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Is learning martial art online is available?

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i have no ideas on the specific martial art you are seeking, never really heard of them. i DO however have an opinion about learning martial arts online in general.

Some people are far more capable of learning on their own then others. To top that off, with todays Technology and use of video, weather recorded earlier or even live, its really opened the idea of this up. The ability to record yourself and compare yourself to your "teachers" video is quite an interesting tool that wasn't so easily accessible when i was 17 (1994) when i bought my first two books, one was a tae kwon do book and don't ask the name haha, the other was "the tao of jeet kune do" by bruce lee of course! I did a very descent job of self teaching as i later signed up at a local tae kwon do school and knew (and practiced) a good deal of these moves proper enough that i wasn't learning much in white belt in the actual school, because I self taught that is!

Basically I'm saying i believe that the online program can work for some people but to the level of an expert or at minimum to black belt, i think it is much more realistic if one already has martial arts experience. Actors and movie stars years ago had been said to do it in a similar fashion because they were on the go too much, why should they be held back from sharing the experience of martial arts. Does the Technology not help people to share many of life's great experiences? Martial arts is worth the effort to do it, HARDER maybe, but NOT impossible! :o

Thanks you very much

great advise

I am aware, that learning online, whether its effective or not, its quite subjective thingy..its more depend on the person, rather than 1 + 2 = 3


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do you advise me to begin with this video?


though I think Kung Fu is not similiar to this one

sunmudo looks to me like it's somewhere between shaolin kung fu an taekkyon, with some yoga thrown in.

I guess you could start by training online for a month or two, to get in shape, build flexibility and balance (that video seems o.k. for that, but the Master Woo taekwondo that was recommended seems a better option, just less similar to sunmudo).

Start finding out what's available in the area you will be moving to, and try out the most interesting ones when you get there.

edit: didn't pay attention and asked a question that was already answered. removed now.

Thank you very much

its really a beneficial post!!!

Sonmudo is really related to taekkyon and Kung fu??? I didn't know that

why do you think Taekwondo is less smiliar to Sonmudo than Kung fu?

I am not sure, but I was thinking the opposite

Thanks...I will take your advise, and will begin with that Video

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I'll say this. You can't learn online, because when you are starting out, you will make a lot of mistakes that you don't have enough experience to notice or correct. But there are things you can learn without learning how to throw a single punch.

What you can do? Start studying people. Start thinking "If I was a criminal/rapist/whatever, who would I hunt here? How would I do it?" When you are seeing people, start planning in your mind how you can do something terrible and evil. Imagine that for some reason, you have to hurt someone, or steal from them, or something else that you fear. Probably not a specific person, unless you fear someone specially targeting you. Look around to decide who you would be evil to, and think of where you would stand and what you would need to do your evil thing. Do not do the evil thing of course.

When you start teaching your mind how to see the world like a predator of people would, you will start seeing places that, if you were evil, you would hunt at. The little predator part of your mind you are teaching will say "Oh! There are people in my spot I would stand to rob someone." Then, you will know to not go there looking like prey.

If you look like a predator, another predator will think you are too much trouble. Predators don't want good even fights, they want unaware prey that they can hunt easily, then go home without being tired or bruised.

You will see what makes people look like prey, and you will learn how not to look like prey. This is the half that a lot of people don't spend enough time learning.

deep philosophy..thanks for sharing

though, my main reason to practice martial art, is not to defend my self, i am looking more to improve my health, and to advance my buddhist practice

i know, that kung fu is good for this thing, but i don't like the chinese style, i like korean style more

I was thinking about kuk sool won, but its too, not that available :(

From what I have heard, kuk sool won is similar to hapkido (though I don't have experience with either). If you can find a hapkido school that may be a nice idea.

Thanks for the information...I didn't know that Kuk Sool Won is similiar to Hapkido!

yes, Hapkido does have school in the new area I will move to..may be its nice idea to join it :)

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do you advise me to begin with this video?


though I think Kung Fu is not similiar to this one

sunmudo looks to me like it's somewhere between shaolin kung fu an taekkyon, with some yoga thrown in.

