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2015 Martial Arts Goals

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1. To become more proficient in the principles of movement in Shotokan

2. To be increasingly consistent in my out-of-class training

3. To improve my endurance so the techniques can be done without thought even when tiring

4. To lose weight and increase core strength

5. To become a better human, father and husband through training and discipline

5. To have a clean, confident test in March and earn my green belt

6. To help my fellow students get better and become a reliable training partner in the dojo

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  • 10 months later...

So, how'd everyone do with their goals?

Go back and quote what you said and let us know how you did with it (or just write up what your goals were if you didn't get a chance to post at the beginning of the year.

I can't say "get my black belt" because that's really out of my hands (though I am hopeful for getting it in 2015), but I want to work in a more systematic way on the requirements for my shodan test to ensure I'm prepared when I am granted the opportunity to test. I've already created a google doc with the physical and academic requirements and have been going though every so often and adding to pages of style history, kata history, sequence write ups, etc.

I've also been considering for awhile starting a small after school "karate club" at the middle school at which I work-- I've been working on creating a 2 year rotating beginners curriculum bringing them through the first four belts of our Isshinryu program for transfer into our school (if they'd like) after completion. I'd like to at least present my proposal to the principal. After I present it, it'll be up to her, of course, if she'd like to actually pursue it.

Goal one-- I did pretty good with this. I wasn't as systematic as I wanted to be, but the burst of work I put into it over the course of the year did pay off in the end as I did earn my black belt at the last adult class of the year.

Goal two-- No dice for this one. Just not enough time for an after school club with me expected to run a homework club four days a week after school. I also don't think the principal would go for it. I'm considering now trying to start a small program at the YMCA by my boyfriends house (over half an hour away from my current school and I'd do it opposite nights, so there'd be no conflict of interest and I could continue attending my current dojo and learning). My instructor's all for it, but we'll see. Not sure I'm ready just yet. I'm content to stay in the planning phase for awhile.

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I'm going to keep mine simple this year.

1) Just keep learning

Nailed it. While this wasn't the most productive martial arts year I've had, it was still a good one, and I never stopped learning.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Okay, so I posted it, I guess I'd better chime in.

1) Make it thru the first year of business at our new facility I'm opening with a friend. This seems crazy to say, espically since I'm still 2-3 weeks out of even opening the doors! But there it is, survive our first year teaching BJJ as a business.

2) 3-4 days a week on the mat teaching and learning. As long as this school goes, that's easy. If not....

3) 1 per month average private or semi private in PTK with my coach there. Maybe even advancment to the next student rank.

4) 2 Big seminars/ camps in regard to PTK or other aspect of FMAs.

I thought about putting a tournament on here. But quite fankly, the goals are so big this year I think I've got enough. :lol:

Great time to bring it up!

1) Met! Shockingly, we're still here, still growing, and still keeping a happy, learning academy. Man, has it been work, but we're going strong as our first year in business winds down! Major win!

2) Met. With number one going well, number two fell into line without any problem. 3-4 days of jits per week. 2 classes of PTK, and 1 of Muay Thai per week. Pretty well rounded and the most I've worked in a long time as far expanding beyond just BJJ.

3) This is where I faltered. I didn't get near 1/ month. However, I did get in quarterly privates with high level guys in PTK so I moved forward, just not as much as I would have liked. That said, with the first two points going so well it's not surprising in retrospect. With running a training group at least I got to drill what I had!

4) Half way there. I got to one major event, an intensive training camp covering the Seguides in PTK. That was it. Not two. I tried, but time just wouldn't have it.

Man, am I glad I didn't try to line of a tourney in there!

Not bad. Not bad at all.

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1. Pass gradings for 2nd and 3rd Kyu and aim for a commended pass in at least one of them.

2. Enter more competitions and get placed in as much as possible.

3. Train hard inside and outside the Dojo.

4. Step up and work the syllabus for the November 2016 Dan grading.

Well I had a mixed year I think, a couple of niggling injuries towards the end of the year but, on the whole not bad.

1. I passed both grading just missing out on a commended for 1st Kyu. But was a good grade so not to gutted on that front.

2. Entered around 10 competitions and got 2 places, was disappointed but, when looking back, I moved up a section which is tougher and more competitive, so still pleased to come away with what I did.

3. Done!

4. Started working towards 1st Dan in September(ish) and it's coming along nicely.

Now on to next year!!! :D


Be water, my friend.

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... for 2015?


Compete in the Regional Tournament (Open division!) ... and account for myself honestly!

Go to Summer camp for a Shodan grading with Hanshi!

National Clicker Tournament

There is a national tournament (as always) but with the grading close to this on the calendar .. not sure I can commit to it!

We'll see, I'm sure I'll be given my decision by Shihan and Sensei!!


In the end, the grading was focused on, its was big enough on its own in the end added pressure of tournaments!

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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10% increases across the board for both the Hombu and my dojo. As Kaicho, my first concerns are concentrated in the MA betterment of the ENTIRE student body!!


Achieved!! 11% increase across the board for the Hombu.

Sold dojo/retail store before moving to Houston, TX in February; not achieved!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Two new goals for 2015...

1) Video capabilities

2) New laptop

Still trying to join the modern age for my dojo and/or the Hombu!! GO SANTA!!

Both might require Santa to visit me on Christmas Eve....I've been a good boy!!


Video...Achieved. I just don't know how to use the darn thing and I can't find a tripod that will screw into the base!!!

New Laptop...NOT Achieved!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I really don't know what my goals are this year.. Last year was so full-on that I think I have accomplished most of the things I've previously set down as goals over the past couple of years. Starting with a clean slate now.

For now, until I think of some more:

1. learn my 3 new forms after having graded last year

2. Improve on last year's competition record, more tournaments and better results

3. I'd also like to start teaching and have my own class (but until I get my teaching license this is beyond my control).

Not a bad year for me.

1. Accomplished, learnt and competed with these. Would like to keep refining them though.

2. I think I did this. Pleased with my performance at nationals and came away with 2 international medals.

3. Didn't happen but have been pretty busy with both my own training and work anyway

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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