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The MA Is Limited?!?!

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Is the MA [Martial Arts] limited?

Is 'Man' limited?

Could it be both!?!

If the MA is limited, then that is because 'man' is limited by nature.

Whereas, I believe, as well, that what composes the core of any given MA is qualified, and in that, the MA, as a system, is designed to be effective. Albeit, the MA has the inherent ability to be complete in its totality by its said creators!

If the MA is indeed limited, it's possible that it's our, the MAists, fault due to our misinterpretations, imho.

Please, your thoughts!!


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I think that Martial Arts is limited only by the Martial Artist. That it to say, if it is limited it is only because we impose limits on it. A person with the ability to find the limitless potential in a thing-in-itself (that being Martial Arts) will find no limits in any art they commit themselves to. I furthermore don't believe that any Martial Art is complete. Too much is left to interpretation for the old ones and modern creators constantly evolve their systems to fit their ideologies. Take Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu. Recently the Grand Master changed a move to fit better with what he thought the system should be. So no, I don't think that the Martial Arts are limited.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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I think everything has its limits. We as people, and any activities that we partake in. There are lots of different activities that we do as people throughout our days in order to complete our lives as we go along. As much as we enjoy the martial arts, they are limited, and therefore, we have to fill our lives with other activities, as well.

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Solid topic.

I think martial arts are limited in a sense, respectively.

For one reason, because each art has their individual(or multiple) focus and for the most part turn a blind eye to other facets of combat theory and development, many considering themselves complete and superior.

some systems are big on forging the spirit, while others on the submission, and yet others, eye gouges and striking of vital points. Not often in my experience are these characteristics of the same art.

Martial artists are not limited, or maybe they are but their limitations are self imposed. Maybe a martial artist is limited only when he stops learning, closes his mind to accepting new concepts. Maybe a martial artist is limited when they feel they have learned everything!!!!!

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We, the MAist, impune the limits intently and/or unintently, upon the said MA. We do it from the beginning of our MA journey, and as time goes on, some lose the fact that change, and what's better and what's suppose to be better isn't for ones betterment.

While we follow our Sensei's and the like, we must, imho, be captains of our ships as it moves through the said waters of their MA. Following isn't the same thing as learning from and acquiring along the way.

While I've competed in the past for many years, my karate-do ISN'T for competition, and in that, I kept my karate-do as pure as I could while competing, and I did this not for others or my Dai-Soke, but for myself, whenever it was appropriate to do so!!



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Martial artists are not limited, or maybe they are but their limitations are self imposed. Maybe a martial artist is limited only when he stops learning, closes his mind to accepting new concepts. Maybe a martial artist is limited when they feel they have learned everything!!!!!

I agree wholeheartedly with you here. We must empty our cups from time to time to look at new and different ideas and ways of doing things. Otherwise, we stagnate, and that is never a good thing.

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I think that Martial Arts is limited only by the Martial Artist. That it to say, if it is limited it is only because we impose limits on it. A person with the ability to find the limitless potential in a thing-in-itself (that being Martial Arts) will find no limits in any art they commit themselves to.

I completely agree with this.

To me the person is the limiting quality. The MA is an endless journey, which will be limited only by ones own commitment to and end goal.

The human mind is an extremely powerful thing, and individuals can achieve great things as evidenced by some extraordinary feats, if they have belief in their own abilities.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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All martial arts are limited by the scope of their purpose.

All man is limited by the scope of his ingenuity.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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All martial arts are limited by the scope of their purpose.

All man is limited by the scope of his ingenuity.

Now, that's an "Aha" right there; solid post!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I'm limited in that I can't do Shindokan as effectively as our Soke, but then again, I'm not suppose to be as effective as our Soke, no! I'm suppose to be even more effective. What Soke designed, from what he had, is quite effectively applied, and in that, I should be able to duplicate said technique, but when I do, it just doesn't look like it did when Soke did it.

Shindokan isn't limited; but I'm limited in that I am erred. However, the limits are only valid if my technique(s) aren't effective against said attacker at that very moment.

I can do it, Soke did it, Dai-Soke did it, Greg did it; but not as effectively as they should of or could have because our Shindokan is "OURS", and in that, the end result should matter over whom or whom isn't limited.


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