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My recent experience with a style called 3-in-1 Martial Arts

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On Oct. 3, I attended a "bring a buddy" trial class for a Martial Art called 3-in-1. The instructor referred to is as a Jewish Martial Arts system combining TKD, Hapkido, and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. I was invited by a co-worker, so I accepted, because I always like to check out something new, and just train.

We started with quite a bit of calisthenics, including jogging, some fighting stance footwork and punching, breathing, and stretching. After the stretching, we did some kicking. We did front snap kicks, using the ball of the foot and the instep. Next we did an ax kick that used a little different hip movement than I'm used to, and then we did round kicks. The round kicks, they chambered like front kicks, and then rotated the hip over with a snap upon extension, and at a 45 degree angle. I don't mind kicking this way, but its not my preferred way of doing it.

From there, we did some punching work from horse stance, which was nothing new for me. After kicking, we did some breakfalls and rolling. From there, we did some Hapkido, working on a 3-finger lock as a defense against a push from the front, locking 3 fingers and pressuring down to take them to their knees, and then reversing the pressure to bring them up into an escort. Next was a thumb lock that ended like a kote-gashi/wrist turning takedown.

All in all, I had fun at the class. I would have preferred less time exercising, and more time doing technique, but that's just my preference. It appears that the instructor is of the Jewish religion, and takes from the basic tenants of the religion as far as his moral and ethical code for his style. That's just a guess on my part, and I would have to talk to him more at length about it to be sure.

One thing I wasn't too game on was that he wanted me to wear my regular TKD uniform and belt, and I was lined up at the front of the class. I would have preferred training in do-bok pants and T-shirt, and lining up at the back; its his class, and I was just there to learn. But he was very respectful about it, even though I preferred him call me by my first name, as opposed to a title. But, I imagine that I what I will face if I go back and train.

Anywho, there's my recent new MA experience. I'd love to discuss it with you all! :karate:

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Thanks Brian for sharing your new MA experience. Sounds to me that you had a profitable training session, even though you felt uneasy in some areas, and that's to be expected when we're taking out of our comfort zone.

I hate to relate to this, but I've always felt that this statement reflects appropriately to all MAists, and it goes like this...

"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." ~ Bruce Lee

That's what I've done forever and a day whenever I've had the opportunity to cross train in a MA that's not Shindokan. That which I can add to Shindokan, thus to myself, that is what I'll adapt to, while that which is useless, imho, that will I reject wholeheartedly.

Your roundhouse kick is extraordinary, in that, it's one to be reckoned with, therefore, it must be respected. Do what you feel you must do to improve your MA betterment, but if I had your roundhouse kick, shoot, I'd never adapt another, I would just want it to be faster than grease lighting.

What tries to destroy us, yet we survive it, that makes us more stronger. From what I read in your OP, you handled the training with duty and honor and you were quire affable in your receptiveness of what that style/system had to offer. And that's it...you were offered something that might or might not help you increase your MA betterment, and like you said, you love to train and you were given a chance to adapt to it or reject it.

When in Rome. Alas, it can be unsettling when one is asked to do or not to do something that you've been doing one way for so long, the strange is something that isn't your preference and/or your make-up. But, we do what is expected of us if we're a visitor to their school.

If what he had me do or not do weren't in line with my desired preferences and I no longer want to be subjected to that, then I would thank him and not return at all. Hopefully, I did learn something of use, whether it was about myself and/or about my MA betterment.

I'm like you, I love to train and I don't want to spend an abnormal amount of time stretching and what have you. Let's get to the meat and potatoes of it!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Thanks, Bob. I think the instructor wanted it to have an intro feel, so I wasn't going to see anything really advanced. I realized stepping onto that mat that my TKD career itself is probably only a few years younger than most of the students that were there.

I missed a chance to return to a follow-up class because I got sick this weekend. Maybe in the future I will get to see something more.

He did say something that struck me odd at the end of class...he mentioned if I wanted to join, I'd have to like take a ride with him and talk, and talk with the grandmaster or something to that affect....? Not sure, but I just let it lie.

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He wants you to talk with his GM first, before you join...Hhhhmmmm...yeah, I'd let that one lie there too, and that is a strange request. If I had told any of my students that they had to talk with Dai-Soke first, Takahashi Sensei would've scorned me to no end.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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He wants you to talk with his GM first, before you join...Hhhhmmmm...yeah, I'd let that one lie there too, and that is a strange request. If I had told any of my students that they had to talk with Dai-Soke first, Takahashi Sensei would've scorned me to no end.


Yeah, that's what I wasn't sure on, Bob. I don't know if he meant my GM, or my current instructor, or some GM of his. I just wasn't sure. Either way, I don't see myself joining up at the place for regular training. My main interest would fall into the grappling aspect of the class, and we didn't even touch on that during the class I attended. I don't really need to gain a black belt rank in his style of TKD, because I've got most of it down.

Its just one of those things that kind of caught my attention. I may go back from time to time to cross-train with them some, but we'll just have to see what time allows for that.

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He wants you to talk with his GM first, before you join...Hhhhmmmm...yeah, I'd let that one lie there too, and that is a strange request. If I had told any of my students that they had to talk with Dai-Soke first, Takahashi Sensei would've scorned me to no end.


Yeah, that's what I wasn't sure on, Bob. I don't know if he meant my GM, or my current instructor, or some GM of his. I just wasn't sure. Either way, I don't see myself joining up at the place for regular training. My main interest would fall into the grappling aspect of the class, and we didn't even touch on that during the class I attended. I don't really need to gain a black belt rank in his style of TKD, because I've got most of it down.

Its just one of those things that kind of caught my attention. I may go back from time to time to cross-train with them some, but we'll just have to see what time allows for that.

That's it...you don't need another BB in TKD. I don't need another BB in Karate. Adding that from this style and that style is fine just as long as it adds to ones MA betterment. I dare to say, I'm eclectic through and through. While Shindokan is my core, my core needs those essential things that are outside of the Shindokan circle.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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