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Need Help with a bully.

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Wow tons of great advice here!

In this day and age - in the eyes of the court you may be seen as a bully if you force the confrontation. he will have a black eye and you will be presented as the trained karate fighter looking to beat people up.

I came very close to a confrontation recently. He was baiting me into hitting him in public and I was closer then I had ever been.


Like everyone else said, if he lays a hand on you, take it easy, remember your training

Im not sure if its wrong to say this and if it is, I apologize and contact a mod to delete BUT do everything you can to avoid the fight, if he corners you and forces you to use your karate, only then make him sorry

Nothing Worth Having Is Easily Obtained - ESPECIALLY RANK

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Following on from what Spartacus Maximus has already said depending on what your parents and sensei say, you guys may also want to inform the police. In some areas, threats via sites like facebook are a criminal offence. For example...



It's not nice to be bullied, considering that - as you have said - he already tried to attack you, so you used self-defence to protect yourself.

I repeat DO NOT meet him or go looking for him. Ignore him unless he is in your personal space and about to attack you. Otherwise it will not be self defense but a fight.
So true!

On a trivial side note, wagnerk you posted something from my home town I hadn't picked up on. I'm from Wigan. :lol:

If you believe in an ideal. You don't own it ; it owns you.

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Welcome aboard, TheGrim123321. Glad to have you here.

Just to echo what others have said, once again, definitely report it to the adults around you. You said you would tell your Sensei. Awesome, hope that went well. I would also tell your parent(s) and/or guardian.

If, in fact, the kid was dumb enough to post on Facebook that he's planning to do this, he probably won't be too difficult to outsmart. Outsmarting him should be your aim, not fighting him. Copy that evidence from Facebook however you can - screenshot it, print it, save the URL. Then give it to the adults.

As cheesefrysamurai, Spartacus Maximus and others have said, getting some people together and meeting up with him - whatever that ends up looking like, whether you "win" or not - you lose. You'll have flipped into the aggressor and it'll be easy to paint you as the bully who was looking for a fight. After all, you are the one with actual martial arts instruction. He's just a regular, defenseless kid. You're the trained fighting machine.

I know that may sound silly, but that is exactly how it could be spun and turned against you. Then you could be the one disciplined, expelled, shown on TV, arrested, etc.

Hopefully, the adults deal with this kid and he leaves you alone.


Edited by Patrick
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The fact he is trying to get some mates together to help him means that he is SCARED of you and probably won't try to confront you again.

His way of trying to save face is to tell stories to his mates and try to get them involved, if you know who they are then maybe trying to speak with some of them, say you are being bullied and you don't know what their problem is and say that hopefully they won't get involved because you don't have a problem with them.

Hopefully if they see you as the level headed good guy they won't be tempted to try an unfair fight with you because their mate says so.

Either way, don't try to meet them, stay out of the way, try to not be in the normal places for a while or get picked up, taxi, bus etc.

You shouldn't have to change your routine but by not being there then there will be no fight. Ask your friends to walk with you but state you are in self defence mode only!

Try not to let it bother you and seek help, although you are nearly an adult and sound okay, it is no great shame to talk with others and ask advice, I still do at 44 so no problem, you may find others will offer another solution that you hadn't thought of, a nice one would be for someone else to have a word with the bully and shut him up.

You will know what's best but share the problem, never use violence to try and solve it unless forced to - then as said, hit them hard! Try ten ways to aviod it first though, a better person walks away from fights, a clever person won't be there in the first place.

Karate Ni Sente Nashi....

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Make different arrangements for getting home. Find a ride with someone, take a different path. Wait an extra half hour before you start off, do something different.

Let someone at school know what's going on, and see if they can offer any help. All these options will be better than a 5 on 5 confrontation. In a situation like this, there are too many variables. Someone might bring a weapon, or they all might. Its not worth it.

Also, what Patrick points out is a very good point. If two groups of 5 or 6 get together to fight, it isn't self-defense. Its a mutual combat, a brawl, and all parties are guilty. Where I'm from, if I came onto a brawl like that, at the very least all parties would get arrested and charged with disorderly conduct at the least, and dependind on what kind of damage gets done, charges like battery or aggravated battery (a felony) could come forth, as well. No one will win.

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Can we get an update?

How is this playing out?


I second this, I would like to know how everything went.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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