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What's the strangest thing you've seen?


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If not seen, what's the strangest thing that has happened? Was it eventually explained? Is it still a good story to tell your friends?



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Many years ago, I was visiting my grandmother, step-grandfather and great grandmother in Florida. My mom, my brother, me and them went to a museum, I believe, and then were stopping to get something to eat.

We stopped at a BBQ place. It was quiet there, and we sat down. The server came to our table. We were ready to order.

Someone ordered chicken. They were out of chicken. :weirdlook:

OK... well, how about some turkey? They were out of turkey. :weirdlook:

My great grandmother, apparently quite hungry, asks them for a bowl of chili. They... were out of chili.

At this point, my step-grandfather slammed his hand down on the table and we left.

It's such a weird story. I'm not sure I would believe it if I didn't witness it.


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The strangest involves something I can't explain. I'm not a UFO buff by any means. However, driving home from work about a month ago made me wonder. It was one of those days where the sky was so blue, no clouds, and I wished I could fly. I was pulling into my neighborhood and driving to my house. I looked up as I turned onto my street, and there was a light in the sky. My initial reaction was that it was an airplane that the light was hitting at the perfect angle (since I got my contact lenses, white objects "glow" when the sun hits them at a certain angle). So I turned into my driveway, put my car in park, and looked up again. The object was gone.

A couple of things to note. First, my field of vision from my yard is huge, so I can see a lot of sky without obstruction. So if a plane is in my sight from that point, I could follow it's path for miles. And on a day like that, usually, there are many jetstreams in the sky because around here, there are a lot of people that fly (one of my good friends owns 2 planes). However, it usually takes a few minutes for a plane to exit my field of vision. (example, a commercial plane would take at least 5 minutes to make it from one end of my vision to the area past my field of vision) In this case, in a matter of 3-5 seconds, the light was gone. And there was no jetstream. So for an object to exit my field of vision that quickly, it would have to have been travelling multiple times as fast as a jet.

So as I said, I will not offer a suggestion as to what it was. I just can't explain it.

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