terminated indefinitely. In which, those Grading Officers do thereby retain the unchallenged right to appeal my decision directly to the SKKA/Hombu Hierarchy line, being that of the Executive, Administrative, and the Regents, yet, and only in that chain of command.


Commencing immediately, the aforementioned Hierarchy line will be conducting an extensive, and what I suppose, an exhausting search for new Grading Officers, and of, and in those now vacated posts.


Once, and only then, and not until then, newly appointed Grading Officers have been sworn in, will the Hombu reassume any and all Testing Cycles forthwith.


I greatly apologize to any proposed inconvenience that this might cause to the SKKA's entire student body, as well as those innocent in this tragic event. Testing Cycle integrity MUST be obtained, and held without cause. Let it be known that the overall Testing Cycles will reassume in a timely manner.


Meanwhile, continue to train hard and continue to train well.


Thank you for everyone's time and consideration as well as everyone's understanding to my decision. Hopefully, you'll each understand as to why this had to occur, and how it had to occur in the manner of which it has been.




Robert Mitcham; Kaicho of the SKKA.



Phone calls have been made to all Shindokan dojo's, as well as the Hombu, about my decision, and they've all been appraised of my letter, and to be expecting it via FedEx immediately, and as soon as possible.

Unfavorable decision had to be made, therefore, I've made it, as painstaking as it is, to all, including myself.


Hopes everything works out, how any grading officers at the Hombu did you guys have?


The Hombu has this many Grading Officers to primarily handle the Hombu's Annual Testing Cycle. However, we'll send some Senior Grading Officers to various Shindokan dojos throughout the year for a multitude of reasons. Grading Officers are chosen by the Hombu through a long and painstaking process, and at the end of being selected, and this takes often about 3 months to complete, they'll sign an Oath of Expectations letter, and their given a wallet card that identifies them as a Grading Officer. Btw, Grading Officers are compensated for their duties. After being selected, they go through a month long training, which, has the unofficial name of..."T's and I's", official it's called the Grading Officers Training Course.

How many did I have to terminate?? 200!! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!

Having said that, I'm a Grading Officer, however, Grading Officers within the hierarchy are exempt from being released. In short, it's a Lifetime Appointment, however, if need be, they can be sanctioned, but "only for a moment."


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Until further notice, ALL Testing Cycles have been temporarily cancelled network wide due to unforeseen circumstances having occurred during the 2015 Annual Testing Cycle held at the Hombu.


All Grading Officers, with the exception of Hierarchy Grading Officers, have been terminated, and their posts have been vacated. Replacements will commence immediately, and until all Grading Officer posts have been filled, there will be NO TESTING CYCLES allowed at the Hombu and at any individual Shindokan dojo.


No Testing Cycle Petitions will be honored, accepted, or approved during this process!! The Hombu's desire is to reconcile this matter in a timely manner, however, an exact or proposed completion date isn't visible in the Hombu's horizon.


The Hombu greatly appreciates your understanding during this difficult time. The Hombu requires that the student body exercises a modicum of temperance as well as unswerving patience!


If you've any questions and/or concerns, please direct your enquires to either your Chief Instructor, and/or to the Hombu.


As always; train hard and train well!!


Thank you,


Robert Mitcham, Kaicho


Greg Forsythe, Kancho


Hugh Beckworth, Legal Team, Head Counselor


Greg Stevenson, Regents Chairman


Mary Uptone, Executive Secretary



This affirmation notice letter was sent to each and every Shindokan dojo within the SKKA network. Each CI was asked to post this notice on their respective Bulletin Board immediately.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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