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Which Christmas Gifts To Open...First?!?


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Christmas is here once again. It's a joyful time for many reasons, but it can be a stressful one as well. How so? Well, with more than one gifts at ones foot, deciding which one to open first isn't always that easy of a choice. Don't want to seem greedy. Don't want to hurt someone because theirs wasn't opened first.

What to do? So, I've a few questions to ask of you...

*Do you open the smallest first?

*Do you open the largest first?

*Do you open the middle size first?

*Do you open the prettiest first?

*Do you open the oddest shaped first?

*Does someone beg/ask you to open a specific one first/last?

What's one to do??


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I usually just take the first one (closest one to me) or the one I've guided to. Often my family will guide you towards one. :)

For any Portal 2 fans, I bought my younger brother this: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e71c/. And I wrapped it in it's shape, with it's legs wrapped, etc. It has a glowing eye which glows through the wrapping. I think he might open that one first. :)


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I usually just take the first one (closest one to me) or the one I've guided to. Often my family will guide you towards one. :)

For any Portal 2 fans, I bought my younger brother this: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e71c/. And I wrapped it in it's shape, with it's legs wrapped, etc. It has a glowing eye which glows through the wrapping. I think he might open that one first. :)


I hear you, and thank you. My wife loves to "guide" us to which one she thinks we should open first. I'm like you, unless my wife has her way :P , I'll choice the one closet to me, or as my son likes to say, the one at the top of the pile.

One additional question...

What time do you get up on Christmas morning?

When the kids were younger, we got up just as soon as the kids were awake. If I slept in for any reason, my wife would send them in our bedroom to wake me up, and often, I was awoken quite abruptly, as only young kids can do. Now that the kids are adults, 19 and 18 years old, we get up no later than 9am, or at least that's our plan.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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When I was young, I'd get up as early as allowed. :) Now, I'll get up when everyone is ready. My brothers are older now, so we just do it when everyone wakes up. Probably mid to late morning. 9 AM sounds about right.


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Whenever I was younger, we'd all get the families together and have a big Christmas day. Kids opened theirs first, and then the adults last. Only thing about getting all together is when someone was "late", and that was decided by my grandpa, our gift opening event would be late, and when you're a kid, late is not a good thing.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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We do something different. My father gets a generous bonus every Christmas and gives everyone $25 dollars for each person (i.e. I have $25 for my wife, my brother etc). We go out and buy the presents the day before (being that we're all anxious balls of curiosity, although we generally show everybody what we want them to buy us) and we wrap it that night (we are able to do this because we have Christmas when everyone can make it and that is rarely on the day of). After wrapping we make clues to where we are going to hide them and in the morning and every one goes on a scavenging hunt getting one present at a time, we open it as a family, and then get the second one. So the answer to the original question is that it depends on whose clue I grab first.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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When I was younger we would come up with elaborate plans for sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night to look at the presents. We would hold practice runs Christmas Eve were we would tie karate belts to our beds to lower ourselves to the ground and put markers on the squeaky floor boards. We never actually did it, our course.

Now we usually do the Christmas Story thing where one person "plays Santa" and hands out presents to everyone else and we just open the presents as the person hands them to us.

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We do something different. My father gets a generous bonus every Christmas and gives everyone $25 dollars for each person (i.e. I have $25 for my wife, my brother etc). We go out and buy the presents the day before (being that we're all anxious balls of curiosity, although we generally show everybody what we want them to buy us) and we wrap it that night (we are able to do this because we have Christmas when everyone can make it and that is rarely on the day of). After wrapping we make clues to where we are going to hide them and in the morning and every one goes on a scavenging hunt getting one present at a time, we open it as a family, and then get the second one. So the answer to the original question is that it depends on whose clue I grab first.

That's an awesome idea. Don't fancy gift shopping on Christmas eve though!

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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I open the ones that I know the content of first, then have my surprises later. I opened one from my Sensei tonight; a pair of Black Iron Sai, "They're not just to look at and admire Lad!"

Look to the far mountain and see all.

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We do something different. My father gets a generous bonus every Christmas and gives everyone $25 dollars for each person (i.e. I have $25 for my wife, my brother etc). We go out and buy the presents the day before (being that we're all anxious balls of curiosity, although we generally show everybody what we want them to buy us) and we wrap it that night (we are able to do this because we have Christmas when everyone can make it and that is rarely on the day of). After wrapping we make clues to where we are going to hide them and in the morning and every one goes on a scavenging hunt getting one present at a time, we open it as a family, and then get the second one. So the answer to the original question is that it depends on whose clue I grab first.

That's an awesome idea. Don't fancy gift shopping on Christmas eve though!

We rarely have our Christmas on Christmas so we never shop on Christmas Eve. This year our shopping day will be the 28th.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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