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Judo Throws in Self-Defense.

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Hey everyone,


I wanted to see your opinion about the Judo throws,which can be effective on the streets ,and as well which ones can fit to a particular "shape" of person.


In my analysis ,I found that there is 4 type of throws:the shoulder throws; the hip throws;the sweeps ;and the "sutemi" sacrifice throws.In this topic I will describe these throws and my point of view about it.


So,firstly, the shoulder throws.The two main shoulder throws I know are Ippon-Seoi-Nage and Morote-Seoi-Nage.There is variations of these of course.


Ippon-Seoi-Nage is the most used and I think the most practical and effective of the 2.


Description:You face Uke,feets soulder-width .


1 step: While putting your right foot between Uke's legs you turn your torso ,pull Uke's and insert your right arm deep under Uke's armpit.


2.step: You turn your back to Uke while bending your knees loading up Uke on your back while pulling his right arm down. Remember your feets are between Uke's feets.


3.step:You straighten your legs and pulls his right arm down while bending in the direction of the throw.


variations:Low-Seoi Nage; Ippon Seoi Nage while taking a deep step to the outside of Uke's right leg with your right leg while sliding his right knee up to throw him ;Ippon-Seoi-Nage while holding Uke's left arm and pushing it under his right armpit creating a crossed-arm position to control him and also Ippon-Seoi- Nage while breaking Uke's arm in the motion.


Morote Seoi Nage is the same except you do not change your arm position.


Well now my opinion.I think ippon-seoi nage is a great throw but what I don't like is that you have to bend your knees and then extend.That's a waste of motion and you can only do it well if you are shorter than your opponent,though experienced judokas do it damn good.But for me it doesn't work so well although it's a great throw for self-defense if you're not very tall.




There are basically 2 types of hip-throws:O-Goshi-like and Uki goshi-like.I'll describe O-goshi.


1.step:Slide your right arm around Uke's waist while gliding your right foot in front of his right foot.


2.step: Pull him up and toward you with both hands, simultaneously pivot on your right foot by stepping back with your left foot.Drop your hip and pull him across your right hip.


3.step:Snap your hip by twisting counet-clockwise.Tug his tight arm closely to you for control as you throw him.


Uki-Goshi is done the same except that you do not bend your knees and only your right foot is placed between Uke's leg,your left one on the outside.


This one has the same basic motion as Ippon Seoi Nage:you drop your body and then extend your knees,and has for me the same disadvantages as Ippon Seoi nage.On the other hand,Uki Goshi is a good throw because you do not drop your hips and Uke's is thrown more by the twisting motion of your hips than by loading him up on your hip.As well it's easy to learn and to execute,so a great throw for self-defense.


3°)The sweeps


There are many sweeps in Judo and many types of sweeps.I will describe O-Soto-Gari and De-Ashi-Barai




1.step:Drag your left foot close and slightly to the outside of the opponent's right foot and keep your knee slightly bent.


2.step:As his posture is broken,move quickly with your right hip and leg forward.


3.step:Throw him by sweeping his right leg forward with the back of your right leg.


4.step.As you sweep his leg,drive your head toward the mat and lift your leg up until you're in a straight line.


This throw is a great throw for self-defense but you need a bit of balance though.




1.step:As your opponent step forward with his right foot,step back to your left with your right foot.Then quickly sweep your oppnent's right foot with your left foot.


2.step:AS you keep sweeping his foot pull his right elbow down.


3.step.Complete the throw by lifting his left shoulder up and keep pulling his right elbow down.


There are a lot of other throws,but they are kind of variations of these like it depends which part of Uke's foot you sweep in which direction,Inside or outside his leg,with different legs and you can also sweep both leg with one sweep,at the same time.


Now I will describe you another throw:Sasae-Tsuri-Komi-Ashi aka Hiza-Guruma


1.step:Advance your right foot forward between their legs,making contact with your right outer thigh against their left inner thigh.Simultaneously pull your left arm and push your right arm in acircular motion.


2.step:Continue the circular motion with your arms as you place the sole of your left foot on the front of their right ankle.


3.step.Continue the upper body motion in a circular motion to the left as the opponent falls to the ground.


That's another sweep and I don't knwo what you think about it .That's one of the throw I 'm the best at it,so you know my opinion about it.


The sutemi or sacrifice throws;


These throws are particular,because you actually throw Uke while"sacrificing" you balance ,falling to the ground.Uke is thrown by this motion or better explained by his momentum and the weight of your body +gravity.One of the most well-know sutemi is Tomeo-Nage.If you have questions about this throw ,just ask me and I'll explain it to you.These throws are effective but only in competition because if you fall to the ground in the street it can hurt a lot though you've made an ukemi.Si I wouldn't recommend it for self-defense.


There are some throws that do not really fall in these categories like Harai-Goshi or Tai-Otoshi.I'll explain Harai-Goshi.


1.step:Pivoting on your left toes,whirl your upper-body to the left,stretch your right leg out and tense its big toe.


2.step:Put the backof your right thigh up against the front of your opponent's right thigh and ride them well on your hips as you raise their right leg from the floor in a scooping motion.


3.step:Sweep them over and off the ground;Pull with both arms and twist both your head and your upper bosy as yout hrow them down.


I hope you understood me well and now I have a questiopn for you.I am tall (1m87) thin and quick.What throws would you recommend for me considering that i am tall and quick? What would be the most effective way for guys like me to throw their opponent down in SELF-DEFENSE not in a competition?

Free your mind.Be shapeless,formless,like water.

Bruce Lee

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I love the hip toss. I teach it as my one the first SD throws. It can be used from a lot of differant postions and anyone can do it reguardless of size. Add to that it puts you in a good finishing postion.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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The hip toss is an awesome throw, it's got excellent mechanical effiency, I love it when people roll off your back! :)


You can also control how hard you slam someone into the ground with it too, when we're practicing, we catch them, but I'd love to slam someone into concrete. :D

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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I assume that the hip toss is O-Goshi,right??


Personally i prefer Uki-Goshi,it's a lot faster for me and you can still slam the guyinto the ground.But when i do O-Goshi it's kind of awkward for me, but maybe I exagerate when i'm bending my knees.As well I don't know if your tall or not but it's harder for me to get this throw down.But if you tell me that this throw is really efficient I will train it though and see what happens.

Free your mind.Be shapeless,formless,like water.

Bruce Lee

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