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Heian nidan ura.


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Hello. I have kyu test coming in 7 days. I know all kihon, kata and everything else. The problem is that to pass this test I need to know heian nidan ura. I know normal heian nidan but when i try to do it 'ura' i mess everything. I looked at youtube but I couldnt find any videos.

Please help me!! Can someone post video how to do heian nidan ura? During july our club doesnt have trainings so i cant get help from my friends. I have one week to learn heian nidan ura!

Please help. Thank you!

My style is shotokan.

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The way I've learned ura kata is you only spin before you step straight. You don't spin on turns in the kata.

YouTube search kyokushin kata. There's a long 45 minute or so video. I think it covers the pinan series in ura, but I could be wrong.

Keep in mind different systems do things differently.

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Heian and pinan are the same, just different pronounciation. The kyokushin video should have all pinan kata regular and ura in it. Fast forward through what you don't need. I think it's toward the end.

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13:24 of the video I posted above. Pinan Sono Ichi Ura, also called Pinan Shodan, Heian Shodan, Sono Ichi, etc.

Some schools switch 1 and 2, Shodan and Nidan, Sono Ichi and Ni, etc. If your school does, it's the next kata in the video.

All that wasn't so hard, was it?

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Even better - All the hiean kata in ura and you don't have to fast forward through the video to find them. A simple google search of Pinan Kata Ura brought this up; it was the second result:

Kyokushin does some different hand movements, but it's the same kata. Do the movements you've been taught, but use their steps.

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Thanks for help but its not really that 'ura'

Ura starts with facing right side. Normal kata with facing left. Dont know about kyokushin.

That kata was not ura because it was same as normal Heian nidan.

This is normal kata heian nidan -

So basicly i need Ura like in video.

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I'm from a Kyokushin off shoot - previously Budokai and now Seido Juku. Ura in ura kata has been a 360 spin before a straight step. we call starting to the right Migi Hajime.

Not to downplay it, but starting reverse side shouldn't be that difficult. Just take your time and think about what you're doing. If you've done the kata enough times to easily perform it regular, you should be able to break down each part and do it opposite side. Practice the opening parts several times (right up until after the side kick/backfist/shuto block combo). Get that part down, then do the movements up the middle several times. Get that down, then move on. The hardest parts will probably be remembering what direction to turn on the top and bottom of the I pattern.

3/4 of the moves are done on both sides in the kata. 7 out of the 20 moves are the shuto block. The opening movements are the same on both sides. The end movements are the same on both sides. The only different parts that aren't mirrored in the kata are the side kick/backfist at the beginning, nukite at the first kiai, and the 3 steps on the way back down the I pattern.

It'll takes some practice, but do it in parts - the bottom of the I, the middle, the top of the I, the way back down, then the bottom of the I. Repeat each part, get it down, then do it a few more times before moving to the next part. Yes, you only have a week; but if you keep at it, you'll have it down well before the week is over.

Good luck with it. If you're stuck on a part, we can probably help. Sucks there's no video floating around. Maybe make one once you're comfortable with it for the next person?

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Think Pinan 2 Migi Hajime is tough, my instructor performed Koryu Gojushiho in Migi Hajime in a tournament a while back. That kata has 54 counts. Most counts aren't 1 step and hand movement. YouTube Koryu Gojushiho for an interesting kata. It's not like the Shotokan Sho and Dai versions.

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