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What's been your biggest struggle as a martial artist?

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My biggest issue has been my fibro. The cold is really getting to me. I'm in pain 24-7. Just saw the doc to get a different med so I can, at least, do my job comfortably, let alone MA. The weather has also been an issue. My dojo is an hour away and we had storm after storm (snow). I'm hoping to go tomorrow, but it all depends on these two issues.

Laurie F

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dealing with some of my friends perception of Karate and why i do it...

This one made me pause. Personally and luckily, but for a brief stint I have not had this issue. Although, it can be as much of a challenge as anything else if not more so.

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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My biggest issue has been my fibro. The cold is really getting to me. I'm in pain 24-7. Just saw the doc to get a different med so I can, at least, do my job comfortably, let alone MA. The weather has also been an issue. My dojo is an hour away and we had storm after storm (snow). I'm hoping to go tomorrow, but it all depends on these two issues.

:( Being in constant pain must be just awful. Makes everything else sound trivial. Heart goes out to you.

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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Physically, the series of leg injuries I've had the past couple of years (strained tendons and ligaments, swelling under the tendon, and a broken leg/ankle).

Mentally, is the fact that I've lost my motivation. Trying to find some form of motivation again.

"Karate is NOT about the colour of belt you wear it is about the person you become;...to be a good blackbelt is to be humble and respectful amongst other things." -Dobbersky

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Here's a thread that pretty much details the long term, largest struggle I run into in my given arts. Aside from big, side-lining injuries, dealing with the constant physical and psychological grind is the hardest thing out there.

Here's what I think about it:


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My biggest issue has been my fibro. The cold is really getting to me. I'm in pain 24-7. Just saw the doc to get a different med so I can, at least, do my job comfortably, let alone MA. The weather has also been an issue. My dojo is an hour away and we had storm after storm (snow). I'm hoping to go tomorrow, but it all depends on these two issues.

:( Being in constant pain must be just awful. Makes everything else sound trivial. Heart goes out to you.

Thanks. Yea it's tough. But some days are worse than others. I'm back on Lyrica, so that should help.

My dojo got flooded again, so there may not be class on Saturday. Ninjanurse, is there class Saturday?

Laurie F

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Here's a thread that pretty much details the long term, largest struggle I run into in my given arts. Aside from big, side-lining injuries, dealing with the constant physical and psychological grind is the hardest thing out there.

Here's what I think about it:


That sums it up well.

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Here's a thread that pretty much details the long term, largest struggle I run into in my given arts. Aside from big, side-lining injuries, dealing with the constant physical and psychological grind is the hardest thing out there.

Here's what I think about it:


That sums it up well.


Excellent post !!!

It's one of my favorites!

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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Here's a thread that pretty much details the long term, largest struggle I run into in my given arts. Aside from big, side-lining injuries, dealing with the constant physical and psychological grind is the hardest thing out there.

Here's what I think about it:


That sums it up well.


Excellent post !!!

It's one of my favorites!

What Alex, tallgeese, speaks towards is prevalent across the board for every martial artist, not just some, but for all.

The MA isn't suppose to be easy; it takes a lot of perseverance to overcome the highs and the lows that a practitioner will encounter from time to time.

I've reached many lows, but I've also reached many much more highs. I've been burned out for personal as well as professional reasons, but I had to find a way to get through it. Not only for my sake, but for the sake of my students, yet, there were times that I didn't think that I'd get through the grind.

The grind, at times, got to mundane to endure both as a student of the MA and as a teacher of the MA. Repetitiousness drove me to hate the intent. Only twice that I can remember, I walked off the floor and threw my belt to my Sensei...once when I was a JBB and once when I was a Rokudan.

Who's fault was it? Was it mine? Was it my Sensei's? Was it my students? What's wrong with me?

NONE OF THE ABOVE!! Things happen, imho, that are beyond our control...they just creep up and the bottom, for the briefest of moment, occurs. SHUGYO!!

Had it not been for God alone, I might've walked away for good...but I didn't.

The grind DOES get better and it happens more and more lesser. Key, for me, is to be aware of the signs....react to the signs in a positive manner...and just get through the moment. We're humans, and in that, we aren't perfect, therefore, we struggle from time to time.

Having a Senior Rank doesn't prevent the effects of the grind from happening!! It's how you wear yourself that negates the perception of others. My grind isn't always MA induced. Often times, as of late, Administrative Responsibility grinds overpower me...but, still, I just marched through because no matter how dark the tunnel may appear, the light at the end of the tunnel is reachable!!

There is a higher force...in Him will I trust only!! I've loved the grind because it's part of the MA, and in that, I love the MA; the MA wouldn't be the MA if the grind didn't exist!!

After all, imho, the grind isn't a punishment!! The grind, in and of itself, has its own rewards.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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