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Regulation of Martial Arts

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I know we are all from different countries here; however I am sure that everywhere we have the problem of unqualified instructors teaching martial arts. With comments like "mcdojo" and "partial artists" floating around the board, it leads me to believe that this may be a common problem everywhere.


In many asian countries regardless of style you are required to be certified by law to teach your art to the public, as a means of maintaining high standards in practice and morals. Without an instructors licience you are not permitted to teach as it is the LAW.


Anyone in the USA can claim to be an instructor with enough cash, the same in Canada. I know the Koreans try to maintain standards through certification by the Kokkikwon (I learnt this through the belt discussion on the board).


What do you think about tighter restrictions on martial arts training. I believe there is nothing to fear so long as your standards are high.

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Yes, definitely. We need stricter standards... it annoys me when I see these people who have done martial arts for 2 years, and are a black belt and instructor... it is just ridiculous. 2 years is not enough experience... Black belt is supposed to signify mastery and advanced skill, not simply the result of a 2 year course, and instructors should not only have lots of experience, but be good at getting on with people and showing how to do things properly, and on the gradings, they should be prepared to fail a few people.


For example, some guy who goes to my Taekwondo got his yellow belt the other day on a full pass... his chest blocks were poor, the blocking arm came from the behind hip thing, he didnt keep his hips forwards, his punches finished with his arms not straight... he's terrible... He should have failed his grading, but did he? nope :/


This guy only just got a full pass, so did I but I know I actually deserved mine, I got a mark a lot higher than his, and I think I should only have just passed... be stricter!!!1 :kaioken:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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It's easy to determine experience from inexperience if you know what to look for. Also most Legitimate systems have a structure of some sort already...


Legitimacy comes from history and ties...anyone can say they are an instructor, most have a history and ties. Kokikwon for TKD, Judo has a large structure, same with Karate. It's easy to find.

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while the kukkiwon is the "governing body of taekwondo" i have seen too many instructors qualified or endorsed by the kukkiwon that are defintely farces for me to question do they know what is going on? or are they just willing to take the fees (for promotion and such) without proper certification or validation of its members...i myself am certified by the kukiwon..but i also know of many instructors who are so certified who shoudnt even be teaching how to croos a street properly..it doesnt make me feel all that proud or privligaged to have that diploma hanging on my wall..i just let my character and action speak for myself..that speaks more than a thousand words that can be fitted on any diploma....

Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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good point taezee....one must checkout the school and the instructor.........ask questions, watch several classes, and remember that the individual makes the workout work.


i'm from the old school where the dojang was up the dark stairs, in the back, where the best classes were either very early in the morning or late at night......


..now a day, if the school is not new, in the front with a plate glass window, showers and bathroom, and a juice bar, it's hard to get students....whats up with that?


one other thing is that in all education systems there are some bad and some good.


just rushman's humble opinion



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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humble my foot you know you the man..lol

Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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ahhhhhh...nope..you the man taezee.. :cool:




rushman (taekwondo moderator)


3rd dan






This Message was edited by: iamrushman on Aug 16, 2001 1:28am

rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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