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Your training outside the dojo

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In my case, I do all my out-of-dojo work in a tiny room where I can just barely move 4 steps in any direction. This has forced me to breakdown everything to fit into 4 steps or less. Doing this is actually very useful because it allows for more attention spent on each part. It also naturally makes techniques more compact by adapting to a confined space.

Basic techniques like punches, blocks and kicks are the easiest to do without too much trouble. However, kata was challenging because I had to breakdown even the shortest ones into sequences that fit into my space and then practise each of those 3 step parts. I do the same thing with the application/bunkai sets.

The room I use also has obstacles that I cannot easily move out of my way. That means I have to carefully judge my distances so that I don't run into the furniture. I do everything in sets of 3 with such as:

10 punches for correct form/mechanics

10 punches keeping form and adding moderate power

10 punches keeping form and gradually increase power so that the last two are as hard as I can muster.

I do this either standing still or moving forward depending on what I have planned. Planning your own curriculum is very important to keep focussed and self motivate. Without it I might be too tempted to skip or I might lose track of where I am.

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my schedule is very busy, I work full time, teach twice a week and have a family, and my daughter is special needs so I spend a lot of great time with her, but over the last 10 years my training had slipped to basically the twice a week and what ever I could get in at hom.

My new schedule is much more regemented and will push me to train more, which I love!

I have keys to one of the local Dojo's so I will get back to training twice a week doing Kata in the Am, the other three week days will be at the gym running and doing some weights to keep age at bay!

I still go to the Dojo twice a week and teach, but I promised myself that I would do Kumite before class with who ever shows up and then again after class.

I am also lucky enough to have my own Dojo in my basement that is small but big enough to do Kata , this will be used as it is now, for a few hour here hour their Kihon work outs and use of things like my Iron geta ext.

Its hard to balance being the senior in the organization and knowing that when I get to a club its all about teaching and not training. I miss being a junior!

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Not enough room at home to do much and I can only get to 2 classes a week. Have a half marathon in a few weeks that I've been training for which has involved 5 runs a week and upwards to 40 miles/week. Once that's done I'll cut back on the running, would like to settle down to 3 to 4 runs and about 20 miles/week. Need to set aside more time for strength training, though...that's been lacking.

Does anyone have an individual program of floor exercises that they do in a smaller space without much equipment? Looking for something that will build up overall strength and that has a good amount of core work.

I am big on circuits, can do them in the lounge room, and they can be as intense or varied as you want them to be. Start with cardio (1min on, 30sec off), then body weight (5x 1min consecutive with 1min off), then onto weights or abs, then back to cardio to finish.

Look up "P90X" or "Insanity" for starters.

I have just been developing circuits with an 8kg medicine ball utilising whole body movements and coordination exercises which has been great!

I also incorporate karate into the circuits, such as 1min of switch kicks/knees, 1min kicking combination drills etc etc.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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I don't train near enough on my own. I try to spend time with the Defensive Tactics club when I can during the college school sessions, and was spending some time during the week in the Aikido dojo before I blew out my calf. I do have some bags and equipment at home, but haven't got back to using them quite yet. I do take some time to stretch while I read at home.

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