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Kyokushin Conditioning For Body Shots

Capt. Kiddie

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What body you've done in conditioning your body, with the hammer and such, it's reflective of Takayuki Kubota Sensei who used small sledgehammers and the like to condition himself. I'd not recommend that because while the body can be conditioned through these hurtful methods, I'm sure that a doctor would severely advice against it.

I love the old fashioned way to conditioning ones body by good old sparring; flesh against flesh, bone against bone, and mettle against mettle. In time, ones body will be conditioned.

Then there's Morio Higaonna Sensei, of the IOGKF, who, over the many, many years, has conditionied his limbs by striking objects repeatedly until said limbs are callused in the status that it's in now.

It's a personal choice, I suppose. But, trained wrongly, it's a dangerous choice, imho.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Not everyone draws some kind of "honor" or generic karate morality/demeanor from their arts of war, Hawk. I train specifically to fight.
I agree with your sentiments here. Not everyone trains for the same reasons.


Were good!!

Its all good!!


There is a thread in here, can't seem to find it, maybe one of the others can, the thread talks about modern MA (MMA I think it was) vs Traditional MA.

Anyone recall it please?

I call myself a 'traditionalist', and as Kyokushinkai student I do have the same approach to MA as all Kyokushin students have and take...a very deliberate and even serious approach to combat!

I train to win, we all do, but ...and hence the other thread that I mention there is to me a certain loss to the way some people view or approach combat.

I'm not saying what you do is right nor am I saying it is wrong, what I would ask is that all consider that if its not working or the results return is not as good as you expected or wish...clearly something is not working or needs tweaking or modification....

It may not be the work rate or effort it might be the mind set.....

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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  • 10 months later...
İ agree too that fighting is everytime a risk. İf it's not for you; then you should stay far.

But martial arts are not only obout fighting. Disipline and training the soul are other important facts.

Welcome to KF; glad that you're here!!

Solid post!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 3 months later...
İ agree too that fighting is everytime a risk. İf it's not for you; then you should stay far.

But martial arts are not only obout fighting. Disipline and training the soul are other important facts.

Exactly, I keep going on about it, but the art is important to me.

Knowledge of its origins and what it means.

In my art, karate, we say: karate is for everyday life, not just for the Dojo.

“Spirit first, technique second.” – Gichin Funakoshi

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