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Hi guys. Do you make mistake once in while during training? Learning new techniques? Showing yours katas andyl kicks?

My 9 month of karate is about to beggin. Soon going for yellow belt/8 kyu. I do mistakes in the training like punching with wrong fist or kicking with wrong leg. I really hate this and sometimes before I go to training i feel like-oh what will I mess again today... Or after training like is karate really for me?

I understand everyone does mistakes but when you look like idiot doing wrong technique...

I love karate and would never give up on it but sometimes spark or karateka in me is going down....

Any advices? If any Sensei is reading this what do you think about the students who mess up techniques ?


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Welcome to the forum, Iskrax!

Don't worry about making mistakes--you've been training for 9 months, so no one expects you to be perfect! Honestly, I've been training for nearly 8 years, and I still make mistakes. When an instructor is watching you, and you make a mistake, it is simply something to correct and move on. They don't dwell on it or think that someone is terrible just for that.

Karate is a lifelong pursuit, so you have lots of time to fix your mistakes :)

KishimotoDi | 2014-Present | Sensei: Ulf Karlsson

Shorin-Ryu/Shinkoten Karate | 2010-Present: Yondan, Renshi | Sensei: Richard Poage (RIP), Jeff Allred (RIP)

Shuri-Ryu | 2006-2010: Sankyu | Sensei: Joey Johnston, Joe Walker (RIP)

Judo | 2007-2010: Gokyu | Sensei: Joe Walker (RIP), Ramon Rivera (RIP), Adrian Rivera

Illinois Practical Karate | International Neoclassical Karate Kobudo Society


Mistakes are all apart of learning. Your new to the arts and you will make mistakes.

I have been training for 30+ years and still make mistakes. It happens.

The trick is to learn from your mistakes and become better for it.

Devil Dog


Shorin ryu, goju ryu, isshin ryu, kobudo.


I make mistakes all the time; most people do. To err is human....

I've watched international competitors at the top of their game completely botch things before. Masters too.

At least you can recognise you've made a mistake as that's half the battle! You can then identify yourself what you need to work on and start fixing rather than get stick in a rut because you don't know you're doing it wrong.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius


Mistakes are the bread and butter of the MA, no matter the rank. We're not perfect, therefore, we'll tend to make our more than share amounts of mistakes.

If you make one, a mistake, then just dust yourself off, learn from it, and continue on your MA journey.

"You're not suppose to make "those" type of mistakes at your rank!" Imperfect, that I am, perfect, that I'm not!! Btw, "those" are just what they are; mistakes, none worse than any another, imho!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!


Relax. Mistakes are a tool. They are rough edges that have to be smoothed out with time on the mat. Mistakes aren't what we strive for, but they provide a guide in a sense for what we have to work on. Its how we grow.

besides the most important fact: making mistakes means you are out there on the floor putting your time in.

Good luck and HAVE FUN.

Nothing Worth Having Is Easily Obtained - ESPECIALLY RANK


Everyone's learning curve is different. The most important thing to do when making mistakes is to not get down on yourself. Let the instructor fix it, and move on. Focus on the task at hand, and do your best. That is all any instructor can ask out of their students.

  Iskrax said:
Hi guys. Do you make mistake once in while during training? Learning new techniques? Showing yours katas andyl kicks?

My 9 month of karate is about to beggin. Soon going for yellow belt/8 kyu. I do mistakes in the training like punching with wrong fist or kicking with wrong leg. I really hate this and sometimes before I go to training i feel like-oh what will I mess again today... Or after training like is karate really for me?

I understand everyone does mistakes but when you look like idiot doing wrong technique...

I love karate and would never give up on it but sometimes spark or karateka in me is going down....

Any advices? If any Sensei is reading this what do you think about the students who mess up techniques ?


I'm a sixth Dan, forty years training - I make mistakes ! We all do, it's just the scale of them really. Mine are small percentage errors, only another Dan grade would see. Yours will be higher percent errors or total fails - and that's how it should be with 9 months training. Think of a child learning to walk - falls all the time. Gets to 5, very rarely falls, but some times...By the time they get even a little older, it's a very rare event. Even us grown-up trip up every now and again. The martial arts are just about learning the moves and to fight, but overcoming yourself - your reactions to these mistakes.

It can be very hard at time for some. Some others find it easy and coast through it. But those who find it easy are often the ones who just collect grades and then leave. Those who struggle, appreciate it more and stick with it long term - like me !

I'll tell you tale some time....

If you believe in an ideal. You don't own it ; it owns you.


First of welcome aboard. Your new your going to mess things up. If I didn't mess up at least a couple times a training session something's wrong. I've been training in one stand up style or another for several years and BJJ for around 5 years and I mess up all the time wether it be new or old technique. This is why you continue to train. There's alway room for improvement. It's part of training.


Welcome! Of course everyone makes mistakes. After 25 years of practice maybe no longer punching with the wrong arm, but smaller mistakes... Wrong spirit, little posture problems (my head is always too far forward...), no mental focus.

But this is a good thing: mistakes are the only chance to learn! What could you improve if you don't make mistakes (or don't realize them at least?


Goju Ryu (Yushinkan since 1989), Shotokan (JKA since 2005)

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