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2014 Martial Arts Goals

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1. Stay healthy

2. Stay consistent

3. Compete in some(win a few) tournaments

Complete a boxing/mma type training camp. Training 5 days per week for about Six weeks to get into tip top shape. I want to know first hand what it feels like. Also I want to have the physique of a fighter if only for a few weeks. Then I can photoshop my self into a stare-down with Bendo or Aldo


The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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1: Achieve 2nd Kyu this year.

2: Pass my 60 credit Collage year.

3: Do as much Yoga as I can.

4: Catch a Trout keeper from our local river.

5: Stay Happy, Committed, and Loving.

Like the 5th goal :brow:

Well for me this year, I will give my best in everything I do:

in work or non-work related stuffs. :lol:

Smile, Stay Calm, and ATTRACT BLESSINGS=)

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have few things I like to do in 2014:

1. I would like to get back in shape because of my broken arm I had half year break.

2. Attend some kind of seminar.

3. Be in the best 3 in some competition

4. Acquire sport trainer licence.

5. Acquire motorbike licence, and buy some bike

A style is just a name.

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  • 4 months later...

Just over halfway thru! Already it seems. Just letting everyone review and assess progress. Not to mention let everyone who didn't get to join in do so.

So.....how is everyone doing?

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Wow... Where to begin? I guess I'm going to start by saying that I plan on grading for Shodan in about 1 year. I have a ton of work to do before then, but isn't that just the point?

That being said my goal time frame I'll say is July 2014 - July 2015.

Fitnesswise, I really want to start strength training and honestly bulking a bit. I have a gym membership that I use far too rarely. My cardio is fine.

I want to start training in a grappling art which compliments my karate well. At first I was seriously leaning towards BJJ, but after one class (which I truly enjoyed) I decided that there was just too much exchange of sweat between me and the other practitioners. The price was also far more than I'd originally expected. Presently I'm leaning towards Judo.

Another goal I want to achieve is just to push the junior belts in the dojo more. They're great, and always push themselves, but I feel like there's a lot more potential to be brought out in them from some peer encouragement.

To search for the old is to understand the new.

The old, the new, this is a matter of time.

In all things man must have a clear mind.

The Way: Who will pass it on straight and well?

- Master Funakoshi

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Mine are nice and simple for next year (as usual i'm using the KISS Principle - Keep It Simple Stupid)

1. compete in 4 major tournaments

2. attend my first karate camp

3. Propose to my girlfriend

4. be awesome

... well, how did it go?

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Glad you bumped this, tallgeese.

1. I'd like to get back into Combat Hapkido, and make at least one testing happen. I'm still waiting to see if I'll have a partner for this.

This hasn't happened yet, and I'm really not holding my breath on it. There is still an outside chance, so we'll see.

2. Continue to play a larger role in the Defensive Tactics class and club through the college here. This allows me to take time to learn knew things, and keep polished on my GRACIE skills.

This has been coming off really well. I was hitting the DT club workouts when college was in session pretty regularly, when my schedule was allowing it. The semester starts back up in August, and this trend should continue.

3. Attain certification in further defensive tactics training.

This should be happening after the second week of July. I will be attending a Police Krav Maga Instructor course July 6-11. As long as I pass muster, I should make the certification.

4. Hold at least two more training sessions for my department or other departments.

I have met this one, too. I just held a session June 27th, and have a plan to schedule a monthly session from now on, too.

So, half way through the year, and have 2 goals met, and one goal pending. Not too bad.

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  • 5 months later...

Well, here we are in December and 2014 is almost over. Now's the time to check in with our 2014 Goal and officially see how we did. So, I'll kick off with the below list from the beginning of the yearq:

So, after some consideration here's some thoughts on my 2014 Goals:

1) Continue my 3x per week average on the mats. I made it happen last year, I want to keep it going this year. It's not realistic to ask for more. I have family and work to adequately address as well. But keeping 3 should be do-able.

2) On the heels of this, additional workout time during the week on the weights and/or running. If I get to jits 4x in a week I'll let myself take a pass. But it I'm 3x in a week then I need another day (minimum) to do some extra fitness work. I've been slacking on this of late.

