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Who would visit another club to grade them?

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"Not all black belts are created equal" always worth remembering that.

The question of rank is always a dodgy one and if you look back on even kanazawa et al their gradings were far from standardised and they have been moving the goalposts for others ever since.

People always add their grades up to award higher ranks. Maybe not for things like shodan but certainly in the higher reaches. How else does the 7th Dan get 8th dan? It's not a practice that I am find of which is why I have personally said I'm stopping at 5th Dan and see no benefit going further.

I hope it didn't seem like I was pushing for the job of grading your students earlier either. I do genuinely hope I can help if you require it. If you know others then great. If you are stuck, give me a call and we can have a chat.

I will add this though, if you do get someone to advise make sure that is exactly what they do. I've been through similar situations myself and peoples "advise" was actually just telling me how their org does it and that I must do the same. If you want a pragmatic, realistic dojo then your syllabus and gradings should reflect that. If competition is your thing then there is no good making your students learn tons of self defence drills.

All the best,


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What Gaz said!!

I'm my opinion he's absolutely correct.

It's not uncommon to enquire about having an external examiner come in and then be quoted ridiculous sums , particularly if it's a "career" martial artist.

No thanks !!!

I hold the level of Sandan , and yet I teach seminars which are attended by higher ranks. Ironically they never ask my grade, they see what I teach and my understanding of my Karate and assume I "out rank" them , so where do the grades come into it then.

As Gaz states, if its your club then so far as I can see why shouldn't you grade your students to Shodan.

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