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Promotion without warrant

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I recently found out that my instructor was promoting up another instructor and advancing him above all the other instructors in the association.

I am told that this individual has been on a sabatical for the last 9 years and has just recently started to teach again and reconnect with Sensei.

I knew this individual when I first started. In fact he taught many of the classes I attended and was very good in both skill and knowledge back then. I believe he was a Nidan then.

He is the same rank as I am, and I assume it's due to the time off since he was a Nidan when I was just a Hachikyu. Others have told me that he himself states that he is not at the grade that he wears and has asked Sensei not to promote him until he is worthy of the rank and title.

I respect this but the word is that Sensei is promoting him anyway.

Do you think that it is right to talk to Sensei about this and express my concern and the other instructors concerns or let it happen and mind my own business? I would normally not say anything but since he is being promoted up above all of us it has a direct impact on the rest of the instructors in the association.

I trust Sensei and I'm sure there is a reason for this but for the life of me it escapes my comprehension. I am being told that he will be the successor to our association according to others close to Sensei when Sensei retires.

I know this man to be a good man from what I have been told and what I know of him from my earlier years and would not want to damage him or his reputation in any way but I feel that this is wrong and feel I should at least express my views to Sensei on behalf of myself and the other instructors.

Honestly I do not know if I even have the right to question Sensei's decisions but I have had several of my fellow instructors question me about this and show concern for what the future might hold.

What do you think? Speak up or shut up? Talk to him or to Sensei or to neither?

Devil Dog


Shorin ryu, goju ryu, isshin ryu, kobudo.

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Hi, interesting situation.

based on what you're saying here's what I think.

If choosing between speaking up or shutting up I say do neither.

You clearly trust and respect your sensei so I suggest rolling with it, be supportive, and be POSITIVE about it. If you take this approach I think it will be appreciated by your sensei, your peers, and your students. And in the end, it will work itself out and more importantly you'll feel better.

Just my opinion.

To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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hey Devil Dog,

I actually, and respectfully, do not agree with Archimoto. I personally would talk to your instructor about this issue. The issues like this tend to break organizations up. Let your instructor know that their is "talk" and questions that are being asked and ask him if he really thinks that this is the right move, or ask him why he is doing this right now and maybe not respecting the other instructors wishes and give him some time.

You may be supprised that if you approach this the right and most respectful way that you might get an answer that makes complete sense or you may twig on something with your instructor and he could put off the grading.

personally if my instructor gave us a rank advancement I would accept the advancement as he knows best, but being part of a huge organization...my instructor actualy can not do this. But when we were independent he was really picking about rank and would almost kill us just to get one level advancements and even then he failed about 1/4 of the students because he did not want to be seen as playing favorite.

I would ask, be respectful and let him know others are qustioning the move at this time. Let him know what ever he says goes, but an answer would help smooth the way.

Even monkeys fall from trees

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In our system, we have meetings almost daily about association issues. We do have disagreements, but we resolve them diplomatically. I personally believe that letting things fester, for lack of a better term, cause more harm than confronting them. If the situation is approached the right way, it can be resolved. Maybe the sensei has no idea that it is causing issues. If he did, it may sway him to take another course of action. And if it's done respectfully, it may not negatively affect anyone. You said that the instructor did not want the advancement, so maybe he wouldn't be upset if he wasn't promoted.

It all depends on how it's handled by all parties. If I were in that situation (and I have been in a similar situation), I would bring my concerns to my Sensei, not in a negative manner, but to let him know that I have concerns with how his decision may affect the overall good of the association. If the end result is that he decides to do it anyway, if I trust him, I have to trust his decision.

Seek Perfection of Character

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Respect others

Refrain from violent behavior.

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Whatever you decide, I don't envy your situation. Catch-22, imho!!

Questioning the CI is everyone's right, but that's providing that it's approached respectfully. Most CI's don't like to be questioned when it comes to rank promotions/demotions and the like.

It's a slap in their face when one questions their merit and intent. Even if you know everything concerning said situation as to why your CI wants to do this, it's not going to be calm waters; a storm MIGHT rage.

Will you lose respect for your CI?

Whatever you do, don't go barking in the CI's office like you've assumed a position that you've no right to possess.

I earned the right to question my Dai-Soke, and we've had some heated discussions, but I knew where to draw the line so that I wasn't disrespectful, especially on his floor!! Do it on his floor, well, he'd show me why he's who he is and why I'm who I am.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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If it really bothers you, then talk to him. It does seem a bit unfair, and all he can do is tell you that he won't answer your question. If the topic of respect comes up, you could mention something to the fact of how your rank is being respected if someone else is moving up that admits that they shouldn't. But, its your call.

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devil dog,

I believe you are referring to me in this forum. I can understand your issues with this and agree with a lot of what you say. I have discussed this with sensei several times and if you would return my calls you would know what was going on. Out of respect for you and sensei I will refrain from going into any details and do not wish to air dirty laundry over a public forum. Suffice it to say that there will be changes within the organization due to sensei retiring. If you would call me back I can explain what those changes will be. And just to ease your mind, with much respect for our organization and the instructors under it I turned down successorship.

Now please contact me so we can discuss this or contact sensei directly as he is worried that you and others have the wrong idea.

Sensei Ken



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Yes I was refering to you. It's been a long time and I hope you are doing well. I wish we could have caught up under different circumstances but..

Sensei Pete told me that he saw this forum and had talked to you and Sensei about it. I figured you would address it sooner or later.

I mean't no disrespect. I know that you are well respected with in the association and are a very good and knowlegeable instructor and do not wish to air dirty laundry however this is a place outside of the organization where I can get advice from others and can take it all in before making any decision.

I meant no disrepect to you but you must admit that even you have issues with Sensei's decision. I appreciate that you have enough integrity to turn this down but this does little to ease my mind or the minds of others.

I have not been privy to what you did when you moved back home after the corps but I have heard that you took a long time off for what ever reason. Obviously this raises red flags when we hear that you were picked over all of us.

With all due respect to you I will be contacting Sensei to discuss directly. I do apologize for not calling you back. I know you have been under a lot of stress and have been trying to put a lot of the other instructors minds at ease in the last week or so but you must understand that I have a lot of questions about why you would be picked when you are still the same rank as me and after you took so much time off. I know that Sensei has his reasons and I'm sure there is a logical answer but if it's all the same to you I would rather hear it directly from him.

Devil Dog


Shorin ryu, goju ryu, isshin ryu, kobudo.

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I understand and have no issue with you talking directly with sensei. In fact I wish you would. It would dispel a lot of your fears.

Just to set the record straight. I turned down promotions for my own personal reasons. Sensei understands and accepts these reasons so I hope you will give me the respect he gives me and not hold this against me. I did not fail promotions nor did I do anything to warrant being denied promotion. Quite the opposite. Sensei wanted to promote me several times over but I did not feel deserving for my own reasons.

As far as my time off from teaching goes that was a personal decision as well and had sensei's blessing.

I understand your feelings and acknowledge them. I only ask that you do not harbor ill feelings towards me for decisions I have made out of what I thought was the right thing to do at the time or for what sensei does or doesn't do now. I have little control over his mind or what he wants to do with the organization. Only he can make those decisions.

I am more than glad to discuss this with you after you talk to sensei. And I do not feel that you are disrespecting me. I would probably feel the same way. However there are also things you don't know. Please call sensei before making snap judgments and getting other instructors upset. At least do that.



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