3) In addition to BJJ, I want to maintain my 1/ month deep work maintaining stand up. This lets me keep up my skill there while working in the new JKD material I've been exposed to in sparring.

4) Speaking of JKD, I want to get to at least 2-3 major seminars or in depth courses next year and 3-4 significant privates.

4a) I want as much of this as possible to focus on the FMA aspects of the art.

4b) I'd like to add classic trapping work to my toll box here. Most of my exposure is along the lines of functional trapping. Which is cool, but I'd like to see the source material.

5) On the jiu jitsu side of things, where I still want to spend most of my time, I'm gonna step out on a limb here...I hope to earn my black belt by the end of the 2014 year. That would be just over two years at brown. If I maintain the 3+ training sessions per week I should be on track to be ELIGIBLE for it. Like I said, might be tight on this one. But that's my goal. Obviously, I'll get there when my coach thinks I'm ready and that might not be 2014, but again, that's the goal.

6) One tournament this year. As busy as I am in and out of the arts it's asking a lot to get to regular tournies, but one should be do-able.

There they are. Now it's on paper, gotta stay at it now.

1- Done! Keep 3 per week in jits was easy and as it turned out, low. I ended up with a 4 average the second half of the year when I took over teaching duties and due to my cross training and independent work in other arts, probably had it prior to that as well.

2- Pretty much done. The second half of the year this was easy due to my training schedule. The first half, I augmented with form work out of PTK most of the time. While not really "fitness" focused, it certainly kept me moving.

3- Half. I did far more than that stand up. But almost all of that was weapons related work with PTK. So yes, I meet the letter, but not the spirit. When I wrote this I was looking at sparring and such.

4- Done. See 4a :lol:

4a- ALL of these were weapons related. Aside from taking my co instructors sessions at the Warriors Weekends I got into several PTK seminars and a regular training group. This is a form of Kali that is source material for some sects of JKD. I really have fallen in love with the art and shifted focus to it. That said, I spend two private session on Kalis Iliustrisimo as well, a different brand of kali.

4b- Total fail. I have not added a single bit of this to my stand up. As intrigued as I am by classic trapping, I'm afraid that the extra time that I'm sinking into PTK will override any desire I have to see this for the time.

5- And this is the big one. Done. I was awarded my BJJ black belt in November. Insert deep breath here.

6- Again, total fail. I went and coached at one but that was it. Between everything else the desire to do this just went away.

So that's it for me. Pretty successful as far as meeting my goals went. A couple misses but I can live with that. Somehow, I managed to do it without making my home or work life blow up AND kicked off a new gym in the process whose doors will be opening in January (yeah, looks like my 2015 goals are shaping up.)

So, not too bad, but as always, room for improvement. How did everyone else do?

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My goals this year:

1. I'd like to get back into Combat Hapkido, and make at least one testing happen. I'm still waiting to see if I'll have a partner for this.

2. Continue to play a larger role in the Defensive Tactics class and club through the college here. This allows me to take time to learn knew things, and keep polished on my GRACIE skills.

3. Attain certification in further defensive tactics training.

4. Hold at least two more training sessions for my department or other departments.

1. Failed on this one, but I knew it was kind of a longshot to begin with. My regular training partner has been out due to injury and stuff, but I think he is ready to go now. We might hit this next year.

2. Done. I've been pretty steady in attendance, when work allows it. I'm not sure how much my ground skills have improved, but I've been a part of what's going on, and the head instructor of the club recognizes me to the club as an instructor, which is kind of cool.

3. Done. I attended a Police Krav Maga instructor course, which added some nice stand-up to what I have to offer our officers.

4. Done. I've got another session scheduled in December, as well, and I also am working on making arrangements to have a scheduled day for each month at a consistent facility to offer training, as well. So hopefully next year I have monthly training for the departments scheduled.

3 out of 4 isn't too bad. Now I have to start planning for next year....

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This is always an interesting thread to look back on. Nice job, Alex and Brian.


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