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"Random Attacks" Competition


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Sport Jujitsu competitions used to have a "self defense" section. You were paired with a competitor in your division and faced a number of random attacks. And I do mean random. The only indication of what was coming was a predetermined signal for a grab/hold and other than that, you didn't really know what was coming. It wasn't a full on, do or die attack, but it had enough on it that standing still or getting caught wouldn't have been pleasant. It was a fun section of the competition that I don't know if they are still doing or not. It's been a lot of years since I competed with them.

Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine

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Looks like the next European event in this will be in Loughborough, not too far from where I am.

If I understand it correctly you do it with a training partner? That would be my one criticism in that you can then practice with that person all 40 or so attacks and come up with a move for each rather than it being a completely random fight. Having trained with them you'll be able to pick up on what your partner is going to do really quickly compared to if you were with a unknown opponent. Your training partner can also put up varying levels of resistance or go with the technique to help you out.

I was feeling this way, as well. Its really a choreagraphy as opposed to anything else. But, I do think it would be kind of fun for competition.

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