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This question is for instructors and/or school owners.

How would you react and what do you think of the

Following situation/example.

I had a visiting instructor at the martial arts school

Where I teach. At the end of the class this visiting

Instructor was talking to my students and during his

Speech to my students he proceeded to tell them

that a certain technique that I had taught them was

Incorrect, and then proceeded to explain the proper

Way to execute the technique. Now, regardless of

Whether he was right, wrong, or indifferent I believe

That his actions was very disrespectful.

Now, to add insult to injury, (taking into consideration

that this visiting instructor, a 4th Dan, was actually

incorrect) my Sensei, the school owner was sitting

there listening to this speech and did not correct this

this visiting instructor as to his mistake or to his being

disrespectful. Instead, my Sensei waited until later ( after

the visiting instructor had left) and then told me to just not

pay him any attention and to disregard what he had said

to my students because he didn't understand the proper

Way of executing that technique.

Any input would be appreciated.

When you understand a technique, you know a technique. When you understand a concept, you know a thousand techniques.

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Massive mistake and hugely disrespectful. If he thought something was wrong then he should have spoken with the instructors afterwards and not tried to teach it his way. There are loads of variations and they mostly depend on what you are using it for. I have recently been training with another club and when i see something different i may question it but mostly to ask if i am wrong. Normally it is slight changes in the style or Sensei but i wouldn't dream of correcting others. I am happy to accept a correction or to learn of another way of doing the same thing.

if he comes again then ask him to not try to teach others during a lesson or to try and correct something being taught. Or say you are full that night....

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Certainly sounds very disrespectful to me. ANYTIME I encounter someone doing something i feel is incorrect. I usually just say something like, "Here's another interpretation of that." or "This is the way I prefer to do that."

I would never look at someone and tell them their instructor is flat out wrong. That's for the sensei to tell the instructor, then for the instructor to change in the curriculum in his own time.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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Accountability and respect is lacking in visiting instructor in said approach. Especially when telling the students that their wrong in what they've been taught.

I would've stopped the visiting instructor, and asked him to leave immediately!!

Want to show another way that's effective? Fine!! But, if you want to ridicule our methodology and ideology, and do it right in front of me towards my students!? NO!! Time for you to leave!! The sooner, the better!!

A way is just that...A WAY!! Not the only way!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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The visiting instructor was way out of line. Firstly, if you think that an instructor has taught some one incorrectly, then you need to bring that up to the instructor so that they can either tell you (politely) that you were wrong or realize that they made a mistake so that the students can take direction from their instructor, not some stranger.

I would do the same as sensei8 in this situation and ask the instructor to leave immediately. Being a Yodan he should have known better than to do that.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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I agree with the overwhelming consensus that the visitor was entirely out of line. I also think it was within your right to show him the door. At the same time, you followed your instinct and decided to not intervene - there is a lot of wisdom in that too because I suspect that your students noticed the disrespectful behavior as well and can probably appreciate how you handled it.

I think it is uber important that you revisit this technique with your students and specifically demonstrate the difference between your way and the visiting instructor's way. It will emphasize that you took the high road, and further, it will remediate any confusion caused by this clown. And lastly, I would keep from making comments about the visiting instructor - he showed his colors and you've shown yours - now it's a matter of straightening out the technique with your students. Good luck!

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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I agree with what everyone has said....waaaay out of line. Glad your head instructor backed you.

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I agree with what everyone has said....waaaay out of line. Glad your head instructor backed you.

Yes...that was right on the money. Anything less than that, time to find another CI, imho.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Out of line for sure and I would hope that your instructor would edify you infront of your students regarding the incident, in addition to informing the visitor that he overstepped his bounds.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Out of line for sure and I would hope that your instructor would edify you infront of your students regarding the incident, in addition to informing the visitor that he overstepped his bounds.



Solid post!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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