I guess you could start by training online for a month or two, to get in shape, build flexibility and balance (that video seems o.k. for that, but the Master Woo taekwondo that was recommended seems a better option, just less similar to sunmudo).

Start finding out what's available in the area you will be moving to, and try out the most interesting ones when you get there.

edit: didn't pay attention and asked a question that was already answered. removed now.

Thank you very much

its really a beneficial post!!!

Sonmudo is really related to taekkyon and Kung fu??? I didn't know that

why do you think Taekwondo is less smiliar to Sonmudo than Kung fu?

I am not sure, but I was thinking the opposite

Thanks...I will take your advise, and will begin with that Video

I don't know if its actually related to taekkyon or kung fu, it just looks similar. It's softer an more fluid than shaolin however, despite a lot of the techniques looking similar. More like an internal chinese martial arts such as tai chi. The way its done in sunmudo reminds me just a little bit of yoga.

taekwondo is a korean martial art derived from taekkyon, but it is strongly influenced by shotokan karate and probably contains more elements from that. because of this it has a lot of sharp movements. The sunmudo I saw was much more fluid.

for contrast

- taekwondo

- sunmudo

if anyone's more experienced with any of the things I'm talking about, please let me know if I'm off the mark.

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i have no ideas on the specific martial art you are seeking, never really heard of them. i DO however have an opinion about learning martial arts online in general.

Some people are far more capable of learning on their own then others. To top that off, with todays Technology and use of video, weather recorded earlier or even live, its really opened the idea of this up. The ability to record yourself and compare yourself to your "teachers" video is quite an interesting tool that wasn't so easily accessible when i was 17 (1994) when i bought my first two books, one was a tae kwon do book and don't ask the name haha, the other was "the tao of jeet kune do" by bruce lee of course! I did a very descent job of self teaching as i later signed up at a local tae kwon do school and knew (and practiced) a good deal of these moves proper enough that i wasn't learning much in white belt in the actual school, because I self taught that is!

Basically I'm saying i believe that the online program can work for some people but to the level of an expert or at minimum to black belt, i think it is much more realistic if one already has martial arts experience. Actors and movie stars years ago had been said to do it in a similar fashion because they were on the go too much, why should they be held back from sharing the experience of martial arts. Does the Technology not help people to share many of life's great experiences? Martial arts is worth the effort to do it, HARDER maybe, but NOT impossible! :o

Great post !!!

Yes...solid post!!

For any learning venue, effective feedback is essential at every corner. Without effective feedback, effective MA is nothing more than an illusion.



Totally agree, but what then is your opinion if there is feedback through video testing?

I'm fine with that because Master Allen Tackett of the Seido Karate under Toma Sensei has tested up to Kudan via that format; not all ranks, mind you, but his Nanadan to Kudan have been done that way. Toma Sensei's in Okinawa and Master Tackett is in Bakersfield, CA; works for them, and Master Tackett is a very solid MAist, through and through!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I am going to agree with most here. Online MA isn't something a new student should embark on simply because you're going to make mistakes, as we all do, and you will have no one to point them out and critique. It's critical to have a class you can go to when you start.

I do think, however, that learning a martial art online is an interesting way to do it and I think that it could work for some people. It would be very interesting to explore. If you do decide to start your journey online, I would very much appreciate it if you documented your process and shared it with us.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Now then! This is a martial art I have never heard of. But this is what advice I can give you. You can't learn a martial art on line, by DVD or any thing else apart from being taught in person. Call me old fashioned but people have tried it and failed, you cannot learn from a book either. You cannot just follow a martial art at a distance or from pictures or video; you must experience it. Any martial art can be good if you have a good teacher. My advice is to look for one.

I won't say that you can't learn a Martial Art online, but I will say it will definitely be the tougher road to hoe. You won't have any immediate feedback on what your doing, which, without any experience, is going to make it tough to figure out what changes you need to make on technique. Again, I won't say its impossible, but I will say it will be very tough, and you likely won't get great results out of it until you can work with someone that has some experience and can give you some feedback.

