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After watching and being part of, the Karateforums for a brief time I`v been somewhat intrigued by comparing how this "american dominated" forum looks at certain aspects of MA as oposed to the "local forums" where I discuss with other norwegians.


One of the things that really have puzzeled me is this aperant disregard for TKD (on Karateforums). One topic that always seem to come back every now and then Is that "TKD is useless in a street fight" The reason: "high kicks dont work" "TKD people doesnt learn self defence techniques" My question to that is: against whom? In what context?


First of all, people doesn't just attack you on the street. If we do get attacked, its probably some bully in a bar that wants to have a go at some one. Bully's are generally cowards. Look them straight in the face, and most will back off. If not, high kicks do work! After all, who is stupid enough to pick a fight with someone who can stand close to you and kick you in the teeth? Raise yr hands please. If that is not enough and said bully attacks you a hard kick in the knee\groin will probably help. If high kicks is the only "weapon" a TKD practisioner knows, then ther is a serious problem with the dojo and not with TKD as an art. Just my 2 cents :)

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Hiya Superleeds.


TKD gets a bad rep from McDojangs. Some of them teach just the sport end of it, not self defense. But not all TKD schools teach "sport" like mine. I also get kind of annoyed with it also. I just train hard and try to ignore the "bad talk" that TKD gets.


As far as high kicks go, I love them. I'm even learning the fancy "trick" kicks that's so popular these days. But on the streets, I would stick to the basic low kicks (their hard to see and very effective). This is coming from someone who had to use what she learned on the street. I'm not saying that I will ever use them on the street, but I feel that I'm not "quick" enough to kick high without someone trying to catch my foot. Even an untrained fighter can catch a flying foot. It's better to be safe and effective, than sorry.

Laurie F

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People seem to forget that we do other things in TKD than high kicks. A shot to the groin , elbow to the face... run like mad :D


That's TKD too.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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There is a TKD or Karate place on most every corner in this country. Even non-TKD schools sometimes advertise TKD to catch those students that know that term. It's taking on the same weight as Karate around here. Unfortunately becomming a generic term for MA school.


As far as the "true" TKD and it's high kicks, they CAN be formatible when done correctly. However, you have to have a high level of athetic ability to do them correctly, which takes a lot of training, which makes it easier for some to just say "they don't work" rather than putting in the extra effort to perfect them.


I practice KSW, and there are a lot of the same high kicks in my curriculum. We just don't learn them as soon as TKD. All the jump-spinning kicks, double leg jump kicks, flying side kicks, etc. I'm just not super flexible, and don't have as much spring left in my legs as I used to. So, I'll probably keep most my kicks low as well. I also prefer the Hapkido portion of my art. However, I can do them if the need arises. Say, someone is uphill from me, or on top of something. :brow:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Also, here in the US, violence is more common, and more serioius than in Europe. People will simply shoot you or stab you or beat you for no reason. Rarely are assaults in the US the pub encounters of Europe. Usually they are random and brutal.

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i can see what your saying. but these things only come from people that dont know much about the art. im not saying its crap for self defence but its not the best art out there. i personally like TKD alot and wish to start it soon.
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The people who bash TKD are the ones who also don't realize that people who don't practice martial arts can still be effective fighters. Just because a person has a black belt doesn't mean they have an iron jaw.

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One of the things that really have puzzeled me is this aperant disregard for TKD (on Karateforums). ...."TKD is useless in a street fight" The reason: "high kicks dont work" "TKD people doesnt learn self defence techniques" My question to that is: against whom? In what context?


Yes, I have noticed that also since as long as I have been a member here. I tried to "enlighten" those people, but now choose to let it go into one ear and out the other. As long as I know I can defend myself there is no need to defend my style. :nod: :karate:


What's that saying? "Popularity breeds contempt?" :P

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If high kicks is the only "weapon" a TKD practisioner knows, then ther is a serious problem with the dojo and not with TKD as an art. Just my 2 cents :)


Yep. Problems with so many of the dojos here is the answer exactly.

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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ZR440 wrote:


"The people who bash TKD are the ones who also don't realize that people who don't practice martial arts can still be effective fighters. Just because a person has a black belt doesn't mean they have an iron jaw."


I agree with you on this :D

Laurie F

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