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Reason you heard why "we don't wash our belts?"

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Do love the story (maybe its true maybe its an urban myth) about the belt was never washed it became black over time!

Hence it was not to be washed!

for myslef no traditional reasons or 'laws/rules' to honest, just some half heard, half baked stories or comments about why this or that.

The oldest one I can recall is it "being a waste of time, it'll only get dirty again!"

Other talk about the same things DWx and Liger said, risk of damage to the belt.

(even the guys whose cat scented on his belt!)

I used to wash my kyu belts to soften them and with respect to my first brown belt to reduce the intense colour it had.

My shodan belt, when it arrives might get a cold rinse to soften it but that'll be about it I suspect.

(Don't have a cat ... have a dog, but no cat!)

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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The most sensible reason not to wash a belt, or at least not too often was that washing machine cycles can take a rough toll on intricate embroidery work. Especially the kind done by hand or with special quality threads. This of course only concerns some black belts such as one might receive from one's sensei at a milestone grading. Plain, quality cotton canvas belts can be washed and should be washed. Colours always fade a little over time, but that is better than staining a good gi.

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Do love the story (maybe its true maybe its an urban myth) about the belt was never washed it became black over time!

Hence it was not to be washed!

This has always been my favorite myth surrounding not washing your belt. It goes along with not washing you gi either (provided that you begin with a white gi and transition later into black). It's just so ridiculous sounding to me! How dirty and caked with mold and grime would a belt have to be to become black?!

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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The belt would most likely rot before it turned any colour even close to black. It is cringe-worthy to imagine such a filthy piece of cloth in an enclosed space and in a semi-tropical climate such as Okinawa. As for washing a belt, I only use very hot water and nothing else. Afterwards I hang it to dry outside if there is enough sun or inside near a window and direct, natural light. It never smells after that.

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