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Stepping Down!!

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As professionally and personally upsetting this is to me, I've had to temporarily resign my position as Kaicho (President) of the SKKA! In addition, I've temporarily resign my position as the owner and CI of my dojo, Kyuodan Dojo. Both effective immediately on the medical advice of my doctor, in which, those reasons are personal, therefore, private.

After conducting a conference call with those concerned parties within the SKKA, Greg Forsythe will assume the position of Kaicho, and Ben Stevenson will assume the position of Kancho (Vice President), both effective immediately. As far as my own dojo is concerned, Steve Barlow, Rokudan, will assume CI and GM effective immediately.

It's without any reservation and/or ambiguity that I've reached this decision, but more as a means of self-preservation. For medical reasons, and for now, I'm unable to adequately conduct myself properly on the floor! The floor that I have sworn an allegiance to uphold without prejudice and/or reservation; it's a place of sacredness and of timely honor!! I believe that my presence in my current physical state would cheapen the floor, therefore, until the time warrants otherwise, I will not return to the floor!

When I am able to resume my duties and responsibilities, I will return to every floor that I've stood upon with pride, no matter whether that floor was at the Hombu or at my own dojo or anywhere else I've had the honor to share the floor.

My pain, for now, is constant, and more than I can bear or overcome on my own. However, with the help of my doctor, and with the support of my family, friends, and loved ones, I will get much better, but only in time. The time I'm uncertain with!!

I will speak with the student body as well as my staff from my dojo tonight, and I will address the entire student body within the SKKA via a video conference call tomorrow.

If allowed, I would like to continue here at KF as part of Patrick's staff. Posting as often, if not even more, time permitting. Everyone here at KF is my family as well; I love you, each and everyone of you!!

God will carry me through this, and my faith will not diminish, but it will only increase more and more!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I literally got gooesbumps reading your post because the magnitude of your changes suggest a dire circumstance. My heart truly goes out to you Sensei8.

As you know, better than anyone, the floor awaits but in some way I think you take it with you as you battle your way back.

A sincere bow of respect!


Edited by Archimoto

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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I wish you luck on your journey to recovery Bob, I will pray for you. Can't wait to hear about your triumphant return to the floor.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Thank you, everyone, for your kind words; means everything to me!!

What I'm battling isn't a terminal disease/illness, but only a chronic issue one. One I've battled for quite some time, but its morphed into a different phase, and nonetheless, the pain is unbearable at times, and the pain is more on than off. When the pain hits me, it takes all of the Shugyo I can muster to endure it, but for the most part, I'm reduced to tears. Medicine I've been taken before no longer works, my body laughs at my medicine. This Tuesday, my doctor will hopefully prescribe something to lessen the attacks and pain...hopefully!! I've not slept in my bed since the onslaught and I average about 4 hours at best! I miss my bed; I sleep in my recliner, and that by itself sucks!!

One more thing...I'm NOT retiring!! I'm taking a break, hopefully a small break, while my doctor and I put all of our ducks in a row. Retirement isn't even a consideration, nor is it in my vocabulary anymore; tried that once and it sucked. I will return to the floor...you can take that to the bank!! Doctor told me that this will pass, and this temporary moment allows me to concentrate on my recovery!! I'll teach again!! Greg's just keeping my seat warm for me!!

One day at a time!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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What I'm battling isn't a terminal disease/illness, but only a chronic issue one.

Phew!!! Good to hear!!! Not that you're in pain but...you know what I mean ;)

Edited by Archimoto

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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Wishing you a speedy recovery Bob. It's not easy having to step away (even temporarily) from something you've dedicated your life to.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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