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How far back can you remember?

John G

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I just had an interesting discussion with some one (can't remember their name.. hehe) a few hour ago about memory's, and ones earliest recollections in life.


People often laugh at me when I say I can remember when I was born, well not actually the born bit (yuk) , moreover the first time I breathed, and how it hurt as if I was breathing in acid.


What are some of your earliest recollections, first movie, TV ad, dead person, kiss etc. whatever and how old were you?


BTW: Im 42

John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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I'd have to say when I was really sick, something shocking. I had an intense ear infection in both ears, I felt like shit, I can just remember laying on the poof in pain before going to the doctor's home out of hours because I was so bad. I barely had the stregnth to stand up, all I wanted to do was lay there and die. I can't remember how old I was or much else, I can just remember the pain.

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I had this discussion in one of my psychology classes in college. (BTW I'm 43)....


It was truly interesting as to what type of incidences people recollected.


More often than not, it was either pain or extreme happiness.


Come to find out for me... it was when I was 18 mths, I can remember an awful sunburn laying in my crib.


I also have many memories of "special" times spent with my dad ... who past away at age 36 from a massive heart attack when I was 3.

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I remember my sandbox. It had a lid that raised up for a sun awning and then could be lowered to keep the raind out. And how the nice man next door made sure my sand box had nice white "river sand in it".
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My wife's asked me this too. She claims to remember to like around 18 months. I don't seem to have much before 3, riding my bike, around the time the training wheels came off.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

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Many of you are so fortunate to remember so far back. I would love to have some sort of memory of my grandfather (who died 1 month after my birth ) anyhow I can remember odds and ends of my childhood, I think the furthest I can remember is around the age of 2 or 3 :)

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I can remember very short, not exceptionally clear memories of (probably) 3-4 years old.
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