Another issue is that Martial Arts is very much an interactive thing, and you really benefit by having partners to work with on technique and application. Without a partner to work with, progression is tough to judge, as well.

I wish you luck on your endeavor, and strongly encourage you to look for some kind of school to train at.

Just out of curiosity, why have you chose the style you have mentioned here?

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Now then! This is a martial art I have never heard of. But this is what advice I can give you. You can't learn a martial art on line, by DVD or any thing else apart from being taught in person. Call me old fashioned but people have tried it and failed, you cannot learn from a book either. You cannot just follow a martial art at a distance or from pictures or video; you must experience it. Any martial art can be good if you have a good teacher. My advice is to look for one.

I won't say that you can't learn a Martial Art online, but I will say it will definitely be the tougher road to hoe. You won't have any immediate feedback on what your doing, which, without any experience, is going to make it tough to figure out what changes you need to make on technique. Again, I won't say its impossible, but I will say it will be very tough, and you likely won't get great results out of it until you can work with someone that has some experience and can give you some feedback.

Another issue is that Martial Arts is very much an interactive thing, and you really benefit by having partners to work with on technique and application. Without a partner to work with, progression is tough to judge, as well.

I wish you luck on your endeavor, and strongly encourage you to look for some kind of school to train at.

Just out of curiosity, why have you chose the style you have mentioned here?

You put that in a great way! I agree that martial arts in an interactive thing. I think it is obvious we have all kind of come to an agreement that you CAN learn martial arts online, but NOT in a way that is as effective as training under a teacher directly, live and in person! I would also agree with finding a martial art in your area, its probably the best way to learn effective.

Hustle and hard work are a substitute for talent!

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do you advise me to begin with this video?


though I think Kung Fu is not similiar to this one

sunmudo looks to me like it's somewhere between shaolin kung fu an taekkyon, with some yoga thrown in.

I guess you could start by training online for a month or two, to get in shape, build flexibility and balance (that video seems o.k. for that, but the Master Woo taekwondo that was recommended seems a better option, just less similar to sunmudo).

Start finding out what's available in the area you will be moving to, and try out the most interesting ones when you get there.

edit: didn't pay attention and asked a question that was already answered. removed now.

Thank you very much

its really a beneficial post!!!

Sonmudo is really related to taekkyon and Kung fu??? I didn't know that

why do you think Taekwondo is less smiliar to Sonmudo than Kung fu?

I am not sure, but I was thinking the opposite

Thanks...I will take your advise, and will begin with that Video

I don't know if its actually related to taekkyon or kung fu, it just looks similar. It's softer an more fluid than shaolin however, despite a lot of the techniques looking similar. More like an internal chinese martial arts such as tai chi. The way its done in sunmudo reminds me just a little bit of yoga.

taekwondo is a korean martial art derived from taekkyon, but it is strongly influenced by shotokan karate and probably contains more elements from that. because of this it has a lot of sharp movements. The sunmudo I saw was much more fluid.

for contrast

- taekwondo

- sunmudo

if anyone's more experienced with any of the things I'm talking about, please let me know if I'm off the mark.

Thank you very much

yes its seems true...sonmudo is more similiar to kung fu than taekwondo

but I feel, there might be some other Korean Martial art more close to Sonmudo than Kung Fu? because I feel it has more Korean style than Chinese, though I am not experience in martial art

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I am going to agree with most here. Online MA isn't something a new student should embark on simply because you're going to make mistakes, as we all do, and you will have no one to point them out and critique. It's critical to have a class you can go to when you start.

I do think, however, that learning a martial art online is an interesting way to do it and I think that it could work for some people. It would be very interesting to explore. If you do decide to start your journey online, I would very much appreciate it if you documented your process and shared it with us.

yes, I think that, but I have no choice..long time ago, I was promising my self to begin martial art, but I didn't, and currently, I am staying in a country, which banning woman to practice martial art as I mentioned before

I will document my training online...will begin today my first one :)

Thanks for information

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